
The corners of Misaka Mikoto's eyes twitched, why did even the enemy call her Sister Pao?

However, it was confirmed that the two sides were hostile at this time, so she did not complain. With a pinch of his palm, countless iron sand swords condensed and formed in the void. Then with a brushing sound, it crashed down in the direction of Takada River.

This scene was so big that it instantly attracted the attention of people on the street outside the alley.

"……This is! what's going on?"

"Why did so many iron swords suddenly appear in the sky? The sword fairy from China? The art of sword control!"

"Wait... I feel like we are within the attack range of Jianyu!"

Countless people suddenly changed their expressions.

"……A headache."Su Han naturally sensed this. He spread his hands helplessly and pushed to the side.

The small alleyway expanded instantly and became extremely huge. At the same time, he also killed all the viruses that had been leaked outside.

If he didn't Take action and wait until Misaka Mikoto and the others finish fighting the time-travelers. I am afraid that the entire bed host city will become a paradise for viruses. It will not be surprising that everyone in bed host city will die by then.

After all, the virus cultivated by Takada River is more The virus native to Academy Apocalypse was far more terrifying.

His body was penetrated by countless iron swords. Takada Chuan's body shook and instantly exploded into countless tiny bacteria, which reorganized not far away. He looked solemnly He glanced at Su Han.

Su Han pushed his palm and directly opened up a small world... This kind of power shocked Takadachuan. His scalp was numb at the moment and he couldn't imagine what it would be like if Su Han also joined the battlefield. Scene.

In the union chat room.

The fallen angel twelve-winged black cat clan:"It's so terrifying!"

Tony is not the richest man:"It's so cool."

Tony is not the richest man:"This time traveler almost made me think that he was a natural devil fruit user from the One Piece world."

Yuan Dagu:"Isn't the person who traveled this time someone with natural devil fruit ability? (Manual funny.jpg)"

Whitebeard Dad:"Although I know you are joking! But I still have to say one thing...compared to the natural system! This time the time traveler is more like a superman! After all, his ability is to control viruses……"

Sakata Gintoki:"Terrible! As expected of a person from the One Piece world, he is a professional."


Eiriri looked at the live broadcast, the scene of dozens of kilometers of land collapsing at every turn. Body trembling

"Is this the power that gods have?"Yinglili seemed to be asking others, but also seemed to be talking to herself. Although she was in awe of the gods at first, she had never really seen the gods take action. At this moment, she saw the person on the live broadcast using a nuclear bomb. With such a level of intimidation, how could she remain calm?

Kasumi Shiko:"Stop shaking! This is nothing."

Yinglili:"? ? ? ? ? Are you joking? This is nothing! So what is truly scary? Really destroy the world?

Yukinoshita Yukino:"Yes... maybe you have underestimated the big guys in the guild.""


Yukinoshita Yukino:"For example, the president, he can not only destroy the multiverse at will! He can even create a new multiverse at will if he wants to."

Yukinoshita Yukino:"He He is a terrifying figure who truly plays with the world and the universe at the whim of applause!"


After Yinglili was silent for a long time, she collapsed on the bed. A moan came from her mouth

"……What kind of guild did I join?"

Shirai Kuroko:"Sister-sama! Invincible."

Shirai Kuroko:"Wow! What a wonderful move! The other party can definitely have a bacterial constitution...as long as every bacteria in his body is destroyed! Then this guy will definitely die."

Shirai Kuroko's eyes sparkled and he looked very excited.

Shirai Kuroko:"Thunder and lightning, especially high-power lightning. It is particularly harmful to bacteria!"

Edogawa Conan:"Miss Railgun has indeed found the right method...but I don't think we can defeat our opponents with lightning alone!"

Edogawa Conan:"Look! The guy came back to life again."

Hatsune Miku:"……"

Railgun:"!!!!!! What the hell is Ms. Railgun?"

Although Misaka Mikoto was firing, she also focused part of her attention on the union. After reading this sentence, she felt the fire of complaining burning in her heart.

Ryugu Rena:"It's scary... I just want to ask! Conan-kun, how did you see it?"

Edogawa Conan:"The sterilizing effect of lightning is very strong! But it cannot kill all the bacteria in the opponent's body in one place." Everything was wiped out in an instant……"

Edogawa Conan:"And I doubt it! As long as there is one undead bacteria in the opponent's body, he can return to his peak in a very short time!"

Gui Yanye:"……etc! If a bacterium does not die, can it return to its peak in a short period of time? emmm."

Dr. Roman:"Familiar setting... wrong! Isn't this special girl the setting of Majin Buu in Dragon Ball?"

Dr. Roman was so excited that he cursed directly.

Ernesti:"It's so true! What Majin Buu possesses...should be regarded as the top level of immortality, right?

Gudazi:"So is it time to use the vitality bomb now?""

Gui Yanye:"!!!! Please, if I had a vitality bomb, I wouldn't be in this difficult situation now!"

Gui Yanye complained helplessly.

Two rituals:"Next...it's my turn to kill every bacteria in his body...and he will be completely dead, right?"

Nan Xiaoniao:"Yes... we also have two ritual ladies... I think the two rituals should be able to really solve the opponent! After all, her ability is very restrained."

Nan Xiaoniao's eyes lit up for a moment.

Su Xiaoxiao:"No... you are wrong! The two rituals had cut each other in half before! But...the other party recovered quickly."

Su Han was not surprised that the people in the guild didn't know that the two ceremonies had been carried out. After all, when the two ceremonies were carried out before, he did not start a live broadcast in the guild.

Zhang Sanfeng, a Taoist real person:"……"

I am a Marquis:"……"

Himura Kenshin:"There is no reason for this kind of thing!"

Su Xiaoxiao:"You seem to have any misunderstandings about the Direct Death Demon Eye? The Direct Death Demon Eye can indeed kill all enemies! But the premise is that the enemy is a whole!"

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