"Then you and these researchers... let's have a good connection."

Su Han nodded, and then, a crisp voice sounded in his ear. His brows raised slightly, Su Han closed his eyes and scanned... and found that a brand new side mission popped up in his mind.


Mission name: Guide the development of science.

Mission introduction: The era of warriors is coming to an end, and the era of science is coming. And you, are you willing to lead the world to quickly complete the transformation?

Nature of the mission: Long-term mission

Mission reward: 200,000 points, a lottery roulette (-20% luck tip)


"……Can helping the psychic world develop science also trigger tasks?"Su Han frowned, he was surprised,"Moreover, the reward for this task is so generous."

200,000 points plus a lottery roulette with a 20% luck improvement. This reward... is even more than the previous reward for dealing with Wenzhaogong time travellers.

After a brief thought, Su Han completed the screenshot , and then sent it to the union chat room.

Tony is not the richest man:"?????"

Whitebeard dad:"!!!!!"

I am a Marquis:"……Such a generous mission reward?"

The expression of the old Marquis changed drastically.

Kosaka Kyosuke:"Lead the world to change...let the era of warriors come to an end! Let science rise... emmm. Why is this mission so strange? Oh, right! The president's side is the spiritual world."

Kosaka Kyousuke suddenly realized that the situation on Su Han's side was different from that on their side.

Yukinoshita Yukino:"Envy!"

Sakata Gintoki:"Yeah... super envious!"

Sakata Gintoki:"Wait! If I start science in our world, will I get such a mission like the president did?"

Sakata Gintoki's mind was wide open and his eyes lit up in an instant.

Takasaka Kirino:"……Your place is invaded by aliens! In a world where science and technology are highly developed...doesn't that count as the rise of science?"

Takasaka Kirino was confused.

Sakata Gintoki:"!!!!"

Sakata Gintoki was choked.

Earthwork 14 Lang:"……What a cruel reality!"

Tony is not the richest man:"According to this statement...then isn't it true that people like me who have entered the scientific world have blocked this road?"

Kosaka Kyosuke:"Yes! So there is no hope for my daily world?"

I am a Marquis:"……"

The old Marquis was silent for a long time, and finally gritted his teeth.

I am a Marquis:"I have decided! We are promoting magic in this world."

I am a Marquis:"I will push the world of warriors into a prosperous age of science, and I will get points! There is no reason, I will promote magic, and I will not get points."

Jushiro Hijikata :"Hey! He is a ruthless person."

Sawada Tsunayoshi:"What ruthless person? He is clearly a werewolf, okay?"

Koro-sensei:"The word"werewolf"... is really clever! On the one hand, it shows that the old classmate is more capable than many people. Be more ruthless! On the other hand, it also shows that the old Marquis himself has the special ability to transform into a werewolf."

Edogawa Conan:"……Should I say he is worthy of Koro-sensei? Your reading comprehension ability is absolutely perfect, okay?"

Conan's mouth twitched.

L:"I think...the fundamental reason for this mission! It is beneficial to social development."

L expressed his opinion after a brief thought.

L:"The end of the age of warriors! The rise of the scientific age! This is progress for civilization as a whole. In other words... if what you do does not help the world, it may even make society regress! It is absolutely impossible to get the task."

Kayaba Akihiko:"It may indeed be the reason for this."

Kayaba Akihiko nodded thoughtfully.

Kayaba Akihiko:"If we calculate it this way... Even if the old Marquis promotes magic in his own world, it won't be of much use, right? After all, not everyone can practice magic! In other words, there are very few people who can practice magic."

Ainz Ooal Gown:"……According to your statement! Can't I implement technology in this different world of mine?"

Zero Louise:"So! I can do that too."

Louise couldn't help but be a little surprised. After all, this is a pretty good way to get points. But then, she thought of something and suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Louise Zero:"It doesn't seem possible... After all, I'm very Not good at science.

Tokisaki Kurumi:"Ah la la, except for the big guys on the technology side in the guild!" Who is good at science?"

Tokisaki Kurumi:"Even people like Kousaka Kyosuke and Edogawa Conan who are in the current world! Not good at it either?"

0request flowers·········

Tokisaki Kurumi:"If you are willing in this regard, just ask the technology boss of the union for help."

Tony is not the richest man:"Well! Yes, I am willing to help you... Of course! I suggest you don't rush in all at once. In front of me. You can also go to Xiaozhizhi, Batman and the others!"

Su Xiaoxiao:"No more talking, let's run away first."

Su Han shifted his attention away from the union, and the real world is On the other hand, Jarvis also successfully convinced a large number of scientists with his huge amount of knowledge.

After scanning for 4 times, Su Han turned to look at the two great masters of Malaysia and Pony,"Now that the matter here has been dealt with! Then it's time for me to go back.".................

"Bon Voyage!"Grandmaster Pony waved to Su Han and forced a smile at the corner of his mouth. It's not that he doesn't want to smile at Su Han, it's because of his personality... Because of his past experiences, he rarely smiles

"……You guy!"Grandmaster Da Ma covered his face. Su Han had done them such a big favor. Isn't it normal for them to invite Su Han for a meal? Xiao Ma directly said"Bon voyage" and told Da MaEverything he said was blocked.

Su Han shrugged his shoulders, and with a thought, his figure disappeared instantly. Returned to his room.

In Su Han's room, Wu Geng Liuli was lying on the bed

"big boss! You are finally back."Wu Geng Liuli stood up, her eyes bright.

"……First tell me what you want to do?"Su Han stared at Wugeng Liuli with a strange face.

"Ahem!"Wugeng Liuli coughed, and then said seriously,"I want to participate in the mission you triggered this time."

"If you want to participate, just participate! What are you talking to me about?"Su Han curled his lips, not to mention that the points have limited effect on him now... To simply mention, Su Han was originally planning to entrust the entire task to Jarvis.

If Wu Geng Liuli is willing to participate, then he I'm happy and relaxed, but the only problem now is……

"……Are you good at science?"Su Han looked up and down at Wugeng Liuli.

"Let me explain in advance that although you can ask union members for help, the technical members of the union should be very busy during this time. The help I can give you is limited!"_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu

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