Edogawa Conan:"Yes, no matter how weak the Abyssal Reincarnator is... he is still a terrifying existence capable of destroying the world." The

Yondaime Hokage:"……What you said actually makes sense."

Jackie Chan doesn't want to do archeology:"Am I the only one paying attention to this mission reward?

Kirishima Touka:"God's bloodline!" The inheritance of the Sword Master... also comes with a hint of the law of cause and effect? hiss……"

Nakiri Erina:"This can be said to... make you a strong person on the spot?"

Kayaba Akihiko:"God's bloodline enhances your underlying talents. The Sword Master inheritance gives you a way forward... As for the law of cause and effect, It makes your upper limit extremely high."

Kayaba Akihiko:"Indeed...every aspect has been taken into consideration."

Su Xiaoxiao:"……However, this so-called trace of law of cause and effect is not as valuable as the unified self-power that the guild could obtain by participating in the mission before."

Su Han curled his lips, unified his self-Tao, and directly synthesized what you have learned in your life into a path that is most suitable for you. You only need to follow this path, and you can move forward without bottlenecks.

Although in the early stage, this reward appears The frequency is not low... but the stronger it becomes, Su Hanyue can sense the horror of this reward.

Kayaba Akihiko:"The president is right... However, I haven't seen the idea of ​​unifying the self for a long time. Rewarded."

Muto Yugi:"Well... you old people in the guild are pretty good, right? New members like us who joined later! Is he the one who should feel sad the most?"

Muto Yugi had a look of helplessness on his face.

Koro-sensei:"I joined the guild in the early years! Compared to those who joined the union later...it does have a big advantage. Su

Xiaoxiao:"Okay, let's not mention so much!" Get ready to start your heist mission."

Su Han changed the subject. He stretched his waist, then counted a few times in his mind, and suddenly spoke.

Su Xiaoxiao:"The snatching has officially begun!"

"Ding! Union President Su Xiaoxiao! Chu Zihang! Magical girl Illya! Nero has successfully participated in this mission."


Sakuragi Hanadao:"Did Chu Zihang also participate in this mission? (In deep thought.jpg)"

Magical Girl Nanoha:"I'm envious... No one who has participated in the mission has passed by silently so far."

Hermione:"……that! I have never participated in any missions."

Sakata Gintoki:"If you really want to participate in the mission... just find a world and merge directly! Or maybe look at the flaws in your own world and then rewrite the flaws on this world scale! You should also be able to activate tasks and get rewards."

Hermione:"……Rewrite the world?"

Hermione spoke cautiously after a brief hesitation.

Hermione:"For example...expose the existence of witchcraft! And then take it to the world?"



Kousaka Kyosuke:"!!!!"

Hermione:"……What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?"

Hermione became nervous for a moment.

Yukinoshita Yukino:"No... you are right! If you do this, you will indeed have a high chance of getting the mission reward...but! You might be caught by the Aurors from the Ministry of Magic before you actually do it.

Yukinoshita Yukino:"When the time comes, I can only wait for the guild to send someone to fish you out." (Spread your hands.jpg)"

Haruhi Suzumiya:"Tsk...it can be said to be very true. Hermione:"

Then... let's forget it!""

Hermione shrank all of a sudden. After all, she thought about it, let alone herself... Even the Dark Lord or Dumbledore might not be qualified to do such a thing. I'm afraid they were the first to reveal this idea. In an instant, it will trigger resistance from the entire wizarding community, or even a crusade.

Nero:"Hmm... When will the mission start?"

Nero was gearing up and looking forward to it.

Su Xiaoxiao:"Of course now!"

Su Han directly clicked on the participation task in his mind.

A brilliant light lingered around his body, and in a breath, he disappeared.

In a fast food restaurant.

Qianshi Qianxun was eating, and in her Opposite them sat the nervous-looking Hanamisaki Kamei and Jin Mitaka.

"……that!"Teacher," Mitaka Jin looked at Chihiro Chihiro eating her meal slowly, and finally couldn't hold it in any longer and clenched her fists,"We also know!" Kanda Sorata was kidnapped by kidnappers... I'm afraid it's hard for you to help! But can you please stop us from calling the police?"

Although Misaki Kamiigusa didn't speak, looking at her serious expression, it was obvious that she also thought so.

"Only when you have eaten well can you have the strength to work." Qianshi Qianxun shrugged, looking at the two people's almost uncontrollable angry expressions, and then added,"Besides, I didn't deliberately delay time! But the person who solves the problem is still on the way."

"……If you don't believe it."Qianshi Chihiro thought for a moment, took out the phone from his pocket, and dialed Akasaka Ryunosuke,"Let your acquaintances come and talk to you."


"Wait a minute...I remember this number?"

The expressions of both of them became strange at the same time, and then, a very familiar voice came from the phone.

"……Let me prove... what Teacher Chihiro Chiseki said is correct!"Akasaka Ryunosuke paused slightly and continued,"Don't worry! The group of people who are coming... are real bosses! Even if Kanda Sorata dies, they can probably pull him out of hell by force."

"……What you said is too unfair! Mitaka Jin only said half of what he said.

Because at the next moment, a gentle voice sounded,"He is not talking irresponsible nonsense... everything they said is the truth!""

Mitaka Jin's pupils suddenly shrank. He and Misaki Kamiikusa both turned their heads instantly, and then they saw a group of people dressed in different clothes. Chu

Zihang, who was holding Murasame in his hand and with a cold face. Wearing a luxurious red dress, holding Nero, who holds the original fire and is very curious about his surroundings. There is also Illya, who is timid in magical girl clothes... and Su Han, who has a faint smile on his lips.

Their eyes are touching Su Han. In an instant, they were all attracted to Su Han.

The Su Han in front of them had a strange charm that transcended gender and even race. It even gave them the feeling that the person in front of them was perfect and not just a mortal.


Mitaka Jin opened his mouth. He forced himself to calm down and said with a forced smile,"These weird clothes... are you members of the COS group who came from somewhere?"

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