Fallen Angel Twelve Winged Black Cat Clan:"……"

Tony is not the richest man:"……"

Whitebeard Daddy:"This method is really...simple and crude."

Edogawa Conan:"Sometimes, it's better to use a simpler and cruder method."

Miss Kaguya:"I'll think about it carefully."

Four Gong Huiye silently wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. The words of Horaishan Kaguya sounded bad, okay?

Although it is true that she wants to pursue freedom...but she also does not want to pursue freedom, which leads to heavy casualties in her family.

"Perhaps in the future, when I get to know this Miss Kaguya of Horaishan... I will consider her proposal."

After thinking about it for a long time, Shinomiya Kaguya finally nodded. If it is determined that Horaishan Kaguya is very reliable in the future, she can indeed ask her for help.

Yuan Dagu:"No more... let's go and ask Miss Kaguya for help. Let me confess and read it again."

Yukinoshita Yukino:"I have to say... this memory copy is a bit magical. Hatsune

Miku:"The various jokes are subtly blended together. There is obviously no plot development... but it is very interesting to watch!" I couldn't help but laugh out loud."

Princess of the Na'vi tribe:"……"

Princess of the Na'vi Tribe:"@苏小小. President, I would like to ask...if I said that a time traveler appeared in my world, what would you think?"

Gui Yanye:"!!!!!"

Izumi Sagiri:"……ha?"

Doctor Roman:"That's not right... I remember that someone went to the Na'vi princess to help her deal with it... Oh, I remembered, they dealt with human invaders before."

Roman realized belatedly that human invaders and time-travelers are not the same thing. He immediately said that he had no problem.

Su Xiaoxiao:"……"

Su Xiaoxiao:"If you have a problem over there, I, including everyone in the union, will definitely help you... But before that, can you tell me what the problem is?"

Su Han frowned. stand up.

Princess of the Na'vi tribe:"A bunch of Transformers appeared here...and these Transformers are now vigorously destroying forest vegetation and building bases. Before, our Na'vi tribe sent many soldiers to attack them... and the result was a disastrous defeat. There were heavy casualties."

Haruhi Suzumiya:"……"

Nan Xiaoniao:"emmm... Transformers?"

Taoist real person Zhang Sanfeng:"Optimus Prime, come out and get beaten."

Optimus Prime:"I successfully built an Autobot base on Mars... What does this have to do with me?"

Optimus Prime was completely confused. This was a disaster.

Princess of the Na'vi Tribe:"Ahem... Actually, I also know that this has nothing to do with Optimus Prime... because the leader this time seems to be an evil Autobot named Megatron."

Kirishima Touka:"Hiss!"

Shino Zhizhu:"This plot is really getting more and more exciting."

Kinomoto Sakura:"The Decepticon Autobots headed by Megatron, after being beaten by Optimus Prime... traveled through the alien world. world, invade the Avatar planet. This……"

Kinomoto Sakura's expression became very subtle.

Xia Shizi:"……I don’t even dare to write like this when writing a novel."

Optimus Prime:"Wait a moment.……"

After a few breaths, Optimus Prime continued to speak to the guild.

Optimus Prime:"Something is wrong... I just contacted the Autobots on Earth and discovered that the Decepticons, including Megatron, are still within our surveillance range."

Su Xiaoxiao:"……Did you misunderstand something? Opposite is a time traveler, how could it be the original Megatron?"

Chu Zihang:"……"

Himura Kenshin:"What you said makes sense, I'm speechless.jpg"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Okay, okay, I'll go check out the mission first."

Su Han rolled his eyes and then quit. Guild chat room, enter the guild task column. Sure enough, I found a mission, quietly displayed there.


Mission name: Kill the time-travelers and destroy the time-travelers.

Name of the time-traveler: Megatron.

Mission introduction: [A time-traveler traveled to a different world and obtained the most powerful Transformers system.

He used this to transform himself into the more powerful Megatron Transformer of the Decepticon series. And exploit all kinds of resources to create other Transformers.

And in another world... he encountered an unprecedented enemy, the Zerg. The Zerg completely tore the Transformers apart.

On the verge of extinction, Megatron sacrificed the most powerful Transformers system, thus allowing his entire tribe to travel to the world of Avatar. He began to develop again. 】

Mission requirements: Completely destroy the other Decepticon Autobots under Megatron.

Mission restrictions: Only three members are allowed to participate at the same time (robable mission mode).

Mission rewards: 150,000 points, source of fire, one unlimited attack lottery


Su Han stared at this mission, his expression became a little strange,"This time traveler... is a bit embarrassing."

Su Han smacked his lips, and without saying anything else, he completed the screenshot and sent it to the union chat room. middle.

Kayaba Akihiko:"……"

Busujima Yako:"!!!!"

Hijikata Jushiro:"This……"

Hijikata Jushiro was stunned.

Thor Odinson:"I originally thought that the Transformers race had reached some peak level of development, but you told me...the reason why they appeared in the world of Avatar was because they were invaded by a race called Zerg in the original world. The clan was beaten?"

Thor felt a groove stuck in his throat.

Koro-sensei:"Didn't we also fight against the Zerg before? I remember it was in the world of Miss Shino no Sussex."

Koro-sensei:"The Zerg are really difficult to deal with... they seem to be much more powerful than the Transformers. So the creation Isn't such a result a matter of course?"

Jackie Chan didn't want to archeology:"Although I say that...but they are time travelers. What's more, all the time travelers I met in the past, before they met our union, were A template for Long Aotian, doing whatever he wants... But this? emmm……"

Jackie Chan had a complex expression on his face and couldn't explain it in a single word.

Liu Peiqiang:"Maybe this is a template for an abusive master."

Edogawa Conan:"It's too tragic...even the system was sacrificed."

Su Xiaoxiao:"……What a waste."

Su Han is also very sorry.

Su Xiaoxiao:"If the system had not been sacrificed, I should have been able to get 150,000 extra points for this mission... Alas, the extra money was just lost."


Xiao Lin:"……So the president is concerned about this?"

Haihara Ai:"This is related to the points we have obtained, and involves our vital interests... Shouldn't the president be concerned about this?"

Hui Yuan Ai raised an eyebrow. She felt that there was nothing wrong with Su Han's focus.

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