Su Han took one step forward and appeared directly at the place where Dichang Wei died. A clear voice suddenly sounded next to his ears

"Ding! The strongest mechanical system has been detected! Is it recycled? whether!"

"certainly!"Su Han nodded, and 150,000 points were instantly collected.

After thinking about it, Su Han distributed the red envelopes to the union members who participated in the task according to the points previously allocated by the union.

On the other side

"Mission accomplished?"Tushan Honghong breathed out. Then, she discovered that the mechanical warriors did not pause at all and were still attacking them.

"what on earth is it?"

Tu Shan's red face became extremely ugly. She held her palm, condensed the sword of royal power, and slashed out. All the mecha monsters were killed one by one. The members of the union saw this scene , also looked confused.

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"?????"


Buried in the earth:"……I'm a little confused... President, is the mission completed now?"

Su Xiaoxiao:"It's done. (Picture)"

Su Han directly uploaded the screenshot of the completed mission to the guild.

Mi Toma:"Since it is completed... then why are the enemies still attacking?"

Tsuchima was puzzled.

Tony is not the richest man:"……I always feel that you have some misunderstandings about machinery. This is not some psychic beast! When the master dies, the psychic beast also dies with him! This is machinery!"

Tony is not the richest man:"Let me give you the simplest analogy! For example, Ultron in Avengers 2... I made Ultron! But if Avengers 2 happens, I'll die! Will Ultron die too?"

Echizen Ryoma:"……No matter which angle you think about it, this is impossible."

Hobei Suzune:"The turns out that this is the truth!"

Horibei Suzune:"Wait... if that's the case! So how to deal with this mess?"

Suzune Horikita finally reacted, and her face became weird.

Could it be that the beauty-girl world is going to face a mechanical catastrophe next?

Tony is not the richest man:"Tsk... So this time, I should actually go on the mission.! At least now... I can get Jarvis to attack the mechanically controlled terminal!"

Tony is not the richest man:"In the end... maybe I can take over control of this mechanical army. Turn enemies into friends!"

Xiao Zhishu:"Yes! If I go, I should be able to do something like this... Of course! The premise is to kill the field guards... After all, the mechanical legion has a master and does not have a master, which are two completely different concepts!"

Sailor Moon:"……So what to do next?"

Tsukino Usagi panicked. The mission has been completed. If Su Han and the others find it troublesome here, they can go back directly! Then what should she do?

Just recalling the previous battle with the mechanical army, she understood that if they relied on themselves alone If so...even if we gather all the beautiful girl warriors! It will be useless.

Whitebeard dad:"Don't worry! brat."

Whitebeard saw Tsukino Usagi's worry at a glance, and immediately comforted him in the union.

Whitebeard's father said:"The president is not such an irresponsible guy! Gu la la la. He will definitely deal with things in your world before going back!"

Su Xiaoxiao:"I'm here now! There are two options."

Su Xiaoxiao:"The first plan... is for me to kill all the enemies with a snap of my fingers. As for the second option...Old Marquis, Honghong, you guys can solve it slowly!"

Yuan Dagu:"……"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"……"

I am a Marquis:"Is there any need to choose? You can definitely choose option 1 with your toes!"

Tony is not the richest man:"No, no, no... there is another option!"

Xiao Zhizhizhu has obviously thought of it too. , and immediately picked up the tacit understanding in the guild.

Shino Zhizhu:"The third option is! The president and the others return to their respective worlds, and then Mr. Tony and I go to the Sailor Moon world! Seize ownership of the mechanical army... This not only solves the crisis! It also strengthens us Your own power."

Edogawa Conan:"……You can even think of this method! You guys are really fucking talented."

Conan's expression became very wonderful.

L:"……Although I have great faith in your technical strength. But I think! Wanting to usurp the ownership of these mechanical troops... is not something that can be accomplished in a short time!"

L:"It is estimated that during your invasion, the mechanical troops have already destroyed the entire Japan. Even spread to all parts of the world! (I cover my forehead helplessly.jpg)"

Sailor Moon:"……"

Xiao Zhizhishu:"!!! It's too decisive to make a judgment now!"

Xiao Zhizhishu:"We can definitely bring a large force there! Resist their invasion. By the way! Can the president do it?"

Su Xiao Xiao:"I actually have no objection... By the way, the space expansion barrier here! It can last for one day after I leave... Is it enough?"

Tony is not the richest man:"It would be better to say... it is more than enough!"

Su Han nodded immediately, then opened his eyes and stared at Tsukino Usagi,"So what do you mean?"

"I?" Tsukino Usagi pointed at herself, somewhat unbelievable that Su Han would ask her opinion. After all, she realized that she was just a newcomer.

"certainly! Su Han nodded,"This is your world!" It's up to you to make the decision...if you're willing to accept Tony's decision, tie them to it! Then we'll leave first. If you're not willing to accept it, I'll snap my fingers and clear them all!"

Tsukino Usagi bit his lower lip, and after a moment he finally made a decision, and said calmly,"Within the scope of this day maintained by your space expansion barrier! These machines won't run outside, right?"

"Of course not!"Su Han answered with certainty.

"Then I'll let Mr. Tony and Miss Shu sort it out!"

Tsukino Usagi smiled very shyly. After hesitating for a moment, he whispered,"……They chatted with me privately! If they come over for a day and find that they can't solve it... they will chat with you privately! I'll pay the price and then ask you to take action... This should be no problem, right?"

Su Han took a deep look at Tsukino Usagi and laughed,"Of course there is no problem... But they vowed to come over and solve it! If it turns over in the end. If you want to invite me over... you can't just spend 200 points on a round-trip time travel charm."

Tsukino Usagi breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, Su Han nodded to Tushan Honghong and the old Marquis, and submitted the task.

A brilliant halo surrounded his body, and after a few breaths, they all disappeared. not see.

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