Let the world feel the pain:"After seeing the president's words, Senju Hashirama silently clicked a like."

Su Xiaoxiao:"……"

Xia Shizi:"……"

I am a Marquis:"……"

The Fourth Hokage:"Uzumaki Nagato! You are causing trouble."

Kousaka Kyosuke:"So you don't give face to the president? Sooner or later you will be hung up and hammered by the president! (Funny.jpg)"

Kirishima Dong Xiang:"Ahem... Actually, I feel! Senju Hashirama is different from the normal situation. After all, the power of Yang he controls comes from the Sage of Six Paths!"

Kirishima Touka:"And, from the other side To put it bluntly... under the same conditions... he is indeed more powerful than Uchiha Madara, who controls the destructive power! (Kutou saves his life.jpg)"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Okay! Let's discuss this topic here."

After confirming that there was no problem with 02, Su Han felt relieved and changed the topic.

Su Xiaoxiao:"Speaking of which... the other people who participated in the mission before! What did they get by using the big roulette lottery?"

Gudazi:"Yes, yes! I wanted to ask just now."

Gudazi sipped Tightening her lips, she wanted to know if other people had also smoked something as cheating as the Hall of Valor?

Yuan Dagu:"I drew...a magnifying lamp that can be used unlimitedly!"


Fengyuan:"What a coincidence! I got a shrinking lamp that can be used unlimitedly."

Shirai Kuroko:"……"


Kinomoto Sakura:"……"

Kayaba Akihiko:"……You two! It's really a fate.

Tokisaki Kurumi:" As expected!" Are the many props in the Doraemon world the hardest hit area for lottery draws now?"

Tokisaki Kurumi narrowed her eyes slightly.

She felt this way during the last lottery draw. But this time, after seeing the items obtained by the lottery between two Ultraman human beings, she was even more convinced. Inference.

Koro-sensei:"The props in Doraemon World are already very awesome! Very funny! I think it's great to be able to draw these... It's better than drawing props made by Miss Lala!"

La La:" Huh?! Mr. Korosensei, do you have any problem with me?"

La La was unhappy for a moment. Although she was an optimist, she couldn't calm down when she saw that the props she made were disliked by others.

Koro-sensei:"……Mr. Koro-sensei... this is the first time I have been called that!"

Rubbing his eyebrows, Koro-sensei gave a wry smile and continued to speak.

Koro-sensei:"I don't mean to dislike your props! But speaking with conscience...just for example! I said that the level of force in the Dragon Ball world is much higher than that of the daily world. Does this mean that I despise the daily world?"

La La:"emmm... you said that!" It seems to make sense."

La La felt that it made sense. After thinking about it, she lost her temper.

Tony is not the richest man:"……Doraemon world! The last time I went to that world, I asked Doraemon for some props and studied it! My world view has exploded since I studied it."

Tony is not the richest man:"In the end, I could only forcefully put that memory behind me! Otherwise, I suspect that that path will become more and more deviated, and it might even distort my own technology tree."

Tony Stark let out a long sigh.

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"Is it so terrifying?"

Xiao Zhizhi:"!!!!!"

Shino Nobuki, who is also very interested in the technology of Doraemon's world, was also frightened by Tony Stark's words.

Tony is not the richest man:"It's so scary!"

Su Xiaoxiao:"……Didn’t the union say a long time ago that the technology in Doraemon’s world cannot be applied to other worlds!"

Su Xiaoxiao:"When you see this news, you should know it! The world of Doraemon should be relatively special, and the technology of that world... should be consistent with the unique laws of that world to the greatest extent possible. So don’t worry too much about the details!"

Tony is not the richest man:"You are right."

Wolverine:"Actually, I was thinking... one of the two Ultramans got a magnifying light, and the other got a shrinking light!"

Wolverine:"Doesn't that mean that when they fight monsters again in the future, they can use the magnifying lamp to make their already huge bodies bigger again...or use the shrinking lamp to shrink the opposite monster to the extreme?"

Black God Metaki:"Hiss!"

Kurogami Metaki imagined that scene and immediately felt his scalp numb.

Clark Kent:"……Wouldn't that be directly invincible?

Sakuragihua said:"Yes... in the Ultraman world view!" Size is not everything. But it also accounts for a large proportion! If you are hundreds of times bigger than your opponent... I feel like your chances of winning are hundreds of times greater! This is basically a guaranteed win!!

Su Xiaoxiao:"Terrible!" The mission reward obtained this time is indeed quite good."

Su Xiaoxiao:"What about Niang Shining and Onyxia?"

Niang Shining:"I drew an upgrade talisman! Then I upgraded the King's Treasure... Unexpectedly, all the Noble Phantasms inside were also upgraded... This time the harvest was pretty good."


Ernesti:"……All Noble Phantasms have been upgraded once! Do you call this okay?"

Ernesti was shocked by Mother Shining's aura.

Su Xiaoxiao:"……Al, didn't you say you wanted to see a copy of the memory before? Why did it appear suddenly?"

Ernesti:"……Because, I saw you guys discussing mission rewards! I'm very interested in this... Anyway, the memory copy is not a Gundam film, so if you look at it a little further, there will be no problem."

Su Xiaoxiao:"Okay... then, Onyxia."

Onyxia:"Don't ask me... I'm still in the process of transformation."

Miyamizu Mitsuha:"????"

Aria:"……It’s been so long and the transformation hasn’t been completed yet?

Aria was a little surprised. Onyxia:"

This is normal!""

Others think it's too slow, but Onyxia herself is very calm about this.

Onyxia:"The strength of the dragon species has improved! It is already very slow...and this time I am not directly using the union to forcibly improve my abilities in a short period of time! I slowly devoured the power of dragon blood and dragon heart, and naturally advanced. Slowness is normal!"

Onyxia:"Don't worry...I have everything under control!" In one more day, the transformation will be complete."

Onyxia:"I will conduct the lottery again at that time... I am looking forward to this abstraction!"

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