Tony is not the richest man:"Then let's wait and see."

Tony Stark smiled noncommittally, and did not waver in his thoughts.

Su Han touched his nose, then looked down at 02 in his arms and the other children beside him.

These children, in addition to the 02 team members who appear in the plot, there are also many children who are unfamiliar to Su Han.

But Su Han is not surprised by this. After all, the story of the national team really started more than ten years later. In such a long time... how many children have died under the training of adults? How many children were eliminated? Hard to calculate!

Yuri Nao fell next to Su Han. Her face was calm, and she was outlined in the void with a Huangquan pen, turning into a cute monster. She then ordered the monsters to continue taking care of the large number of children.

After the arrangements were made, Yuri Nao sighed,"President!"

"This battle is over... I'm afraid you will need to use the art of descending from the tree world to make the planet under your feet glow with life again."

"These are minor issues."Su Han smiled and nodded.

"……that!"A timid voice sounded. Su Han raised his eyebrows and looked down, and saw that the still young Guang had already arrived beside them.

"what's going on? brat!"Yuri Nao bent down and spoke with a gentle voice.

"Excuse me……"After hesitating for a moment, Guangyi gritted his teeth and asked,"Excuse me, those monsters who take care of us...them! Are they really dead...or, in other words, can you, who control extraordinary power, resurrect them?""

Yuri Nao stared at Hiroshi's childish face. After a long silence, she finally shook her head.

"……Is that really the case?"Guang pursed his lips and turned pale. He seemed to have been drained of a lot of strength in an instant.

In the guild chat room.

White-bearded dad:"……This is really cruel!"

Kosaka Kyosuke:"That's right...if Hiro hadn't said such a thing! I never thought... what those monsters mean to these children!"

Kosaka Kyosuke was very emotional.

Kosaka Kyosuke:"At first, I only regarded them as consumables like insects... But maybe, for children, these monsters are like their parents and relatives!"

Sakata Gintoki:"It's so terrifying... Huangquan Brush actually has this kind of power of creation! Can real life be created?"

Sakata Gintoki smacked his lips. He believed that not only himself, but also many people in the union initially regarded the monsters created by the Underworld Pen as emotionless consumables.

Tomori Nao:"I didn't expect that either.……"

Tomori Nao's expression was also very complicated.

Su Xiaoxiao:"……I think you may have misunderstood something."


Yukinoshita Yukino:"……What does the president mean by this sentence?"

Su Xiaoxiao:"I use the domineering energy of knowledge! I can clearly hear the voices of these guys on the scene...I can hear the voices of my opponents and even the children...but I can't hear the voices of the bugs and monsters."

Feng Saka Dahe:"……"

Gudazi:"……Can the president please be more clear?"

Gu Dazi had already guessed what Su Han was going to say, but the corners of her mouth twitched and she didn't dare to say it directly. Because it was too cruel for these children.

Su Xiaoxiao:"To put it simply! Monsters have no feelings, and they are not even real beings now... The children have feelings for them only because the monsters take care of them! That's all."

Su Xiaoxiao:"Or rather! These monsters live in this world, and as time goes by, a miracle may happen, allowing them to become real flesh-and-blood creatures! But at least for now... they are just a combination of mechanical and emotionless underworld power!"

Hatsune Miku:"……This was really unexpected, but it was so cruel that it left people speechless."

Su Xiaoxiao:"@优利Nao. Of course! If you want to resurrect all the monsters you created before, I can help you... it's just a matter of snapping your fingers!"

Su Han threw the choice directly into the hands of Yuri Nao.

Yuri Nao:"……"

Yuri Nao was silent for a long time, and finally sighed.

Yuri Nao:"That's it... they are different from ordinary children after all! A new human civilization will be created by them... experience more! In fact, it's good."

Yuri Nao:"And... they will always They are going to get old, sick and die! You can't ask the president to resurrect them again at that time, right?"

Although her heart was moved, Yuli Nao knew that she couldn't say this. Otherwise, the future will really be endless.

Ernesti:"What Miss Yuri Nao said... can be said to be very reasonable."

At this time.

The scale of the battle has grown further.

Wu Geng Liuli truly showed his power. The wings on her back spread out, covering the entire sky. A circle of stars surrounded her.

Although these stars were shaped based on the dark power in her body, they were no different from real stars. In addition, they were compressed to the size of a fist...each one could be said to be a small black hole. At this time, all fell down

"……Flowing water rock-shattering fist!"

Sakata Kanaya let out a low roar. His eyes bulged, feeling the extreme danger. He punched out with a bang, with the power to crush Juyue.

However, this terrifying power was vulnerable to the black hole.

Sakata Kanaya He let out a shrill scream, and his whole body was sucked into a black hole of stars, and he died cleanly.

"What on earth is going on? That guy...she, how could she be so strong?"

The Abyss Demon King Axemus took a few deep breaths and forcibly calmed down his mood.

The veins on his forehead burst out, and he roared, while holding up a small black world. This is the abyss domain controlled by him. Because The relative isolation between the realm and the world barely resisted the devouring power of the black hole.

However, as the black hole stars crashed into his abyss realm, the terrifying attraction swallowed up the entire abyss small world. In just a few breaths, he was in The little world collapsed directly. The Demon King of the Abyss was buried with his little world

"……How could there be such a powerful being in this world?!"

The Zerg tyrant no longer struggled, but just stared blankly at the black holes hitting the surface... and then began to devour the earth.

His Zerg, the earth, and everything... were all collapsing.

"What kind of monster are we fighting against?" He only had time to moan like this before his body was completely torn apart by the devouring power of the black hole.

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