Su Han spoke straightforwardly. He was actually curious about what it would be like if the two worlds merged together.


Sirzechs subconsciously wanted to refuse, but then he frowned. After thinking for a moment, his eyes gradually brightened,"It seems, it is indeed very interesting."

What if the reincarnation invaded Gabriel's world? It has nothing to do with his world anyway!

If the two worlds merge, you can get the mission anyway... Moreover, the compatibility between Gabriel's world and his world is not that good, but it is not as bad as imagined. After all, there are angels and demons.

Sirzechs:"The fusion of the two worlds... is not absolutely impossible!"

Sirzechs made up his mind after repeated consideration.

Sirzechs:"President, then I leave it to you."

Kurosaki Ichigo:"!!!!!"

Yukinoshita Yukino:"I originally thought this was impossible... I didn't expect Sirzechs to actually agree."

Yukinoshita Yukino was a little surprised.



Fengsaka Taiga:"……"

Gudazi:"Are you so surprised? Isn't this the suggestion you made?"

Gudazi's expression was wonderful, or did you mean that you didn't intend for the other party to agree from the beginning?

Gabriel:"……But I just said it casually at first. Gabriel muttered, then thought for a while before continuing to speak.

Gabriel:"But the problem is not big, let's get started.""


Sirzechs didn't know what to say, his expression was very subtle.

Kosaka Kirino:"I feel like Sirzechs is really trying to hang Gabriel up and beat him up at this moment."

Kosaka Kyosuke:"Yes, isn't this a joke? (I, the Great Demon King, am also a person who wants to save face.jpg)"

Su Xiaoxiao:"……"

Su Xiaoxiao:"You guys are really good at playing."

Su Han shrugged and then entered the guild task section.

When Su Han saw the mission, his eyes froze."……Did this actually happen? No! Perhaps it can be said conversely that this situation is actually natural."


Mission name: Kill the time traveler. Time traveler name: Yedan.

Time traveler code name: Lord of Holy Darkness.

Time traveler's introduction: He became the supreme God in a certain world, and then retraced the path of Satan in this world. He merged the two divine beings together. He created his own unique Law of Holy Darkness. Extremely powerful, please treat with caution.

Mission requirements: Completely kill this time traveler.

Mission restrictions: Only three members are allowed to participate at the same time (robable mission mode).

Mission rewards: 200,000 points, one unlimited reward.


Mission name: Kill the Abyss Samsaras.

Samsara team name: Angel.

Introduction to the Samsara team: Katasis (Gabriel heritage), Munu (Seraph heritage), Nagata Yushi (Lucifer heritage).

Mission introduction: Obtain A special team of reincarnators inherited from the angel lineage. The combat power cannot be underestimated, please deal with it completely.

Mission restrictions: Only three members are allowed to participate at the same time (robbery mission mode)

Mission rewards: 150,000 points, one-time lottery roulette, angel power (random)


Su Han said that he never expected that two tasks would be cleared at the same time. But this is indeed reasonable.

After thinking briefly, he completed the screenshot and sent it to the guild chat room.

Su Xiaoxiao:"Big guys in the guild, you can start your performance. (Screenshot)"

Yukinoshita Yukino:"……"

Aisaka Taiga:"!!!!"

Sirzechs:"……Is this still possible? Sirzechs said he was dumbfounded.

Hatsune Miku:"Terrible... Could it be that Miss Gabriel had expected this?" She is a rare wise person."

Hatsune Miku smacked her lips. When she recalled what happened before... she felt extremely scared to think about it.

Ryumiya Rena:"No... I think you simply think too much."

Ryugu Rena's brows twitched several times.

Gui Yanye:"Indeed... I guess Gabriel just found it interesting, and then he did it!"

Gui Yanye started to complain.

Gui Yanye:"After all, if she is really a wise person, she will definitely choose a safer plan. That is to first send someone to deal with this team of reincarnators, and then proceed to world fusion."

Kaitou Kidd:"That makes a lot of sense."

·······Asking for flowers··········

Edogawa Conan:"……In fact, what I'm curious about is, do all the wise men in Miss Hatsune Miku's eyes look like this? (The wise man sheds tears.jpg)"

Dr. Roman:"……"

Ernesti:"Your picture is really sexy."

Ernesti's expression was subtle. The picture Conan sent of a wise man crying was clearly his appearance as Kudo Shinichi. What does this mean? This shows that Conan feels that he is the top wise man. Although it is not wrong if you think about it carefully, it always feels a bit strange.

The old man is a Marquis:"I'm only curious about one thing."

The old Marquis' eyes became sharp.

I am a Marquis:"For this mission, three people will be drawn in the lottery! So do we have to draw people twice? Doesn't this mean there are a total of 6 people who can participate in the mission?".....00

Tony is not the richest man:"……"

White-bearded dad:"Your angle... is very tricky."

Kousaka Kyosuke:"But... this is indeed very likely."

Sakata Gintoki:"How about asking the president."

Su Xiaoxiao:"Anyway, my mission selection quota... is only once! Three people."

Su Han said concisely and to the point.


Yukinoshita Yukino:"Is this like this? Then there is no other way!"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Okay, no need to discuss more! Get ready to start the lottery."

Su Han was noncommittal, and after finishing speaking, he had no idea in his mind After counting a few times, he suddenly spoke.

Su Xiaoxiao:"Now! Let's start the lottery."

As his words fell, a crisp voice suddenly sounded.

"Ding! Guild President Su Xiaoxiao! Joan of Arc! The twelve-winged fallen angel Black Cat Clan has successfully participated in this mission."

Tony is not the richest man:"……envious!"

Whitebeard dad:" Joan of there still a little black cat? Gu la la la, it always feels unexpected, but it is reasonable."

Fallen Angel Twelve Winged Black Cat Clan:"……"

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat:"Pfft? I won! Ha... If dad hadn't said it, I wouldn't have reacted immediately? This kind of thing!"

Wu Geng Liuli's face turned red. She thought that she could perform a mission with Su Han again, and her heart couldn't calm down for a long time. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu

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