There was a muffled sound in the void, and the whole world was trembling.

"……Really!"Su Han slowly drank a cup of tea, his voice a little helpless.

"……What happened again?" Senjougahara Heiyi glanced at Su Han, and then looked at Image 4. He found that there was nothing unusual except for the vibration, and he immediately felt a little strange.

"Whitebeard destroyed the mirror world again!"Su Han let out a long sigh, stretched out his finger and touched the void gently. Waves of waves arose in the void, and eventually the waves enveloped the whole world,"But what can I do?"

"We can only continue to tinker with him... Let's continue to make do with it."

Yiwen Jielin's expression was a little subtle. She felt it carefully, and finally let out a heartfelt sigh,"It's so powerful!"

"indeed!"Jisi Xiute nodded. She obviously understood what Yiwen Jielin meant,"I can't even perceive it with pure perception... When did the president mend the world? I can only look at the waves in front of me and make vague guesses.……"

"Jisi Xiute, although you are powerful...but in front of the president, you are just a ridiculous weakling." Senjougahara Heiyi shook his head.

"……Aren't you the same?"Jisixiute responded without hesitation.

"yes! But, we are on the same level as me, an ordinary human being! Is it really worth being proud of?"Jenjougahara Heiyi tilted her head and stared at Jisi Xiute, with an expression that was half a smile but not a smile. Jisi Xiute's pupils suddenly shrank. But her eyes looking at Senjougahara Heiyi became colder and colder.

"You two guys! It also saves people some worries."Su Han stood up and touched their hair helplessly.

The two of them froze, and then they stopped arguing.


The other side.

Under this attack that could destroy the world, Roman Yago finally died. His blood and bones were completely shattered. Even the soul and will were depressed.

After dealing with the enemies in front of him, Whitebeard turned around and killed the undead pirates who were besieging Onyxia.

The members of the pirate group were different from the organizations they had encountered before... when they realized that their boss was dead, not only did they not slack off in fear, but they became even more crazy.

They used this to leave minor injuries on Onyxia's body... of course! Whitebeard was still unscathed, and the aura of domination covering his body was too strong. Still can't be described by simple invulnerability...this layer of armed domineering! It can be said to resist all attacks.

Even attacks at the conceptual level can be reduced to a considerable extent.

In the end, they slaughtered all their enemies.

A clear voice suddenly sounded in the ears of the members.

"Ding! The union mission has been completed! Union president Su Xiao has 50,000 points. Yiwen Jielin received 5,000 points! Jisixiute received five thousand points. Senjougahara Heiyi received 5,000 points. Bearded Daddy received 150,000 points! Onyxia gets 100,000 points"

"Mission accomplished!"Su Han no longer maintained the mirror world. The mirror world that was riddled with holes was shattered in the next moment, and everyone returned to their original location.

"What a fun and exciting battle!"Whitebeard moved his body and let out a heartfelt sigh,"After becoming stronger... I haven't dared to use my power so wantonly for a long time."

"Very normal thing!"Yiwen Jielin added faintly,"With the power you have shown now! If you use all your strength...I'm afraid the world of Pirate Naruto will no longer exist! Even Namikaze Minato, Uzumaki Nagato, and even Monkey Drag will trigger the guild's red alert."

"Um?!" Senjougahara Heiyi frowned, and suddenly felt that something was wrong. She asked,"Don't union members not be able to hurt each other?"

"Even so!"Yiwen Jielin shrugged,"But Namikaze Minato and the others are obviously not strong enough to survive in the void! So Whitebeard's attack may not directly kill them... but the environment will kill them indirectly."

"How terrible!"Su Han was dumbfounded, then looked at Whitebeard,"Speaking of which! If you want, wouldn't you be able to fight the old Marquis on the virtual battlefield every day? Why do you still look so unhappy?"

"That," Whitebeard smiled awkwardly,"I mean reality!"

"In fact, the feeling should be about the same," Su Han laughed, and then his expression became serious,"But now that the world has been integrated! Then we should go back"

"President!" Senjougahara Heiyi bit her lower lip. She wanted to say something, but after hesitating for a long time, she still whispered," I wish you a pleasant journey."

Su Han waved to her. He closed his eyes and clicked Return.

The brilliant light surrounded him, the white beard and Onyxia's huge mountain-like body. With the next breath, everyone disappeared.

The scene fell into a brief moment. There was silence.

Yiwen Jielin looked at Jisi Xiute and Senjougahara Heiyi who were once again in a cold war with interest, and said leisurely,"I'm going to have a tea party! Are you two interested in coming together?"

When I saw the two people, they didn't answer immediately. Instead, they looked at each other from time to time, trying to figure out the expressions on the other side... It seemed that they wanted to give their final answer through the other person's answer.……

"Is it really okay to have such a tense atmosphere?"Yiwen Jielin's face was full of helplessness,"We are from the same world after all! If you don’t see me when I look up, I’ll see you when I look down... So you two, let’s resolve the conflict."

"What you said makes sense!"In the end, Senjougahara Heiyi took the lead in nodding.

"boring!"Jisi Xiute had a tough mouth, but she still followed the two of them very honestly.


The other side.

In the world of psychic energy, in the office of Grandmaster Malaysia.

Grandmaster Da Ma stared blankly at the brilliant light rising in front of him. Su Han's figure suddenly appeared, and he swallowed with a grunt.

"……Dare I ask you this?"Grandmaster Da Ma looked up and down, and he calculated that Su Han had not left for an hour, and already... he had saved the world? This was too fast!

Grandmaster Da Ma doubted...his previous guess was That's not wrong.

Su Han glanced at Grandmaster Da Ma. Seeing and hearing Se Baqi heard his voice, immediately smiled and sat on the chair,"It can be regarded as saving a world... but it is not our world. That’s it!"

"……you!"Grandmaster Da Ma was shocked for a moment, and then he regained his relief. He nodded and did not continue to discuss this aspect.

After all... there is such a thing as different worlds! It was filled with great secrets upon hearing it.

The two continued to fall into each other. In the atmosphere of drinking tea and chatting. However, at this time, Su Han, besides chatting with the Malaysian Grandmaster, also focused part of his attention on the union chat room._Fei

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