Kosaka Kyosuke:"Okay, Fahai, that's it. Show off the power of your eminent monk...yes, yes, use your magic weapon to hit Xiang Yu's head."

Kosaka Kyosuke:"Beautiful!"

Suzumiya Haruhi:"……"

Takasaka Kirino:"You think you're playing football?"

Takasaka Kirino's mouth twitched.

Gudazi:"I'm only curious about one thing."

Gudazi frowned.

Gudazi:"Fahai and Bai Suzhen are far from invincible in this world, but if they are the two of them, they can turn the court upside down."……"

Gudazi:"Then I'm really worried about the majesty of the imperial court in this world."

Taoist real person Zhang Sanfeng:"You misunderstood. The laws of this world are still very special. Dragon energy naturally restrains practitioners."

Taoist real person Zhang Sanfeng"The reason why the two of them are able to show their great power...is mainly because I cut off the chains of cause and effect on them, allowing them to transcend this world, so that this order cannot affect them."

Zhang Sanfeng stared at the words of the battle in front of him with emotion. Suddenly, a loud shout came from the distance,"Niubi Taoist priests, Buddhists are involved... How dare you! It's too presumptuous."

A tall man in the distance held a gold-chiselled gun and suddenly stabbed Zhang Sanfeng in the direction of Zhang Sanfeng. Come over.

Zhang Sanfeng frowned, and just glanced lightly. This majestic man suddenly felt as if he had been hit hard. The weapon in his hand was shattered, and his whole body spurted blood and flew into the distance.

Su Han suddenly laughed, looking a little amused

"What's wrong?"Zhang Sanfeng was a little confused.

"Do you know who that person is?"Su Han casually nodded at the majestic man.

"I don't know."Zhang Sanfeng shook his head very honestly.

"He is Xu Da, a fierce general of the Ming Dynasty." Su Han's lips curved,"He is barely of the same era as you."

"What?"Zhang Sanfeng was stunned for a moment, and after a long time, he nodded clearly. Although he was a little surprised, he had already adapted. After all, even

Xiang Yu from the Qin and Han Dynasties, Dian Wei and Zhang Fei from the Three Kingdoms period had met... What is impossible to happen?

Dr. Roman:"……"


Nan Xiaoniao:"……I don't know what to say anymore. I'm not fighting honestly with Bai Suzhen Fahai and the others, but I actually want to attack the president and the others? this."

Nan Xiaoniao couldn't laugh or cry. Isn't it good to be alive?

Tushan Honghong:"To be fair...if I were on the battlefield and saw a group of people participating in the battle, and others watching from the sidelines...I might also mistakenly believe that They are the weak point on this team."

Edogawa Conan:"It makes some sense, but it doesn't fit the situation before us. Conan shook his head, and then continued to speak.

Edogawa Conan:"It's a very simple reason. Zhang Sanfeng took action before and broke the long river of fate on Fahai... How much experience must Xu Da have before he can do it?" This kind of thing?"

Conan no longer knows what to say.

Fuyujian:"Alas... I have met Xu Da before in our world. He is a very witty and brave general."

Fuyujian:"The reason why he did that kind of thing before...maybe because he knew that the situation at the scene was too bad, and he was desperately looking for a breakthrough, right?"

Chu Zihang:"……"

Himura Kenshin:"It makes sense."

Jackie Chan doesn't want to do archeology:"!!!!!"

Jackie Chan suddenly realized something was wrong.

Jackie Chan didn't want to do archeology:"Wait a moment, isn't this right? Xu Da, Xiang Yu, Lu Bu... these are all famous generals in history.……"

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Family:"With the system, what is impossible?"

Jackie Chan didn't want to archeology:"I'm not surprised that these fierce generals appear... What I'm surprised about is that so many fierce generals gather together, even if it's normal. Can you kill all the enemies?"

Jackie Chan was puzzled and felt that this was very unreasonable.

Su Xiaoxiao:"It's normal... There are a total of 30,000 troops under the command of the time traveler. Although there are many generals, the strength is here."

Su Xiaoxiao:"You should say the other way around, with such a small number of troops Next, he was able to withstand the encirclement and suppression of several times the imperial army, and even the hostility of the world... he lived so freely. From this, we can imagine how strong the overall ability of the civil servants and generals under Xu Xian was……"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Not to mention, this world is a world where immortals and gods exist."

Jackie Chan didn't want to do archeology:"I see."

Jackie Chan suddenly realized.

The Twelve-Winged Black Cat of the Fallen Angel:"@MEDUSAQueen.@fahai.@白素贞. I can’t stand it anymore... I’d better remind you." The

Twelve-Winged Black Cat of the Fallen Angel:"Catch the thief first. To capture the king, killing the time traveler first is more important than anything else."

Wu Geng Liuli covered her face.

Tony is not the richest man:"Yes, yes, you are matched against each other... I feel that in your current situation, it is normal for you to fight for three to five days."

Fahai:"I can't help it, you can also see it....These people here are very strong. If I hadn’t broken free from the shackles of the world, we would have been defeated by now.……"

Fa Hai also had a trace of bitterness on his face, and his whole body was surrounded by brilliant golden light, blocking the swords and axes of several fierce generals. But then, a great Confucian forced him to split the golden light with a breath of Confucian righteousness.

Kayaba Akihiko:"……"

Koro-sensei:"It's too difficult."

Taichi Yagami:"The main reason is that I joined the guild too late."

Taichi Yagami looked a little emotional.

Yagami Taichi:"If they had joined the union early, I'm afraid they would be so powerful now that they could easily overwhelm the opponents on the scene, right?" The

Twelve-Winged Black Cat Family of the Fallen Angel:"This assumption makes no sense... No matter whether it's the Demon King or the Demon King. Or Mr. Zhang Sanfeng can kill the enemy instantly."

Su Xiaoxiao:"……Forget it, I wish you a helping hand."

There was a hint of speechlessness on Su Han's face. As he thought, the earth began to twist continuously, and then ninjas jumped out of the shadows one by one. They rushed towards the civil servants and generals and killed them like this.

These ninjas were Summoned by Su Han, enjoying Su Han's enhancement, the strength is much stronger than in the original work. In addition, there are too many, endless.

Even if they are in front of them are the best group of generals in history, for a while been delayed

"It's now."Fahai's face was cold. He seized the opportunity and killed Xu Xian.

Bai Suzhen sighed quietly and turned around to continue fighting with the ministers.

Medusa naturally also killed Xu Xian... After all, she also recalled at this moment, killing The time traveler can greatly improve the mission evaluation.

Even though Xu Xian was guarded by fierce generals, the number was too rare and could not stop the two. In the end, he was completely burned to death by Medusa using Qinglian Earth Core Fire.

"……What about the task notification sound?"Queen Medusa just breathed a sigh of relief, then frowned, feeling that something was not right.

Su Han took a step forward, appeared next to Queen Medusa, and glanced at her,"Stop all the enemies on the scene. Once everything is resolved, there you have it."

The next moment, a crisp prompt sounded next to Su Han's ear.

"Recycle the system? whether."

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