Fallen Angel Twelve Winged Black Cat Clan:"……anyway! Have you completely ignored Ao Bing and the others who are fighting now?"

Tony is not the richest man:"Ao Bing and Liu Peiqiang? Don't they have an absolute advantage? Why panic?"

Tony Stark was very calm.

Nakiri Erina:"Yes, yes... Instead of worrying about Ao Bing and Liu Peiqiang! Why not think about it, what to cook tonight?"

Daddy White Beard:"……"

Yuandagu:"……Everyone else wants to know what to eat for dinner! But what do you want to do at night...Is this the difference between a chef and a eater?"

Kosaka Kyosuke:"No...I only think about food!" And those who eat a lot... are generally called ricers."

Yuan Dagu:"……"

Endagu felt that Kosaka Kyosuke was making things difficult for him.

Sakata Gintoki:"……"

Su Xiaoxiao:"……I roughly estimated it! If Liu Peiqiang controls it well, it will only take about 10 minutes! He will be able to kill the God Shaman.

Yukinoshita Yukino:"10 minutes...?""

Liu Peiqiang:"What the president means is...that there will be a flaw in the divine shaman in 10 minutes?""

Liu Peiqiang's pupils suddenly shrank. As a lieutenant colonel and pilot, he naturally has rich combat experience.

Although Su Han's words were brief, he still tasted important information from them.

Saiki Kusuo:"I want to grasp That timing... was so difficult! I estimate that Liu Peiqiang will fail several times! Only then was he able to truly kill the God Shaman."

Saiki Kusuo obviously noticed something and expressed his opinion in the guild.

Edogawa Conan:"……"

Conan drew important information from the words of Kusuo Saiki and Su Han. After thinking for a moment, he spoke.

Edogawa Conan:"So, what God Shaman possesses...is it an ability similar to Kamui?"

Edogawa Conan:"Although he will enter the real world for a period of time! But this time period is extremely Short, it's very possible... After you reacted, he escaped into the void again?"

Liu Peiqiang:"I see... OK! Next, he will definitely die."

Liu Peiqiang nodded expressionlessly.

Aisaka Taiga:"……So confident?"

Tony is not the richest man:"It's normal!"

Tony Stark showed his confidence in Liu Peiqiang.

Tony is not the richest man:"You must understand that the water drop is a detection instrument from the beginning! The destructive power... is just an incidental function of it."

The Fourth Hokage:"……"

Let the world feel the pain:"……"

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"My special meow is speechless."

Haruhi Suzumiya:"The destructive power that can destroy planets... is an incidental function, okay!"

Fengyuan:"That's cool! Shensa It's really getting cold."

Fengyuan smiled bitterly, and the incidental function can destroy the planet! So it is self-evident how powerful the detection function of water droplets is...

Under such circumstances, how could the divine shaman escape Liu Peiqiang's eager gaze?

Su Han stared at the battlefield.

Sonic Lion King, who originally had the advantage, fell into a disadvantageous position due to the attack from Shui Drop and Ao Bing.

A look of anxiety appeared on the face of the God Shaman. If the Sonic Lion King died here, then he would not be able to complete the mission alive in the end.

Gritting his teeth, a ruthless look appeared on the face of the divine shaman,"This is the only way to do it."

The divine shaman hammered his chest again, and the door of time and space opened again, and countless orcs poured out.

And under the feet of these orcs, huge circles soon lit up one after another, and their aura became more terrifying. Entering a manic state at the same time.

Immediately, these orcs spread in all directions, and there were even many orcs rushing towards Su Han, Liu Peiqiang and others.

Sakata Gintoki:"……this is?"

Sakata Gintoki's expression became serious.

Himura Kenshin:"That's right! He sacrificed these orcs. Used to buy enough time for Sonic Lion!

Liu Peiqiang:"He is looking for death!""

Liu Peiqiang's face was as heavy as water. The water droplets were moving rapidly, and there were patches of blood mist in front of him.

But there were too many orcs. In a manic state, they were not afraid of death and were still spreading. Liu Peiqiang and Su Han were also far away from each other. , Qi Qi and others were getting closer and closer.

Luo Tianyi held Su Han's clothes, a flash of fear flashed in his eyes, but stubbornly bit his lower lip and said nothing.

Yukinoshita Yukino:"Mr. Liu Peiqiang...now situation! It's not good for you. Are you planning to let the president take action? Liu Peiqiang:"

No, I am not prepared to let the president intervene."……"

Dr. Roman:"Then why do you still look so confident now?"

Roman felt puzzled.

Liu Peiqiang:"When did I say... I only have one drop of water in my hand now?"


Hatsune Miku:"!!!!!"

Ayumi Aikawa:"Holy shit!"

Kurosaki Ichigo:"How the hell can you do this?!"

Don't talk about guild members.

Seeing the ripples in the void and the second water droplet appearing, even the god and shaman's expression completely froze.

In fact, because the divine shaman saw the shape of the water drop, he already recognized what this thing was.

"……Like water droplets! The surface is extremely smooth, but it can explode with unimaginable destructive power! Kill the enemy."

Cold sweat broke out on the forehead of Shen Shaman, and he murmured,"The water droplets in the Three-Body Problem... The Wandering Earth and the Three-Body Problem are not the same world at all... Why does this happen? Why would Liu Peiqiang control such a powerful killing weapon?!"

The orcs were almost wiped out at this moment. Even if the god shaman blessed them with a shamanic war song to make them lose their respect for death, it would be useless.

Under absolute strength, so what if the numbers are huge? They are just He was just a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

The Sonic Lion King had just used all his strength to attack his opponent because of the precious time that the God Shaman had bought, severely injuring Ao Bing with several moves. Then he realized that the situation on the scene was instantly overturned.

He looked around for four weeks and understood the situation. , his body completely stiffened

"It's over...it's all over!"

The Sonic Lion King was in despair. After his words fell, two water droplets penetrated his chest. This time, due to excessive despair, he did not even dodge. The strong recovery power allowed his wounds to heal quickly. Then... Ao Bing He clenched his fist with an expressionless face. The terrifying frost spread out. It instantly enveloped the Sonic Lion King's body, freezing him completely!

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