Nayako:"Although I agree with Mr. Yato's point of view...but I still have to give it a try! Even if you are really dead, the president can save you from hell with just a snap of his fingers. The disco pops up again."

Kuroko Shirai:"……"

Pure white elf:"……"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"That's too rude! But I know it's the truth."

Su Xiaoxiao:"emmm... Do you think of me as a tool?"

Su Han raised his eyebrows. After thinking for a moment, he A thought

"Ding! Naiyako has been banned for ten minutes."

Kaitou Kidd:"Six six six six."

Edogawa Conan:"Nayako... really likes to seek death."

I am a Marquis:"I remember, the early days of the guild! The person who likes to seek death very much is Tony Stark... He has matured now. well."

The old Marquis was quite regretful.

I am a Marquis:"It would be great if he was silenced as often as before!"

Tony is not the richest man:"?"

Kawabu:"Pfft hahahaha...Mr. Stark is confused now! Can this drag him down?"

Su Han laughed dumbly and looked up at the battlefield. Dorag had the absolute upper hand at this moment. Hatsuda Yu has already 800 coated his Susanoo with a layer of armed domineering, but it is still useless.

Even if people in the guild complain about being weak, this is still relative.

Storm and thunder surrounded Dolag, and his armed domineering energy wrapped around his body, and the Tyrant's territory spread out. He used his sense of perception to sense the weakest point in Hatsuda Yu's body, and took action suddenly.

Susanoo exploded, and Hatsuda Mi's chest was penetrated.

"What a monster beyond imagination."Hatsuda Yu opened his mouth, blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, but he laughed,"But, do you think this is the end?"

"Next, are you going to use Izanagi to resurrect your own life?"Dolag said expressionlessly.

"how do you know?"Hatsuda Yu's expression froze, his eyes protruded, and he stared at Hatsuda in disbelief. His backhand was completely exposed by the other party... Coupled with the fact that Dorag's expression was very indifferent at the moment, Chuda Yu suddenly felt a sense of indifference. bad feeling

""Do you know," Dorag said slowly,"the sealing technique in the Naruto world?""

The dense black sealing technique (aede) spread continuously from Hatsuda's pierced chest, and finally wrapped around his body. A trace of panic appeared on Hatsuda's face, and he felt that the sealing technique had sealed his body. The Eternal Kaleidoscope also sealed the chakra in his body

" can it be?" Hatsuda Yu's voice became lower and lower, and he continued to pass by. In the end, he died completely.

"I will accept your eyes."Dorag's palm gently brushed Hatsuda Yu's eyes. His eyes were closed, and the pair of eternal kaleidoscopes were sent into the system warehouse by Dorag.

A crisp mission prompt suddenly sounded.

"Ding! The guild mission has been completed! Guild President Su Xiaoxiao received 50,000 points! Monster Sage gets 10,000 points. Horaishan Kaguya received five thousand points. Let the world feel the pain and get 5,000 points. Dolag gets 130,000 points"

"Mission accomplished."Su Han spoke with some emotion. He snapped his fingers, and the world suddenly returned to its original state.

Then, he took a step forward and appeared directly beside Dorag.

A clear voice suddenly sounded next to Su Han. ringing in ears

"System presence detected! Is it recycled? whether"

"certainly!"Su Han nodded without hesitation, and a crisp tone suddenly sounded.

"Ding! Congratulations on successfully earning 200,000 points"

"200,000? fair enough."Su Han nodded thoughtfully. The number of points is as good as the points awarded by the guild. In this way, there is no need to worry about the distribution issue later.

Su Han and Dorag descended from the sky. Dorag looked around , suddenly felt a little embarrassed. He looked at Yakumo Murasaki and Horaiyama Kaguya, and said solemnly,"I'm sorry... for causing great harm to your world."

Although Su Han had used measures to prevent casualties before, he did not prohibit Dorag from destroying the buildings. So at this moment, there was a mess in all directions. Only the uninjured people stood blankly on the ruins, looking around all around

"This is not Gensokyo. You can sink the entire island into the sea! I wouldn't have a problem with it either."Yakumo Purple covered her face with a folding fan and laughed.

Horaishan Kaguya glanced at Yakumo Purple speechlessly, but then looked at Dorag and nodded seriously,"Don't worry......On this point, Yakumo Murasaki and I are of the same mind."

"We should leave first, otherwise we will be entangled by the officials of this world. Although it is no problem, it always feels like it will be very troublesome."Yakumo Purple raised her hand and condensed the gap.

Uzumaki Nagato raised his head and glanced at the densely packed helicopters flying over from the distance. He nodded in agreement, and then stepped into them. Su Hanhe Dorag looked at each other, smiled, and then entered.

In the center of Yakumo's residence.

Yakumo Lan respectfully poured tea for the people in front of him, and then waited quietly aside.

"The mission is accomplished, and I am not prepared to stay in this world for long."Su Han first distributed the 200,000 points, then finished the tea and looked at the other people beside him,"What do you think?"

"My thoughts are the same as yours!"Drag nodded with deep understanding.

Uzumaki Nagato didn't speak, but seeing him drink all the tea in one go, you could tell his specific thoughts.

"They didn't even give us a chance to entertain us. I really felt super ashamed."Yakumo Murasaki's voice was so soft that people couldn't help but feel soft. However, the group of people in front of them all knew Yakumo Purple's nature, and they all stared at her expressionlessly.

"Ah la la, she is still an 18-year-old girl, how can she look at her like this?"Yakumo Zi suddenly became very embarrassed.

"Then I'll take my leave now, Zima!"Su Han spoke without any emotion.

He closed his eyes and clicked on the official return button. A brilliant brilliance enveloped the bodies of the people present. When the brilliance dissipated, their figures also disappeared.

Yakumo Purple's expression Stiff, staying in place.

Horaishan Kaguya burst into laughter, and then used the power of Eternal Moment to leave quickly. After all, if she didn't leave, she might become Yakumo Murasaki's punching bag.

After a brief silence, Yakumo Murasaki looked around, and finally stared at Yakumo Blue, who was shivering in the corner._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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