Looking at the reward this time, Su Han raised his eyebrows."……The mission rewards are distributed evenly, aren't they?"

Onyxia flapped her wings and flew to Su Han's side. She was not surprised to hear this. She said calmly,"It should be because each of us killed a time traveler."

Fengshu and Ao Bing followed closely and came to Su Han's side.

"……The flame cave where you live has been destroyed like this, doesn't it matter?"Su Han glanced in all directions.

Although the Flame Cave is really not much different from the world under the expansion of Onyxia. But the previous battle between union members and traversers was too fierce. The continent template in the Flame Cave world All changed their forms. The whole world was beaten into Shaqima. It was riddled with holes.

"fine!"Onyxia turned into a human form. She touched her nose and whispered,"Don't say it's just a change in the earth's crust... even if the whole world is destroyed! I want to re-create a world, and it’s not that difficult"

"As for...because I have already created the world and have experience, it will be easier for me to create the world the second time."

"Since you know what's going on, I won't say any more!"Su Han nodded, and finally looked at Ao Bing and Fei Shou

"Is there anything else you want to say to Onyxia, or anything you want to do?"Su Han said softly,"If not, we should leave."

Fongshu and Ao Bing looked at each other, and they shook their heads in perfect agreement.

Su Han shrugged, closed his eyes, and clicked to officially submit the task.

A brilliant light surrounded their bodies, and then they all disappeared. Gone.

Onyxia stopped in place for a long time, and finally raised her head to the sky and let out a long cry. Dragon roars rose from all directions in the world. The powerful black dragons were all across the sky, heading towards Onyxia's location is rushing towards


In a breath, Su Han appeared in his room.

He lay on the bed casually, closed his eyes and entered the guild chat room.

Ainz Ooal Gown:"I'm really interested in the reward this time... I don't know! What profession will I change into?"

Momonga was eager to get ready, and he was anxious to receive the reward from this mission.

"Ding! Ainz Ooal Gown has successfully changed his job to the God of Death!"

The guild chat room fell into brief silence.

Fallen Angel Twelve Winged Black Cat Clan:"!!!!!"

Tony is not the richest man:"The God of Death? It's so scary."

Kurosaki Ichigo:"I feel that as a God of Death, I can't remain silent."

Kosaka Kyosuke:"……You can't silence an egg! You are clearly a mixed race of three races!"

Kosaka Kyosuke:"It's obviously Aizen and it's more appropriate to say that he is the God of Death!"

Kurosaki Ichigo:"What the hell...what happened to the mixed blood of the three races? At any rate, I also have part of the bloodline belonging to the God of Death in my body."

Originally, when Kurosaki Ichigo heard someone say that he was a mixed race of three races, he would be very angry and even refute.

After all, he felt that this was an insult to him. But after staying in the union for such a long time... Kurosaki Ichigo He said that he was used to it.

Isn’t it a mixture of three races? Now Kurosaki Ichigo said: This is a symbol of himself as the protagonist.

Sosuke Aizen:"……Although the names are all Death! However, the difference should be quite big."

Sakata Gintoki:"Isn't this obvious?

Yukinoshita Yukino:"So I'm very curious!" What is the use of Mr. Momonga’s new profession?"

Ainz Ooal Gown:"My original skills have become more powerful! Also, I can now use some forbidden secrets that I could only use the world's props to use with my bare hands! And then there are some more powers similar to those of the God of Death in Western mythology?"

Momonga paused, he was a little confused.

Ainz Ooal Gown:"Of course it's not just that... There are too many changes in me, and I understand these changes myself... But you want me to use words to describe this kind of thing? Changes, I don’t know where to start."

I am a Marquis:"……in conclusion! You have become an existence similar to the God of Death in Western mythology."

Ainz Ooal Gown:"Although the difference is quite big...but the closest definition now is probably what you said.

Aisaka Dahe:" I'm envious!"

Gudazi:"Another big boss has become a god.""

Edogawa Conan:"It's just that the definition is close...after all! Momonga’s undead archmage originates from the World Tree! So even if he is upgraded to become the God of Death now, he should still be the God of Death in the World Tree system."

Edogawa Conan:"In this case...if he is exactly the same as the god in Western mythology...that would be strange, right?"

Fujiwara Sawei:"The God of Death in the game... emmm, I'm speechless."

"Ding! Onyxia successfully transitioned into Deathwing."


Horaishan Kaguya:"?????"

Monster Sage:"Deathwing?! So terrifying!"

Tsuchima Mi:"……Can a daughter change her job to become her father's codename? What magical operation is this?"

Tsuchima's scalp was numb with shock. According to this operation, is it possible that she can participate in the mission, use job transfer... and directly transfer to white beard?!

Tsuchima thought about how she would look like with a white beard, and suddenly Shivered.

Akasaka Ryunosuke:"……This is really a super magical thing."

Su Xiaoxiao:"@onyxia. What special feeling do you feel after successfully changing jobs?"

Su Han rubbed his chin, very interested in this.

Onyxia:"Physical strength has increased significantly! The magical talent of the dragon system has also been greatly strengthened... Is this the power that my father possesses?"

Onyxia looked a little complicated. She thought for a while and continued to speak.

Onyxia:"Although in the past... I relied on the Amaterasu fire I obtained from the union, as well as the three-color Haki, chakra and other things...should be able to stand up to his father. However, in terms of sheer physical strength, I was nowhere near my father."

Onyxia:"But now... the situation has changed! Even if I don't use all the skills I gained from the union... and just fight with my dragon talent, I may not lose to my father in the end.

Kuroyukihime:"Hiss!" Mitsuha

Miyamizu:"I couldn't help but let out a cooing sound of envy.jpg"

Tomori Nao:"Oh... I really want to get a career too!"

Nayako:"Actually, I'm more curious now... what kind of job transfer can the president get?""

Electromagnetic gun:"emmm, it's okay if you don't say... Now that you say that, I'm a little curious now.……"

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