Of course, this gap runs deep.

After all, Tony Stark enforced the Mutant Protection Act! Be kind to mutants. But precisely because of this, with Tony Stark asking for help and Wolverine supporting him... Professor X and Magneto came together.

"alright! Magneto looked gloomy,"Iron Man!" Tell me if there is anything you need our help with!"

"Wait till we finish this! The favor you bestow upon mutants! It was written off with one stroke... We were clear of both sides!"

Tony Stark looked at Magneto strangely. He didn't expect that Magneto was still a tsundere. He shook his head.

Just when he was about to say something, Tony's expression paused and he noticed something.

A bright and fiery wave. Thunder suddenly erupted, and then Thor Odinson, holding the Storm Ax and Thor's Hammer, appeared in the thunder!

"guys! I am coming."Thor smiled, then his expression paused, and he suddenly laughed,"……It seems like the timing of my arrival is a coincidence!"

Thor Odinson and Tony Stark looked at the same void. And in that void, a wormhole soon appeared.

Batman, Clark Kent, Shazam, Wonder Woman, Iron Bone, Aquaman and other justices The members of the alliance walked out one by one.

Captain America Steve was completely confused. Clark! Batman! He had seen it before, so he was not a stranger... But the others! He had really never met him. No Know their true identity

"……Well, my friends!"After a long silence, Dr. Banner broke the silence with a forced smile. He glanced at the members of the Justice League,"What are you doing? Are you going to have a party as a group? Although the Avengers Tower is quite spacious... have you made a reservation?"

"……This joke is not funny at all!"Batman said calmly, and he cast his gaze on Tony Stark.

"indeed so!"Tony Stark stood up slowly. He looked around the scene for a week, his voice serious,"Everyone, what I want to tell you is... these guys! They are from an organization called the Justice League... and the Justice League! Located in the DC world……"

"Yes! I'm guessing many of you have guessed it."Tony Stark paused and continued,"Our world has merged with a brand new world."

Suddenly, there was a brief silence in the room. Including

Magneto and Professor

, Wonder Woman, and Aquaman frowned, their faces either showing surprise, doubt, or uncertainty.

Tony Stark didn't care, and waved his hand. Suddenly, all kinds of projections from Jarvis Images.

Among these images, there are members of the Justice League doing justice in the world, as well as brief introductions to the members of the Avengers... and even popular science about mutants!

"……this world! How could this happen?!"

Green Arrow's expression changed drastically. He saw the completely changed records on the search link... Compared with what he had seen before, the Internet and even historical records have changed a lot at this moment......

On the other side.

The Flash looked around and found that Clark Kent and even Shazam, who had just joined the Justice League, were very calm... He hesitated and swallowed all the doubts. The

Flash was prepared to keep a low profile, By listening to the exchanges between these people in front of you, you can finally judge what is going on.

"Worlds merge! There are indeed many problems in all aspects." Steve rubbed his Captain America shield, and after thinking for a moment, he said,"But! Because world fusion is soothing to civilians...there is no need to worry about creating world-level chaos!"

"Tony...if only the worlds merged! You just need to inform us... There is no need to contact Black Widow, Hawkeye, who is on a mission! Or maybe the Thor fighting in the alien world also called over?"

"If it were just a fusion of worlds, I would naturally not be like this... But the key question is! The subsequent reactions brought about by the integration of the world."

Tony Stark's face was heavy, his voice was hoarse and low,"Everyone, do you still remember what happened after we came into contact with Magneto and Professor X?!"

"You mean," Dr. Banner reflected. There was disbelief on his face.


"Will the catastrophe of Thanos' invasion happen again? Hawkeye's eyelids also twitched,"If I remember correctly!" We've already fought Thanos twice, right? Is it going to be a third time this time?"

"Of course not to fight Thanos!"Tony Stark shook his head very calmly.

Before everyone could breathe a sigh of relief, Batman coldly interjected

"This time our enemy! Far better than the so-called Titan Thanos, or even Dormammu! Much more difficult to solve."

The scene fell into dead silence again. Everyone looked at each other.

"……So that’s all! Who is our enemy?"Professor X asked in a low voice.

"who?"Wolverine let out a long sigh, his expression was complicated and difficult to understand,"Our enemy! It is a terrifying existence that possesses a small part of the power of OAA and the power of God."

"……What?"Wonder Woman's expression changed drastically. As the daughter of Zeus, she has a very deep understanding of the supreme God of the DC world. After taking a few deep breaths, Wonder Woman forcibly calmed down her mood. She stared at Wolverine, He said word by word,"Sir... you really understand! Does God mean anything?"

"I know!"Wolverine glanced at Wonder Woman and sneered,"And I can also give you a piece of news for free... The power level of our world is not inferior to your world... You can call our world... Marvel!"

"And oaa's status in the Marvel world is equivalent to God's status in your world!"

"Yes...you heard it right!"

Wolverine shrugged at the completely stunned Wonder Woman and the members of the Justice League,"What we are facing this time is not one being of this level, but two."

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