Yukinoshita Yukino:"So why don't you ask Miss Huang Rong what the item she drew does?"

Huang Rong:"Actually, it's nothing. It's just invulnerable to all attacks. Can you protect me?"

Huang Rong:"The other thing is, can you deduce secrets?"

Huang Rong:"It seems amazing, but the key problem is! My current strength is completely unable to activate... Even if he recognizes me Lord."

Aisaka Taiga:"……"


Jackie Chan didn't want to do archeology:"It's precisely because I recognize you as my master now and I can't be influenced by you, that's why I look so strong."

Gudazi:"Yes, recognizing you as my master is the biggest benefit."

Saze Kes:"Do you think I'm envious? Yes! My eyes are red with envy."

Hatsune Miku:"Brother... don't say that! Your character has completely collapsed."Zero Nine-Three""

Kousaka Kyosuke:"After joining the guild...who is still serious? They are all a bunch of teases."

Fallen Angel Twelve Wings Black Cat Clan:"My father won't be happy if you say that."

Tony is not the richest man:"Faced with Kosaka Kyosuke's remarks, the old Marquis silently clicked"Hi!" to express his determination to defend his majesty and dignity to the death."

I am a Marquis:"……"

"Ding! The Jiu Sword Immortal doesn’t like drinking and successfully obtains the Sword of Xuanyuan through the lottery roulette!"

"Ding! Nuwa's descendants successfully obtained the Emperor Wa's law through the lottery roulette."

Xia Shizi:"!!!!"

Kuroko Shirai:"……"

The Fourth Hokage:"The Emperor Wa's Method! And... the Xuanyuan Sword?"

The Fourth Hokage:"I know the Emperor Wa's Method... it should be the method practiced by Nuwa? But the Xuanyuan Sword is……"

A look of confusion appeared on Namikaze Minato's face.

Jackie Chan didn’t want to do archeology:"It’s one of the high-level artifacts in Yanhuang mythology! Emperor Xuanyuan’s most precious weapon."

The Jiujianxian doesn’t like drinking:"……"

Jiujianxian doesn’t like drinking:"I actually got this treasure……"

Jiujianxian doesn’t like drinking:"……"

Jiuxianxian doesn't like drinking:"I will take this sword to my senior brother now. I want to see if he can deduce the art of heaven and earth on his own! Reveal the true origin of my sword. (Hahahaha.jpg )"

The pure white elf envoy:"!!!"

Let the world feel the pain:"Poor Dugu Sword Master."

Kosaka Kirino:"Yeah, it was just a show off by the president and others before... Even his junior brother didn't let him go. I want to see it. The expression on his worldview has collapsed!"

Kirishima Touka:"It's really hard to imagine that the swordsman who was calm and calm had his worldview collapsed."

Taoist real person Zhang Sanfeng:"But haven't you seen it once before?" kin:"That's reasonable."

Kousaka Kyosuke:"You guys are so narrow-minded! I'm afraid your heart will be black when you dig it out... Please be sure to take one with me."

Kurosaki Ichigo:"The slashing knife in my hand I almost couldn't control it! Accidental injury."

Ayumi Aikawa:"Don't panic, we really cut him! Put him into enemy clothes, and then put a white cloth over his head. Just follow the usual routine! (Funny.pg )"

Whitebeard's father said:"I am only thinking about the emperor's law now. Is this related to the Emperor Wa's scriptures?"

Whitebeard's brows furrowed.

Yuan Dagu:"Yes... I seem to remember that the last time Zhao Ling'er got a Nuwa scripture, right?"

Yuan Dagu always felt that the groove was stuck in his throat, and he couldn't spit it out.

The Jiujianxian doesn’t like drinking:"@nuwa descendants. Wouldn’t it be better to let her speak for herself?"

Nuwa’s descendants:"There’s not much difference... It seems that the Nuwa scriptures were created by Emperor Wa Dharma. Is the Emperor Wa’s Dharma a natural law given to Nuwa by God? There doesn’t seem to be much difference."

Sakata Gintoki:"……"


Aisaka Taiga:"On the surface, it sounds like there really isn't much difference."

Jackie Chan doesn't want to do archeology:"……"

Taoist real person Zhang Sanfeng:"The difference is huge!"

Taoist real person Zhang Sanfeng:"Xiao Ling'er, have you seen any changes in your body now?"

Nuwa's descendant:"I seem to have some strange things in my body. Blood, and bones... If I close my eyes, I seem to be able to feel the special scripture imprints engraved on these blood and bones... I can't quite understand them."


Chu Zihang:"……"

Liu Peiqiang:"So that's it, innate method! Is it to make your innate physical fitness closer to that of Nuwa?"

Liu Peiqiang's expression changed drastically after he realized what he was doing.

Liu Peiqiang:"Wait! Nuwa is an innate god and demon."

Kosaka Kyosuke:"Don't say it, it's just awesome."

Aikawa Ayumu:"I remember Zhao Ling'er was originally a descendant of Nuwa? Now this is it! The bloodline group comes Upgraded?"

Batman:"The prizes in the lottery this time are very good."

Batman narrowed his eyes thoughtfully.

Tsuchima:"The last one, President! It's time for you to come out and take a shower."

Lelouch:"Yes, the President hasn't smoked yet."

Su Xiaoxiao:"Okay... then I'll do whatever I want Let's take a look."

Su Han was noncommittal, then an idea came to his mind

"Ding! Guild president Su Xiaoxiao successfully obtained the Four Innate Killing Swords through the lottery roulette! (Prehistoric Tongtian Cult Master Version)"

The guild fell into a brief silence.

Fujiwara Sawei:"……"


Sakuragi Hanamichi:"!!!!"

Kuroko Tetsuya:"Prehistoric...the four innate killing swords of Master Tongtian? I only know a little bit about the Yanhuang mythology...I remember this seems to be it."

After Kuroko Tetsuya thought for a moment, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Kuroko Tetsuya:"No, right?"

Kirishima Touka:"That's probably the one who can't! Oh my god." Jackie Chan didn't want to do archeology:"The legendary innate spiritual treasure... the four swords combined into one can rival the real An innate treasure! And its lethality is at the forefront among the innate treasures."

Sawada Tsunayoshi:"Am I misunderstanding? Why do I feel that all the 2.4 mission rewards this time are related to the prehistoric times."

Sawada Tsunayoshi was a little confused.

Sakura Kinomoto:"……This is obviously not an illusion. Hijikata

Jushiro:"It's normal. The two worlds that are merged this time are Legend of Sword and Fairy and Legend of the Condor Heroes." The world of Legend of Sword and Fairy contains the ancient mythical Nuwa, so it is very reasonable for the prizes to be drawn from items of this type. Jackie Chan didn't want to do archeology:"

What a hammer... what I drew is a product of the prehistoric world!" Don’t you know what prehistoric times are?"

Chen Long expressed that he was not happy with this remark.

Jackie Chan did not want to do archeology:"The world level of Legend of Sword and Fairy is far from that of the prehistoric times.……"

The next moment, two notification sounds suddenly popped up.

"Ding! The sick old man has joined the Super Dimension Guild"

"Ding! Ye Hei has joined the Super Dimension Guild."_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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