Fallen Angel Twelve Winged Black Cat Clan:"……"

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"I felt something was wrong just now... After thinking about it carefully, I realized that wasn't what Shino Zhizhi mentioned before a group of guys wearing ninja costumes and a large navy? What does this have to do with Iron Man and Thor?"

Wu Geng Liuli suddenly reacted, looking confused.

Tony is not the richest man:"!!!!"

Sakata Gintoki:"Kirigusa...I just said that I always feel like something is wrong. This is where it should be."

Shino Noboshi:"……"

Xiao Zhizhishu:"This...if you ask me, I don't know."

Xiao Zhizhishu was quite embarrassed.

Aisaka Taiga:"Maybe it's a special disguise."

Aisaka Taiga thought for a while and raised a possibility.

Edogawa Conan:"Maybe."

Edogawa Conan:"But think about it carefully, this matter is not important."

Su Xiaoxiao:"Indeed."

Su Xiaoxiao:"Okay everyone, get ready to start Let's draw a lottery."

As soon as Su Han said this, even if he wanted to speak, the person who asked Su Han to issue a copy of the Terminator memory stopped talking.

After all, if you want to see the memory copy, you can do it anytime. There is even an EVA that I haven’t read yet... But if you don’t grab the mission now, it will be gone later.

After Su Han silently counted in his mind, he suddenly spoke.

Su Xiaoxiao:"The snatching has officially begun!"

At the moment Su Han finished speaking, a crisp voice suddenly sounded.

"Ding! Union President Su Xiaoxiao! Ernesti! Dr. Roman successfully participated in this mission."

Nakiri Erina:"Huh?! (Alert.jpg)"

Yako Busujima:"This situation is very interesting... Ernesti, who is a mecha pilot, and King Solomon Roman... No! Does Dr. Roman still have King Solomon's powers?"

Kayaba Akihiko:"I basically never saw Dr. Roman take action... Even when I participated in the mission in his world last time, it was the same."

Wall-Facing Man Luo Ji:"Even if he lost all the power he once had because he became a mortal. But joining a union makes it easy to become stronger, right?

Gudazi:"What if... Doctor Roman doesn't want to become stronger.""

There was a brief silence in the union. If you say that he doesn't want to become stronger, people in the union will definitely not believe a word of it.

But if that person is Roman... it's really hard to say.

After all, when Dr. Roman made a wish for the Holy Grail, he gave up the power of his unparalleled crowned heroic spirit without hesitation... His thirst for power is obviously different from ordinary people.

Dr. Roman:"Please don't worry... …At least I won’t hold you back."

Su Xiaoxiao:"……"

Su Xiaoxiao:"In that case, get ready to participate in the mission."

After opening his eyes, Su Han took his hand away from the black cat's head. He stood up, straightened his clothes a little, and said softly,"Then I'll leave for a while."

After the words fell, Su Han's figure disappeared.

Wu Geng Liuli lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling with a somewhat sad expression,"I really didn't get the mission this time... I think about it, how could I have such good luck and get it every time?

" Thinking of not participating in the mission with Su Han again, the disappointment on Wu Geng Liuli's face became more and more obvious.

Shaking his head and trying to keep his spirits up, Wu Geng Liuli cast his sights on the union.


IS world.

Xiao Zhizhi hummed in a low voice, her fingers tapping the keyboard gently, and the screen in front of her split into dozens of small screens, each screen monitoring the three abyss reincarnations from all directions.

"Ah la la, I am really vigilant."Xiao Zhizhu's eyes narrowed into crescent moons,"He actually used special methods to sneak in again and again. Did you notice my observation?"

"If it weren't for the fact that my perspective has covered the city you are in, I might have really lost you."

"……You are so malicious and cute, but you are not cute at all."Ernesti's helpless complaint suddenly sounded.

Xiao Zhizhi's rabbit ears twitched twice, and then turned to look at Su Han and others with joy on his face,"President, are you here?"

Xiao Zhizhi didn't care about Ernesti's words and showed the many screens in front of him openly.

"Come and see, those guys are in Tokyo now... But according to what I monitored, what they discussed... Well, their ultimate goal should be IS Academy"

"You don’t need to think about this kind of thing, right?"Su Han rolled his eyes and opened the guild's live broadcast.

Doctor Roman touched his nose and said softly,"Then should we go directly there now?"

"nature!"Su Han snapped his fingers, and a gap suddenly opened in the void in front of him. He stepped directly into the gap.

Doctor Roman shrugged at Ernesti and Xiao Zhizhi, and also walked in.The remaining two people followed closely behind


In a relatively spacious Japanese-style bedroom.

Three abyss reincarnations are gathering here, their expressions are solemn.

"Big trouble. Staru frowned,"This world is indeed the IS world... However, the situation in this world is different from the information the Lord God gave us."

"There is still no problem in large areas."Su Haiqin played with Thor's hammer with a calm expression,"I also have an armor called IS with properties similar to Iron Man's armor... and the armor was also created by Xiao Zhizhi."

"Having said that, but...this world was actually once invaded by Zerg."Skynet looks like a human form, but if you cut open his skin, you can find that his body is full of various metal components.

He is a robot.

When Skynet became a reincarnation , is naturally an ordinary human being. But one time later, in order to survive, he accepted the ultimate transformation of the Lord God's space. Later, by chance, in the future world of the Terminator, he successfully obtained some of Skynet's abilities.

He renamed himself Skynet, hoping to become an existence like Skynet in the future version of the Terminator world he traveled through. Covering the sky with one hand, he could casually start a mechanical craze.

Of course, at this stage of development, Skynet's dream has basically become the same. It was realized... But even so, his expression was still a little solemn at this time.

"We have encountered worlds invaded by Zerg in the past, and those worlds were basically destroyed. This is enough to prove the danger of the Zerg……"Tianwang paused for a moment and said word by word,"To put it bluntly, even us now may not be able to defeat the Zerg."

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