Su Xiaoxiao:"You guys."

Su Han was quite dumbfounded.

Xia Shizi:"Brother, I want to pursue you! Can you open the world permissions, let me enter your world, and give me such a chance?"

Nan Xiaoniao:"????"

Tushan Honghong:"……Miss Kasumigaoka, your integrity is gone."

Fallen Angel Twelve Winged Black Cat Clan:"!!!!"

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat:"Asshole, are you really serious?"

Wu Geng Liuli's cheeks bulged with anger.

Kasumi Shiko:"Ah, la la, I can already imagine Miss Black Cat looking like her hair is exploding. It's a pity that I can't see it with my own eyes. It must be a very interesting scene."

Yuan Dagu:"……"

Fengyuan:"Xia Shizi... is indeed a sinister woman."

Fengyuan's eyelids twitched, but she also felt clear in her heart.

Taoist real person Zhang Sanfeng:"I drew the lottery first. I don't know what I will get this time."

Zhang Sanfeng had a little expectation on his face.

"Ding! Taoist real person Zhang Sanfeng successfully obtained the divine power of Emperor Zhenwu through an unlimited lottery."

Old Master:"……Emperor Zhenwu, divine power?"

Zhang Zhiwei's expression was very subtle, with a hint of disbelief in his eyes.

Gudazi:"I remember that Emperor Zhenwu is the top immortal emperor in the upper world, right?"

Jackie Chan doesn't want to do archaeology:"He is one of the five great emperors in mythology, a very, very remarkable existence... The most important thing is that he is also the god worshiped by Wudang Mountain."

Doctor Roman:"Six six six six.""

Ernesti:"I found... Mr. Zhang Sanfeng also has super good luck."

Suzumiya Haruhi:"……Is there no point in discussing this now? It's better to ask first, what is it used for?"

Nan Xiaoniao:"Yes! Gods from different worlds, even if they have the same name...the difference in strength is huge."

Taoist real person Zhang Sanfeng:"Using it with all your strength can increase my combat power by 30%. The most important thing is that now if I want... I can ascend to heaven and forge heaven."


Himura Kenshin:"……If I remember correctly, Zhang Sanfeng and Qin Shihuang were in the same world, right?"

Jackie Chan didn't want to do archeology:"Yes, Zhang Sanfeng seems to be the national counselor of the Qin Dynasty."

Juibei Lingyin:"Could it be that... Zhang Sanfeng is going to break with Qin Shihuang and reopen the heaven from today on?"

First Emperor:"……"

Taoist real person Zhang Sanfeng:"……"

Taoist real person Zhang Sanfeng:"Do you think this kind of thing is possible?"

Zhang Sanfeng felt a little pain in his head.

Ayumi Aikawa:"Hahaha... That's right. Mr. Zhang Sanfeng doesn't look like the kind of person who wants to do tyrannical things!"

Jackie Chan didn't want to do archeology:"But if you think of Wudang Mountain to worship Emperor Zhenwu... wouldn't that be the case? From now on, Mr. Zhang Sanfeng will be my father, and I will sacrifice myself?"

Kurosaki Ichigo:"Six six six six"

"Ding! Bai Suzhen successfully obtained the innate divine status through an unlimited lottery. (High-level prehistoric world)"

"Ding! Fa Hai successfully obtained the inheritance of the Chunti Saint through an unlimited lottery."

"Ding! Queen Medusa successfully obtained the Great Dominion Avenue through the Unlimited Grand Lottery.

The guild fell into a brief silence, and then completely exploded.

Sakuragi said:"This lottery... is a blast."

Tony is not the richest man:"Yeah... I thought it was a special case that Zhang Sanfeng won the one next to Zhenwu Emperor... But now it seems that I am superficial."

White-bearded dad:"Gla la la la, it has been proven once again that the unlimited lottery without luck improvement is the best."

Kuroko Tetsuya:"The innate divine personage, the inheritance of the Zhunti saint, and the great master road...By the way, what is the Great Dominion Avenue?"

Heizizhe also fell into deep thought.

Su Xiaoxiao:"……You can think that after Dou Qi Continent, Ascension will go to a new world. And the Great Master is the top realm of that world!"

Kayaba Akihiko:"……I see."

Sawada Tsunayoshi:"Tianxiu. Hijikata Jushiro:"

Wait a minute... The realm of the Great Master is the top realm in that world, but what is the Great Master's Avenue?""

Hijikata Jushiro frowned, feeling a little incomprehensible.

Queen Medusa:"……"

Queen Medusa:"To put it simply, I have all the experiences of my current state and breakthrough to the Great Overlord state in my mind for no apparent reason... It's as if I have once broken through to the Great Overlord state."

Queen Medusa Looking dazed, she continued to speak in the union.

Queen Medusa:"It's incredible."

Yuan Dagu:"!!!!"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"……I have never seen this operation before."

Sakata Gintoki:"Yes, this is the first time I have encountered this type of mission reward... but it is a good thing for Queen Medusa."

Sakata Gintoki:"Bai Suzhen and Fahai...have drawn the power of a high-level mythical world?"

Bai Suzhen:"……"

Bai Suzhen:"Indeed... I have received the mission reward. The first moment I received it, my cultivation level improved by leaps and bounds. Now I am absorbing the energy between heaven and earth, and the absorption speed is too fast... I feel like I am absorbing it like this again. If you go on, there will be big problems."

Breakthrough is a good thing... But now the progress of the breakthrough, as well as the absorbed spiritual power, are approaching, which makes Bai Suzhen feel uneasy.

Ao Bing:"This is a normal thing, there is no need to panic."

Li Jing:"Indeed... you are an innate god from a high-level prehistoric world. Those kind of innate gods are basically born as immortals."

Yukinoshita Yukino :"Yes... and please pay attention to the high level. Obviously, the quality of the bloodline of gods and demons you drew exceeds that of your world... it is estimated that if you develop it by less than half... you can do whatever you want in your world."

Bai Suzhen:"……even so."

Bai Suzhen bit her lower lip, and the anxiety in her eyes became more intense.

Su Xiaoxiao:"I'm worried that my ability to break through and absorb is too great, so go directly to the guild's training room."


Dr. Roman:"……Does the guild training room still have such a function?

Nan Xiaoniao:"If you think about it carefully, there is no problem." It is true that you can practice properly in the guild training room, and the concentration of spiritual energy inside is also extremely terrifying, and no matter how you practice, this concentration of spiritual energy has never changed.……"

Tushan Honghong:"It's so terrifying."

Natsume:"That's how the guild... makes you recall one of its functions from time to time, and then you are shocked by it."

Natsume:"But in fact... the spiritual power is huge, and it is always present Maintaining a certain concentration, is it incredible to adjust the time ratio?"

Natsume was noncommittal.

Fahai:"Amitabha... Only today do we know what the true path of Buddhism is?"

Fahai was deeply moved. It was because I was so excited that I shed tears!

Is this the final realm of Buddha? If you hear the Tao in the morning, you will die in the evening.

Himura Kenshin:"……"

Horibei Ringtone:"……"

Jackie Chan didn't want to do archeology:"No... I also remembered the accurate questions from the ancient times to attract the two saints. I can only feel their deceitful nature."

Jackie Chan looked very subtle.

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