Su Han stared at the mission this time, thoughtfully. He completed the screenshot and sent it to the guild chat room.

Su Xiaoxiao:"This is the mission this time. (Screenshot)"

Tony is not the richest man:"Should I's natural?"

Yuan Dagu:"There is no fluctuation in my heart. I even feel that this is a very important thing. It's a normal thing."


Kousaka Kyosuke:"The rebel leader... tsk tsk, I think of Xu Xian's cowardly appearance in the copy of Chairman Fa's memory. And then think of his arrogant demon king appearance now... scalp hair Damn...this completely overturned my sense of Xu Xian."

Kousaka Kyosuke was very emotional at this moment.

Sakata Gintoki:"It's normal! You can tell by looking at the name. Xu Xian is naturally a fairy, but Xu Debiao... is domineering. At first glance, he looks like those bandits. In addition, with the help of the system, he can embark on this path. , isn’t it a matter of course?"

Yukinoshita Yukino:"……"

Gudazi:"What you said makes sense, but I am speechless."

Gui Yanye:"Countless coincidences must contain inevitability."

Hatsune Miku:"I am only worried that Bai Suzhen will not be able to turn around now. Coming around the corner?"

Bai Suzhen:"I don't know either."

Bai Suzhen's mood was extremely complicated at this moment. She went down the mountain with the idea of ​​​​gratifying her, but she happened to run into such a thing...

Although she is now The most important thing to do is to kill the time-traveler and avenge Xu Xian, which can be regarded as fulfilling the cause and effect... But in my heart, I still feel a little uncomfortable.

Su Xiaoxiao:"If you really think it's not possible, then you don't want to participate in this mission. Just watch from the sidelines."

Su Han was very calm. Whether Bai Suzhen participates in this mission or not, it doesn't matter.

Later, Su Han changed the topic.

Su Xiaoxiao:"Those who want to participate in the mission can start preparing now."

Xia Shizi:"Although, I don't think I can get it... but I still have to participate."

Let the world feel the pain:"Say Yes, the important thing is to participate?"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"Tsk tsk... Are you trying to focus on participating? You are clearly just trying to score points, you are despicable!"

Let the world feel the pain:"!!!!"

Let the world feel the pain:"You are the one who is despicable... I am clearly planning for that unlimited lottery."

Uzumaki Nagato said that he was not convinced.

Kousaka Kyosuke:"It's despicable to draw a lottery."

Kousaka Kirino:"Kousaka Kyosuke, you are not despicable, you are too despicable!"

Kousaka Kirino rolled his eyes and expressed great disdain for this.

Kousaka Kyosuke:"????"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"Have you ever spoken to your brother like this?"

Sakata Gintoki:"Tsk, tsk, today the Kousaka brothers and sisters are still hurting each other."

Su Han ignored the discussion in the guild and counted several times in his heart. After that, he suddenly spoke.

Su Xiaoxiao:"The snatching mission has officially begun."

After the words fell, a mission prompt popped up instantly.

"Ding! Guild President Su Xiaoxiao! Taoist real person Zhang Sanfeng! Queen Medusa has successfully participated in this mission."

The guild fell into a brief silence, and then there was an uproar.

Kurosaki Ichigo:"……Oh my god, is this mission so related to snakes?

Izumi Sagiri:"Yes... Bai Suzhen is Miss White Snake, and Queen Medusa is also the Queen of Snake People. Wait a minute... Didn't I remember that Queen Medusa was still shedding her skin a few days ago?""

Izumi Sagiri suddenly realized something was wrong.

Queen Medusa:"I have successfully shed my skin now and can participate in the mission at any time."

Medusa looked complicated. She had been joining the guild for a while, and she had seen many guild members soaring into the sky because of mission rewards, so she was naturally looking forward to it. But she didn't expect... that she could actually smoke.中.

Su Xiaoxiao:"Why are you thinking so much? Get ready for the mission."

Su Han smiled hoarsely, stood up directly, and clicked to officially participate in the mission.

A brilliant light lingered around his body, and when the light dissipated, Su Han's figure naturally disappeared.


At the same time, White Snake spreads around the world.

Bai Suzhen was riding a boat on the West Lake, her brows slightly furrowed, her eyes filled with worry, uneasiness and thinking,"Xu Xian...the world's rebel leader""

"Moreover, if what the people in the union say is true. This time, my encounter with Xu Xian may have been a trap set up by the gods and Buddhas... Then why did Xu Xian embark on the road of rebelling against the thief, but no one guided me to meet him again?"Bai Suzhen's mind is in a mess.

"Who said there is no one to guide you?"A gentle voice suddenly sounded. Brilliant brilliance rose up beside Bai Suzhen, and the figures of Su Han, Zhang Sanfeng, and Medusa emerged.

"you are?"Bai Suzhen was a little surprised. After all, she had just joined the guild and didn't know many people.

"I'm Su Han." Su Han smiled hoarsely. He turned on the guild's live broadcast, then looked at Zhang Sanfeng and said softly,"By the way, should you do it or should I?

Just when Bai Suzhen was wondering what the two were talking about, Zhang Sanfeng sighed leisurely,"It's me... After all, I want you to do it?" Just relying on the Xitian Buddhism in this world is not enough."

Zhang Sanfeng flicked his palm gently in the void in front of him, and the void in front of him was shattered. A muffled groan sounded. A bright light was rising, it was the light of Buddha. Master Guanyin fell from the void, and there was blood blooming on his white clothes.

"Who are you?"Master Guanyin stared closely at Zhang Sanfeng. There was a terrifying aura circulating around her body. It was too sacred and the sky changed color.

But at this moment, Master Guanyin was actually very frightened because she felt that her injuries could not be healed....This is a Dao injury... She can't even imagine how terrifying it would be to create a Dao injury with just a flick of her fingers.

"Master Guanyin."Bai Suzhen's expression changed dramatically, but before she could say anything else, Zhang Sanfeng spoke slowly,"Bai Suzhen... we're safe. No matter what plans you and the Buddhists behind you have, or whether Heaven is involved... give it up."

Zhang Sanfeng exuded endless brilliance. With a gentle pull of his palm, a vast river of time emerged in front of him.

There were countless scenes in this long river of time, which were the past and the future. Vaguely... this In the long river of time, there are tiny chains connected to Bai Suzhen... Even Master Guanyin vaguely felt that there were chains connected to him.……

"This is!"Bai Suzhen looked a little dazed.

Zhang Sanfeng didn't speak. He squeezed his palm gently, and with a crisp sound, the river of time in front of him automatically collapsed.

Master Guanyin was stunned in place. After a long time, he turned his head, Staring at Zhang Sanfeng in disbelief.

She was no longer as vigilant as before, and her voice was trembling,"You... no, what on earth did you... do?"

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