Nero:"Hmm... What I'm thinking about right now is! Will I die eventually?"

Niang Shining:"After joining the guild! Your destiny has been rewritten... Now you can overturn that copy of memory! Because I feel that you will never encounter something like this in your life."

My mother smiled noncommittally. She persuaded Nero with the perspective of someone who had experienced it.

Haruhi Suzumiya:"That's right... After joining the guild, even if you want to die, it will be difficult."

Minami Kotori:"Yes... I saw the current guild warehouse! There was a life-extending charm priced at 500 points... One card can extend your time for 50 years! I don’t know what to say about this.……"

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat:"Hiss, is this, Gou……"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Shut up! Dogs are prohibited in the guild!!"

Ram:"……This is so violent!"

Zhang Sanfeng, a real Taoist:"It's so terrifying."

Himura Kenshin:"Five hundred points? Instead of spending these points, I might as well go to Mr. General’s world and let him take a bite, so that I can live forever...even if Mr. General is unwilling to bite! I can also go find those vampires in the guild. Why spend this wasted money?"

Himura Kenshin curled his lips.

Krulru:"Ha... don't say it so easily, okay? It takes a lot of effort for true ancestor-level vampires to create high-level dependents!"

Kruru:"Not everyone is like a general... he can directly create a family by biting others."

Su Xiaoxiao:"And unfortunately! The general who can turn others into second-generation red-eyed zombies with one bite...has made up his mind not to bite anyone.

Platycodon:"Too real.""

The piercing siren suddenly sounded.

"Red alert! Li Jing's life is in danger! Please ask the guild to send support quickly."

Red light filled the union at this moment. The guild chat room suddenly fell into a dead silence, and then there was an uproar.

The fallen angel twelve-winged black cat clan:"Li Jing... Nezha World? What happened? Has Nezha’s calamity arrived? Because the plot has changed! So Li Jing succeeded in helping Nezha change his life, but now he is suffering from heavenly calamity?"

The look on Liuli's face suddenly changed in the fifth hour, and she even started to have some wild ideas.

Tony is not the richest man:"……How can this be?"

Tony is not the richest man:"It's really that time! He could have asked for help in the guild."

White Beard Dad:"@李京. If nothing goes wrong, let it bubble up!"

Seeing that Li Jing did not speak as promised, Baibeard's expression suddenly became extremely heavy. He continued to speak.

Baibeard's father:"@AObing. are u there?"

Ao Bing:"Well... I'm almost on my way to Mr. Li Jing's side now! Let me start the live broadcast first."

Ao Bing started the live broadcast, and immediately, the messy Chentangguan appeared in front of everyone in the guild. A gradually expanding black hole appeared directly above Chentangguan, and a large number of undead ghosts poured out crazily, and they wreaked havoc on Chentangguan. , and at the same time, there was an extremely tall figure standing next to the black hole. The tall figure glanced at Ao Bing expressionlessly, and then stretched out his black pen to draw a picture in the distance. Suddenly, endless yellow spring water appeared in Ao Bing out of thin air. Bing appeared above his body and fell suddenly.

Frost appeared on Ao Bing's body, freezing the underworld water. However, the underworld water corroded the frost the next moment, but when the underworld water poured down again, Ao Bing had already hid. Open.

Through his spiritual sense, he quickly noticed where Li Jing was and galloped away.

At this time, Ao Bing, Mrs. Yin, Taiyi Zhenren, and Nezha gathered together to fight against the powerful enemy.

"It's you!"When little Nezha saw Ao Bing, a touch of surprise suddenly appeared on his face. At this moment, an extremely tall ghost suddenly opened its mouth and bit Nezha.

"You idiot! Be careful when fighting!"Master Taiyi spoke Trump fluently, and flew the ghosts and gods away with one stroke. He felt the demonic energy on Ao Bing's body, but now he was in no mood to care about Ao Bing. What does the

Dragon Clan and Monster Clan mean? ? All ghosts are walking at night! Looking at the situation in front of you, who knows if hell has been opened by humans? This is the real big event that breaks the sky!

"It looks like all those ghosts and monsters are gathered here! Besiege Li Jing Nezha and others."Ao Bing glanced at the scene and understood what happened.

He shouted low, inserted himself into the middle of several people, and opened up the inner world. Effectively blocking the invasion of ghosts and gods, he closed his eyes and spoke..

Ao Bing:"I can probably hold on for three or four minutes! During this time, President, you should quickly decide who will participate in the mission."

The Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"Why don't you just let the president go? There is no guarantee that there will be ghosts and gods attacking the people of Chentangguan now."

Li Jing:"……No need to worry about this! Zhaer's master just used a very special method to attract revenge! Gather all the hatred of ghosts and monsters on us.

Li Jing:"As long as we don't die, these ghosts will not hunt down the people of Chentangguan!""

Li Jing looked calm. As the commander-in-chief of Chentangguan, he has the responsibility and obligation to protect the people. Even if he died because of this, he had no regrets.

Kousaka Kyosuke:"Mr. Li Jing, you dare to do it! real man."

Sakata Gintoki:"This... I was watching when the Demon Boy of Nezha came into the world! Just know it clearly."

Su Xiaoxiao:"Then let me read the mission introduction first!"

Su Han didn't waste time and entered the mission interface directly. He kept in mind the three or four minutes that Ao Bing said before... Not to mention, the black hole in the sky over there is still expanding, and the speed at which ghosts and monsters are pouring in , and it becomes faster and faster


Mission name: Kill the traveler.

Name of the traveler: King Yama (Bao Yun).

Introduction to the traveler: He traveled to a semi-destroyed underworld and gained control of the underworld. Bao Yun proclaimed himself King of Yama, and at the same time controlled the underworld to continuously invade other worlds. Every time he arrived at a world, he would massacre all the creatures in that world, and now... he was eyeing the world where the Demon Boy of Nezha came to the world.

Mission requirement: Kill the time traveler.

Mission warning: The time traveler appointed three Yamas of the Ten Palaces, including King Qin Guang, King Chu Jiang, and King Wu Guan. Although the 10 Yamas of the 10th Palace have not yet been assembled, these three are extremely powerful and should not be underestimated.

Mission restrictions: Only three members are allowed to participate at the same time (robbery mission mode)

Mission reward: 200,000 points, one person will be randomly selected with the authority of the Ten Palaces of Yama

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