The terrifying blood energy is erupting, and the extremely powerful ancient supreme is resurrecting and going to attack.

In the starry sky of the universe, the young man showed an extremely bright smile, and his voice was clear and clear,"I have been waiting for you for a long time." The immortal song of transcending tribulations bloomed with all its strength.

At this moment, the killing power that exploded increased by several percent compared to before. Even an imperial master in his peak period may be on the verge of death if he is not careful, let alone an ancient supreme master who has not yet been sublimated. His body exploded on the spot.

The ancient supreme being whose body exploded is recovering and his vitality is improving. He realized that he had fallen into a trap. This young man was as cunning as a fox. Even though the young man was so strong before, it was still not his full strength.

The Ancient Supreme roared angrily,"You bastard... you deserve to die.""

"After all, there is a lot missing. If I had a weapon! You are already dead."The handsome young man sighed quietly, and then his eyes were as bright as stars. He stretched out his hand in the direction of Ye Hei, and said in a soft voice,"Use the cauldron!"

Ye Hei did not hesitate and threw out the Heavenly Emperor Cauldron in his hand. A terrifying and brilliant brilliance erupted, and the gods in it were completely revived.

In the hands of the sick old man, this cauldron is the real Heavenly Emperor Cauldron, showing the undoubted The oppressive force can swallow up all the stars in the vast universe, and can also suppress the emperor at the peak of refining.

This master of the imperial way has not even had time to fully sublimate, and was easily swallowed by him into the cauldron, and then completely Refining.

The blazing thunder light fell from the sky, and the sick old man took a deep breath and swallowed everything. Ordinary enlighteners will inevitably suffer serious injuries when faced with thunder tribulation. However, these iron laws do not seem to exist in him.

Officially After surviving the terrifying thunder tribulation, the aura on his body exploded to the extreme, matching the mark of Tianxin. In the vast universe, all those who had reached a certain level of strength could sense it, and their expressions changed drastically. Some saints burst into tears. , kowtow in the direction of the sick old man

"It's the Great Emperor...the Great Emperor of my human race!"

"This era, this post-ancient era! Apart from Qing Emperor, there is actually a second ancient emperor."

"Damn...I haven't grown up yet! If I grow up, I will be qualified to compete for the legendary throne... Why does this happen? I'm not willing to give in!"

"Time and destiny... whatever! Maybe this era doesn’t belong to me after all."

"That direction seems to be... the Emperor Burial Star! Come to think of it, many great emperors from ancient times to the present have attained enlightenment in that place. There are even many ancient emperors from other places who visited the star field in their later years."

"Is there a new emperor? Just touch my old bones! Go and meet this emperor of the new era."

The sick old man looked heroic, with the Heavenly Emperor's Cauldron on his head, and he walked through the forbidden areas one after another, and he was extremely domineering.

All the forbidden area supremes were silent, and they were so suppressed that they couldn't breathe. This is different from the original work of One Hand Covering the Sky. After all, The Road to Immortality has not yet appeared, let alone that this one has the appearance of the Qing Emperor. If there is a real fight, the side of the forbidden land wins in the end... The sick old man can at least drag the three ancient supreme beings on the road, and remove Dead, I don’t know how many Forbidden Land Supremes will be exhausted and unable to survive the next few years... The Forbidden Land Supreme who died just now is enough to wake them up.

"No one can fight!"The sick old man's posture was transcendent, with a Taoist tone, not a sarcasm, he said it naturally, it was from the heart. But it was also more exciting... But at this moment, he was determined to shrink his head, no matter Silent

"Whatever!"The sick old man did not comment. He turned around and walked on the vast Hongguang Avenue. Accompanied by Dao Tianyin, one after another the mythical beasts from the ancient wilderness period appeared, all of which were composed of traces of the Dao.

He came to Ye Hei and handed the cauldron back to , seriously,"The commotion is so big... you can only stay with me for a while. When the limelight is over, you can be born again!"

"……I think so too."Ye Hei said with a wry smile. Then he turned off the guild's live broadcast room.

After a brief silence, the guild was in an uproar.

The Fallen Angel Twelve Winged Black Cat Clan:"Six six six six six!"

Tony is not the richest man:"It turns out that the best way to help Ye Hei to cause something bigger?"

Tony is not the richest man:"This operation is too cool! I learned it, I really learned it."

Tony Stark rubbed his chin, his expression very subtle and wonderful.

Yuan Dagu:"What should I do if the ancient supreme has targeted Ye Hei? The sick old man said there was no need to panic! If he kills an ancient supreme being, then the rest will be honest."

Kosaka Kyosuke:"But let me be honest... The sick old man is really too domineering! I even think it’s inappropriate to call him a sick old man now.……"

The sick old man:"This is my name in the guild, and it doesn't matter if you call me that."

Sakata Gintoki:"I really think that the posture shown by the sick old man now is no less than that shown by Emperor Ye Tian in the future.……"

Sakata Gintoki expressed sincere emotion.

Sakata Gintoki:"This kind of sweeping invincibility and unparalleled tyranny is so powerful!"

The sick old man:"After all, there is a lot of difference between me and Emperor Ye Tian." The sick old man is very clear about the power he possesses, and explained it in the guild.

The sick old man:"Emperor Ye Tian was able to penetrate the heart of heaven and become the Dao in the era of emperors...but I have been suppressed by the Qing Emperor's Dao for a long time. I have been suppressed for a lifetime!"

The sick old man sighed with emotion.

Yukinoshita Yukino:"That's not the case."

Yukinoshita Yukino continued to speak after a brief silence.

Yukinoshita Yukino:"Emperor Golden Crow, can he compare with Emperor Qing?"

Aisaka Taiga:"……"

Gudazi:"Pfft hahahaha, the Golden Crow Emperor is lying dead for no reason."

Sirzechs:"The most miserable ancient emperor in history, how can he get his reputation in vain? (I laughed to death.jpg)"

The sick old man:"……And I want to kill the ancient supreme being, it’s not that easy! The one I killed before was because of the help of the Heavenly Emperor Cauldron, plus that guy was careless at first."

The sick old man:"If there are three of the remaining Forbidden Land Supreme Beings (Wang Haohao) who have reached the highest level and come to surround and kill me... Even with the Heavenly Emperor Cauldron, I guess I can barely save one life in the end."

Izumi Sagiri:"????"

Dr. Roman:"……"


Kousaka Kyosuke:"You're such a pretense, I'll give you eighty-two points! The rest will be given to you in the form of six-six-six."

Ernesti:"Then I'll give you ninety-nine points! One less point I'm afraid that you are too arrogant."

Nan Xiaoniao:"Yes... the three supreme beings are extremely sublime, which is equivalent to the three ancient emperors at their peak."

Nan Xiaoniao:"There are three masters of this level. Besieging you, you are already very strong even if you don't die... After all, the time for those supreme beings to ascend is limited. If they stay up for too long, they might just transform themselves on the spot!"

Nan Xiaoniao covered his face.

Nan Xiaoniao:"You are well-deserved for one against three. And you have just been enlightened! What else are you dissatisfied with?"_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation

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