Fallen Angel Twelve Winged Black Cat Clan:"……"

Tony is not the richest man:"……"

Yuan Dagu:"It's scary...I suddenly felt! Lin Jiu's luck is very good."

Yuan Dagu rubbed his chin, thoughtfully.

Kousaka Kyosuke:"Yes... not long after he joined the guild! He obtained the Supreme Purity Magic, so that there are no bottlenecks in his future... And now! He didn't even become an immortal, but he directly obtained the heaven."

Kousaka Kyosuke:"What's even better is that the Emperor of Heaven, Tathagata, and even God in their world are all dead... They are the strongest generals in the world, and they are his backers! This gives him the opportunity to develop... Mom Yes! The more I talk about it, the more envious I become." Mr. Kyosaka looked strange. Uncle Jiu's route... he is simply the son of destiny!

Sakata Gintoki:"Guide him throughout the whole process to become the top strong man!"

Yukinoshita Yukino:"It's okay to give him a full guarantee throughout the whole process!……"

Tony is not the richest man:"So! The most important thing for hanging out in a guild is good luck! (Serious face.jpg)"

Sakata Gintoki:"A real group."

Lin Jiu:"……"

Uncle Jiu was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly.

Although he wanted to complain, he thought about it carefully and found that what the members of the guild said did make sense.

Aisaka Taiga:"Not just Uncle Nine? This time, the rewards received by all members are very good!"

Aisaka Taiga:"Well... except the president!"

Aisaka Taihe looked strange. It is really difficult to simply summarize what Su Han drew, whether it is good or bad.

Hatsune Miku:"Mr. General, are you galloping in the direction of fate? Is this power of fate the power of fate?"

Hatsune Miku was a little curious.

Ancestor of Zombies:"Let's put it this way... I can spend a lot of effort! Forcibly changing the fate of the future... I can also peek into a part of the future, and then push the future in the direction I want to see by changing certain nodes in the future.."

Gui Yanye:"Hiss!"

Izumi Sagiri:"This ability... is a bit scary!"

Dr. Roman:"Indeed... is it true that the warrior who kills the dragon will eventually become a dragon?"

Ernesti:"You stare into the abyss, and the abyss stares into you.jpg"

Haruhi Suzumiya:"……"

Nan Xiaoniao:"Although I really want to complain...but after thinking about it, I have a subtle feeling that Mr. Roman and Mr. Al are right.……"

Aizen Sosuke:"@SaikiKusuo. Speaking of which, Mr. Saiki, will what you get help you a lot?"

Others will ignore Saiki Kusuo, but Aizen will not.

After all, they are strong men of the same class... Moreover, Aizen will greatly improve in strength due to this mission, and there is no reason why Saiki Kusuo will not improve much.

Saiki Kusuo:"It's not bad! After integrating the prize provided by the guild... my ability intensity increased by 30%."

Saiki Kusuo said it lightly, but after his words fell, the guild fell into a brief silence. An uproar ensued.


Chu Zihang:"!!!!!"

Himura Kenshin:"It's so scary."

Kurosaki Ichigo:"??? It's not that the strength is 30% stronger, but the ability intensity is increased by 30%."

Kurosaki Ichigo felt his scalp numb, and it didn't look like 30%. , but for a being of Kusuo Saiki's level, perhaps this 30% increase in strength can double his combat effectiveness.

White-bearded dad:"Originally I could be calm...but after seeing what you smoked! I feel like my mood is the same as that of the old Marquis."

Tony is not the richest man:"I'm sour. (I'm a lemon.jpg)"

Su Han laughed dumbly. He shook his head and moved his eyes from the guild chat room to reality.

With a flip of his hands, Su Han took out the Book of Azathoth.

Suddenly, an ignorant and strange atmosphere spread outwards, centered on this book. Even in Su Han's room, various strange phenomena began to occur. For example, tentacles extend out of the void, and countless eyes open in the corners.

"……This is?"Luo Cuilian suddenly opened her eyes. Her expression was extremely solemn. She even subconsciously unfolded her own world projection.

A complete world appeared beside her, and thousands of miles of rivers and mountains flowed around. She was the center of this world. With a thought ,

Luo Cuilian forcibly erased all the strange phenomena in Su Han's room.

""Sir," Luo Cuilian stared at the strange book closely and spoke very carefully,"this book may be more dangerous than we thought before.""

"indeed!"Su Han nodded in agreement, and pressed his palm gently on the Book of Azathoth.

With a crisp buzzing sound, countless spells filled the book, completely sealing it..

Su Han said softly,"Although I won't be affected by him, if I put this book here, I won't care! It is possible that he will gradually erode the multiverse where I live."

A book, if left alone, may destroy the entire universe... It sounds incredible!

However, Su Han is very sure that this book does have such power.

"……This is true!"Luo Cuilian opened her mouth, and finally a wry smile appeared on her face.

Su Han nodded to Luo Cuilian, and then, carrying the book, he directly entered the guild's time training room.

After all, the time training room is intangible. And there is a guild behind him... There is no need to worry about him studying the Book of Azathoth and eventually causing catastrophe.

Su Han started to read this book in the time training room. There are a lot of secret techniques recorded in the book. Styles, as well as the race information of each evil god, and even methods to summon evil gods and control evil gods.

"……Very tempting! Su

Han commented that it is really possible for ordinary people to reach the sky in one step if they get this book and learn the knowledge above."However, if you really follow the above... you may be able to control the evil god for a period of time, but Eventually, they will be gradually assimilated"

"The silent method of moisturizing things... is really dangerous!"

Su Han sighed with emotion and finally shook his head. He returned to reality and stuffed the book into the system warehouse. He closed his eyes and glanced at the guild, and found that the guild was very deserted... I guessed that most people were going to read it. Su Han's expression on the memory copy remained unchanged.

After pondering for a while, he simply opened the three-body text memory copy and began to review it.

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