The world of Sword and Fairy is in an ordinary thatched house.

Jiujianxian crossed his arms and stared at the special computer made of bamboo in front of him with a serious face. As for Thor, he was fumbling with the computer at the moment, cursing.

"What's the use of this crappy computer? There aren't even games in's so rubbish. The garbage is beyond my imagination!"

"game?"Jiujianxian fell into deep thought, what is that thing? Could it be that it is the main function of this special thing called a computer? So, the thing in front of him is actually a incomplete version.

Just as Jiujianxian was thinking While graceful, a brilliant brilliance rose up. Then, the figures of Su Han and others appeared one by one.

Ao Bing's hair fell casually behind his back, and there was a small and exquisite dragon horn in front of his forehead. He has now been given to the Dragon Clan. A new world has been created, separated from the original world, so there is no need to hide one's identity. Compared with before, life is much happier and freer.

Kayaba Akihiko is wearing a white coat and looks like an ordinary researcher. , but he carries two big swords on his back. This makes his temperament very abnormal.

"The computers of this era must have been manufactured for the further development of technology! How could there be a game in it?"Kayaba Akihiko let out a long sigh and stared at Thor with a speechless face,"And if you want to play games, you can go directly to the guild to play. Why do you have to stare at this ordinary computer? Thor

's body froze, and after reacting, he touched his nose and said,"It seems so.""

Suddenly, the atmosphere seemed a little awkward.

"Where are the enemies?"Ao Bing turned his head and stared at Jiujianxian with a low voice.

"The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult and Li Tianxun... should be near the lake where the water monster is imprisoned now."The Wine Sword Immortal replied.

After Thor thought for a while, he added,"They should have mastered the method of reviving the water monster now! Even...I saw them pouring a lot of strange substances into the lake...Based on various circumstances, the water monsters should be strengthened by them."

"Is this routine operation?"Su Han shrugged, and then he started the guild's live broadcast. In just one breath, Se Baqi locked onto the enemy's tracks. He immediately snapped his fingers, and the void in front of him collapsed,"Let's go directly.!"

Kayaba Akihiko and Ao Bing naturally had no objections. But a trace of hesitation appeared on Jiu Jianxian's face. Finally, he gritted his teeth and said softly,"Well... I won't go with you. I plan to go to the Wuhuang Palace first, and then pick up Zhao Ling'er."

"Then I'll go with you too!"

After Thor thought for a moment, he immediately patted his chest and said,"I came to this world to help you in the first place! If there is no task now, I will leave you to complete the task."

Although Thor looks rude, he is actually very generous and loyal.

"Thank you!"Jiu Jianxian spit out two words gently. The gratitude in his heart is difficult to describe in words, but he didn't say too much, so he kept it in his heart.

"Then let's split up into two groups!"Don't mind, he stretched out his finger and pointed it at the other side. Time and space collapsed again and condensed into a brand new passage.

This is the passage leading to the Witch King's Palace. Su Han stepped into the passage leading to the Lake of Water Monsters, Yan , Ao Bing followed closely.

Jiujianxian and Thor looked at each other, and Thor thought for a while and said,"Wait a moment!"

After the words fell, Thor also opened the guild's live broadcast. Then he closed his eyes, entered the guild and observed it, and said with amazement,"It's really possible... to open two live broadcasts at the same time."


The Jiujianxian was stunned. Is now the time to do this?

Thor laughed heartily, patted the Brewmaster on the shoulder, and then dragged him into the collapsing void in front of him.


At this time, the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult and Li Tianxun were standing next to the Lake of Water Monsters.

There are mechanical machines made of wood and metal near the lake, which are constantly carrying all kinds of strange items. They throw all these strange items into the lake in front of them.

The Lake of Water Monsters completely turned into darkness, with bubbles constantly popping up.

"Feel it?"Li Tianxun's face showed a trace of enthusiasm,"The aura of the water monster is constantly strengthening! And its own power is constantly being supplemented... It has been truly strengthened, and it can walk on the ground and fly in the sky... This small lake cannot restrict it. He can unleash his natural disaster level power anywhere. And it’s immortal! Energy never runs out"

··Asking for flowers········

"Use it as a bridgehead and pair it with our machine man! It's easy to capture the Witch King's Palace and suppress all the resistance forces. Even if there are sword immortal places like Shushan in the Central Plains... they can't stop us! We will be truly invincible and push this world into a prosperous age of science."

"How great!"The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult looked a little yearning. He did not seek to unify the world. But he very much wanted to see what Li Tianxun once said, an unprecedented scientific age...............

"What a pity...your idea is not simply to promote technology! But he wants to brainwash the world and truly become the king of the world. In the final analysis, technology is just a means for you to fulfill your ambitions!"A sigh sounded.

"What?"Li Tianxun's pupils suddenly shrank, and then he pulled out a sharp sword from his hand and turned around suddenly. Then he saw Su Han and his party

"you? How could it be you...I thought it was the Jiujianxian!"Li Tianxun's expression changed drastically, and his mind was shaken to the extreme.

He instantly recognized Ao Bing, the powerful dragon clan who also occupies the protagonist's position in Nezha's Demon Boy. As for the other side He hesitated for a moment and recognized Kayaba Akihiko.

The main reason was that the face shape was similar, but the equipment and even clothes were completely different from the world of Sword Art Online, so he hesitated for a moment.

As for the last thing...

Li Tianxun looked Looking at Su Han, his eyelids twitched. The appearance of an Oriental was perfect, but he was no longer a mortal... No! This guy might not really be a human being. He was an immortal in the sky.

But... these either did not appear in the original work of Sword of Immortality, or they were Why do characters from other worlds... appear here at the same time?

Could it be that the ancient time of Fairy Sword was the birth of the demon boy Nezha? Ao Bing has lived to this day... that's not right! If Ao Bing can still barely get on the line, then Mao What happened to Jingyan Chang?_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel A

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