Nagato Yuki:"Since Suzumiya Haruhi agrees. Then I will reconsider!"

Nagato Yuki remained expressionless, saying that he only needed to do his job as an observer.

Sun Wukong:"Hahahaha...that way there will be a lot more strong people, right? I have no problem! Whatever Mr. Quan Wang says is whatever he says."

Su Xiaoxiao:"Okay, since you all agree."

Su Han didn't Let’s talk more and enter the World Fusion column. Then the two worlds were stretched together and clicked to officially merge.

With a ding sound, a task ejected.


Mission name: Kill the time traveler. Time traveler name: Fusu.

Introduction to the traveler: In his early years, he traveled through time and became the son of Ying Zheng in the Qin Dynasty. After inheriting the throne of Da Qin, he embarked on a path of true invincibility. Unify the country vigorously, implement the idea that I am the country, and extend its tentacles into the endless diverse world. Now he has swallowed up ninety-eight big worlds and integrated them into his own body. Now he has set his sights on the newly born world, preparing to turn it into the ultimate number.

Warning: This time traveler's cultivation level is extremely terrifying. He practices fantasy magic and is now able to break through destiny and the long river of time and space at will. Update 05 Change the past history! Attack powerful enemies in the future.

Mission requirements: Completely kill this time traveler.

Mission restrictions: Only two members are allowed to participate at the same time (robable mission mode).

Mission reward: 400,000 points, an unlimited lottery (40% luck improvement), and the repairs on his body a random method


Su Han's eyelids twitched several times. After a brief silence, he completed the screenshot and sent it to the guild chat room.

Su Xiaoxiao:"Everyone in the guild, let's judge this mission. (Screenshot)"

Nakiri Erina:"!!!!"

Xiao Meiyan:"????"

Let the world feel the pain:"This may be... the First Emperor sheds tears." kin:"@石皇 come on, come out and express your feelings!"

Shihuang:"……I don't need you Aite, my eyes are not blind."

Ying Zheng stared closely at this mission, his expression became complicated. Was his eldest son in another world taken away from him?

He thought of his son Fusu, and sighed faintly.

Fortunately, His own world has been integrated with Zhang Sanfeng's world, and the possibility of invasion by time travelers has been reduced to a minimum. If his own son in his world was taken away, then the trouble would be really big... After a brief silence

, Ying Zheng spoke in the guild.

The First Emperor said:"As expected of my son!"

Tony is not the richest man:"????"

Yuan Dagu:"Looking confused.jpg"

White-bearded dad:"……"

The Fourth Hokage:"I... can't refute."

Kurosaki Ichigo:"I recognized you instantly. Emperor, when did you turn into a white beard?"

Whitebeard's father:"Gla la la la, learn how to recognize me. What's wrong? This is not a bad thing."

Emperor Shihuang:"I have no intention of imitating Whitebeard! It's just that that guy is indeed my son." kin:"Stupid.jpg"

Xiao Zhizhi:"I really want to Swearing, I have never seen such a shameless person! But if you think about it carefully, he seems to be telling the truth?"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"First Emperor Six Six Six!"

Sakata Gintoki:"I am the only one paying attention to this time. Is there a point reward for the mission? 400,000 points! Oh my god, I have never seen a reward with so many points. From this, you can imagine how strong the enemy is this time!"

Sakata Gintoki:"My scalp is numb.jpg"

Yukinoshita Yukino:"Aren't you talking nonsense?"

Yukinoshita Yukino responded mercilessly.

Yukinoshita Yukino:"This guy has already devoured and refined ninety-eight worlds. And the last one to be refined is a high-level world like the fusion of the Magic Index and the Dragon Balls! You don't have to think about how difficult it is to deal with.."

The sick old man:"He stands on the long river of time and destiny...change the past! Attack the enemy of the future."

The sick old man repeated the warning in his heart, and he was sincerely impressed.

The sick old man:"This person's strength has indeed reached an unimaginable level. Even the Red Dust Immortal does not have such taboo methods."

Su Xiaoxiao:"Indeed... this kind of method belongs to the realm of the Immortal King!"


Sirzechs:"The president really broke the big news out of the blue."

Su Xiaoxiao:"Of course... I just said that this method belongs to the realm of the Immortal King. It does not mean that this guy's cultivation level is that of the Immortal King. Domain. It is possible that his realm is lower, but because of the special nature of time travellers, he has this method in advance. It is also possible that his cultivation level will be higher. This is just his basic method."

Su Xiaoxiao:"Anyway You just need to be well prepared."

Ayumi Aikawa:"Shivering."

Ernesti:"Don't dare to speak."

Doctor Roman:"I only saw it! Mission restrictions. Only two members are allowed to participate at the same time? (vomiting blood.jpg)"

Dr. Roman:"Two members participate in a hammer! After removing the president, there is only one place left?"

Ernesti:"What does this have to do with you?"

Al Nesti rolled his eyes.

Ernesti:"Look at the description of this enemy. At least the boss of the first stage of the guild needs to take action! In order to be able to play against him, right?"

Doctor Roman:"……Although it is a bit of a blow to my self-confidence! But if you think about it carefully, this is indeed the truth."

Nan Xiaoniao:"Looking at the rewards for this mission... I was suddenly curious, what kind of skills did this guy practice? Tushan Honghong:"

It shouldn't be a simple 050!" After all, his own cultivation level has reached the sky."

Taoist real person Zhang Sanfeng:"Actually, I feel that this time traveler is quite unlucky."

Zhang Sanfeng sighed deeply.

Taoist real person Zhang Sanfeng:"Think about it, Dragon Ball! Haruhi Suzumiya! A Certain Magical Index! These are three high-level worlds in themselves. Accelerator is originally a strong man of the first level. He is stationed in the world of Magical Index."

Taoist real person Zhang Sanfeng:"Miss Suzumiya, Miss Misaka and Miss Shirai! Because of their own special characteristics, they are able to exert a combat effectiveness close to the first level in that world... Coupled with the extremely powerful Quan Wang……"

Chu Zihang:"……"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"A macho man sheds tears.jpg"

Horikita Suzune:"It's so tragic! It's so miserable that I don't know what to say."

Magical Girl Nanoha:"You also overlooked one thing... that That's it! Is it possible to prove that the time traveler is very strong, stronger than the first level of the guild? It is indeed possible."

Batman:"However, even if he is this exception... there will be a guild leader who will kill him. Suppress him to death."

Batman suddenly said this, causing the guild to fall into silence again.

Kosaka Kirino:"And if his strength is similar to that of the first-tier guild boss...emmm..."

Kosaka Kirino:"I feel that apart from the president, the other member participating in this mission is probably also a first-tier member.……"_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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