Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat:"Medium memory copy? Emmm... I thought it was a long story."

Ram:"……All joking aside, I thought so before."

Tony is not the richest man:"? ? ? ? Why do you have such thoughts?"

Tony Stark was puzzled.

Rem:"Because before, the master talked about this memory copy when he was eating! And he said... he was very impressed by it!

Rem:"There are very few memory copies that the master can talk about..." So my sister and I both thought that a memory copy that could impress its owner so deeply... must be a long story! And it’s a very good long novel."

Batman:"……However, is it the novella in the end?"

White-bearded daddy:" Gu la la la! I am looking forward to it even more now."

Whitebeard basked in the sun and subconsciously touched his beard. He continued to speak.

Whitebeard's father:"After all! Although the article is short, it can be mentioned by the president, which only shows the essence of this copy of memory.!"

Whitebeard's father:"Well, I'll go and see it first!"

Whitebeard dived quickly. Su Han thought for a while and simply clicked on the memory copy, preparing to review it again.

Time passed bit by bit, and once again watching the Devil Boy of Nezha come into the world, Su Han observed the details that he had not paid attention to the first time... and he confirmed it again. This is definitely an anime movie with first-class creative standards. Even better than The Return of the Great Sage.

After reading it, Su Han entered the guild chat room with a lot of emotion. It turned out that everyone in the guild chat room had obviously finished reading the memory copy and was having a heated discussion at the moment.

Zhang Sanfeng, a real Taoist:"It completely overturned my impression of Nezha Naohai!"

Zhang Sanfeng, a Taoist:"It's more of a surprise than joy... or even a shock."

Zhang Sanfeng couldn't calm down, even at this time, The plot of the story was still intertwining in his mind.

Jackie Chan doesn’t want to do archeology:"……"

Jackie Chan didn’t want to do archeology:"@我SON是不魔狗. I’m extremely sorry! I had such a big prejudice against you because of Nezha’s troubles! After actually reading the memory copy, I am sure... you are a very qualified father!"

A trace of apology appeared on Jackie Chan's face.

The First Emperor:"Li Jing...a father figure full of Chinese humanistic sentiments."

Ying Zheng also made a very pertinent evaluation, his eyes flickering with a hint of complexity. Li Jing's fatherly love in"Nezha: The Devil Boy" also touched him a lot.

However, the chaotic thoughts in his mind only flashed for a moment, and Ying Zheng quickly regained his composure. After all, he was Qin Shihuang, not Li Jing.

Although he has family affection, he does not value family affection above everything else.

Onyxia:"Li Jing... I really want to have such a father!"

Jushiro Hijikata:"Stop dreaming... Or, you can think about the setting of Deathwing! In this way, isn't it? Did you calm down instantly?"


Koro-sensei:"You guys, are you a devil?"

Tony is not the richest man:"The most devilish one...isn't it the Lich King? (With a dutiful warning.jpg)"

Ayumi Aikawa:"Hi! So terrifying."

Kayaba Akihiko:"……Many of you have never seen the original version of Nezha Naohai! So now compared to me, there is less emotion."

Kayaba Akihiko:"In my eyes! The coming of this devil boy has subverted a lot of things."

Su Xiaoxiao:"Yes! Subverted many images...but I feel these subverted shapes! All handled very properly."

Kayaba Akihiko:"Indeed! I have to admit this too."

Ainz Ooal Gown:"Ah! Am I the only one who thinks Ao Bing is super handsome?"

Ainz Ooal Gown:"Li Jing's love for licking the calf is indeed touching! But Ao Bing was struggling between friendship and family affection! He is obviously kind and innocent... but he has to be wiped out by the cruel reality... Isn't that entanglement heartbreaking? Is it even emotional?

Xia Shizi:"Hey...I think!" Lotus root cake...that is, Ao Bing and Nezha, they look so good together, okay? It feels so CP!

Xia Shizi:"I'm on this team!"

Lelouch:"Shut up!" How come an innocent friendship turns into such a dirty and evil thing when it comes to your mouth?

Lelouch:" President!" I strongly urge you to give Ms. Kasumi Shiko an 80-day ban."

The third prince of the Dragon King of the East China Sea:"……"

Hatsune Miku:"……Actually, I really want to ask, why is it accurate to 80 days?"

Ryugu Reina:"……It must have been made up casually, right?"

The third prince of the Dragon King of the East China Sea:"I... what should I do?"

A trace of sadness appeared on Ao Bing's face. He had already become acquainted with Nezha... and had even been awakened by his father!

But after reading the subsequent plot, he realized that his friendship with Nezha was completely It is a tragedy.

Should he go against the original route... and take the path arranged by Shen Gongbao?

But... Nezha is his only friend after all! How could he watch Nezha helplessly? Go to death under a catastrophe, and your soul will be scattered in the end?

My son is not a magic pill:"……"

My son is not a magic pill:"@东海龙王三太子. Actually... I also want to apologize to you!"


My son is not a magic pill:"In the original work, you saved our lives! However, because I felt the breath of the spirit bead... I trapped you in a place of injustice! I'm really sorry."

Li Jing does not discriminate against Ao Bing The identity of the Dragon Clan. The reason why he did that in the original work was just because he sensed the breath of the spirit bead.

In addition, all tragedies stem from the disappearance of the spirit beads... so he must find out the situation.

But now, after reading the entire memory copy from God's perspective, I understand the cause of the matter. He had to apologize... because in the memory copy, he really did something wrong.

The third prince of the Dragon King of the East China Sea:"Uncle... you are joking! The source of all this tragedy... is indeed because of my master!" The third prince of the Dragon King of the East China Sea:"But... I can't say bad things about my master! No matter what No matter how evil he is, what plot he has set up behind his back...he is still my master after all!"

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