After hearing this, the Kosaka brothers and sisters, who were very excited at first, thinking that solving the culprit would save the world, froze up and became desperate.

Even Wu Geng Liuli was silent at this moment.

He has a gentle personality like glass, and at this moment, he wants to cut Kameda Yuuji into pieces with a thousand knives.

Kameda Yuuji is really too hateful. Death is not a pity

"Do you really want to consider spending points to move your loved ones to other worlds?"

Wugeng Liuli glanced at Su Han at this moment, and was even thinking about whether to go to the world where Su Han lives in the future, or to the world of One Piece. The world where Su Han lives will be fine with Su Han's care.

As for One Piece The world has also been taken care of by the white-bearded father who has restored his youth.

Although there is a way out, Wu Geng Liuli is really unwilling to do this...

He is not willing to give up on himself, and has lived in this world since he was a child.


Su Han noticed something, and he sighed softly. He turned around, came to Wu Geng Liuli, and touched Wu Geng Liuli's head.

Even though Wu Geng Liuli was wearing an Iron Man machine at the moment. A, what Su Han touched was Iron Man's helmet, but Liuli still seemed to feel the warmth through the armor.

"Don't think too much... things are far from hopeless."

"Ha...what are you talking about?"

Although Kameda Yuuji is blind, his mind power allows him to perceive the surrounding scenes.

When he saw Su Han's words, the confidence of several young people who had been shattered before was re-invigorated, and he immediately became unwilling to accept it. continued

"Do you really think that you can change the world with your passion? Do you think you are God? You can't save the world!"

Su Han glanced at Kameda Yuuji coldly. At this moment, the domineering power was fully unfolded and spread to all directions.

His voice was very calm.

"If you say... you want to kill all the zombies in the West Block right now! If only God can do it...then I am God!"

Master Luo Hao stared at Su Han's cheek, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and suddenly shook his head

" sworn brother is not a god!"

Master Luo Hao stepped forward gently. She held Su Han's cheeks with both hands and stared into Su Han's eyes seriously. Her words were very serious.

"My sworn brother is a demon king who can even kill gods!"

"Even if it’s something God can’t do! The stepbrother can do the same"

"Yes, I am a demon king who can kill even gods!"

Su Han repeated the words of Master Luo Hao. He suddenly laughed.

The domineering aura of seeing and hearing has enveloped the entire West Block of Chiba City, and he has locked onto all the zombies in the current West Block. From Su Han's mouth, Clearly reported a number

"Two hundred and thirty-eight thousand and fifty-two."

Kameda Yuji's body froze slightly, and then he regained his composure and shouted sternly,"What do you mean?……"

Su Han replied calmly,"This is the current number of zombies in the West Block."

Luo Cuilian took a step back slightly.

She silently opened the live broadcast of the guild chat room. Pointed the camera at Su Han.

Come be my son:"The victory of the late-night party! There is actually a live broadcast in the middle of the night."

I am a Marquis:"Speaking of staying up late! You are not the strongest, white-bearded boy."

Nakiri Erina:"……What the hell is this place? What are these...zombie movies? Is it a disaster movie? It’s so scary to watch this thing in the middle of the night."

Jackie Chan doesn't want to do archeology:"……ah! It seems that this is a world where my sister cannot be so cute."

Jackie Chan didn't want to do archeology:"I didn't expect that they would be a step too late... Has this world actually become such a hell on earth?"

Symbol of Peace:"Damn it! Abyssal reincarnation! Why do they do this...why can't they take care of the people who just want to live a good life!"

A symbol of peace:"For selfish desires! Wanton destruction is destroying the world, but this is the only thing I can't forgive."

Xia Shizi:"……Although I am also very angry! But what I can't understand is why leader Luo Hao is doing the live broadcast this time and not the president?!

Leader Luo Hao:"Because, my sworn brother is currently engaged in the great cause of saving the world." Leader Luo

Hao:"All we have to do is stare at the sworn brother who is about to complete this great deed!""

The Kosaka brothers and sisters and Wu Geng Liuli did not bubble up in the guild.

The only thing they did was to stare closely at Su Han's back. It seemed that they even held their breath.

Endless thunder light continued to emit from Su Han's body. Jumping.

His face was calm, and the lightning bloomed on his body. It became more brilliant. A deep voice sounded.

"The Divine Power of Storm and Thunder!"

The next moment, endless lightning spread from his body to the surroundings. The sky changed.

"……Lei Ying!"

The entire Chiba City is trembling. At this moment, the most basic protective belts and safety belts have been cast outside the Nishi District of Chiba City.

Countless police officers are busy in this area.

These police officers are busy and staring In the distance, there is despair, disbelief, and fear in the eyes.

The biological crisis that only existed in fantasy has actually appeared in reality, which completely broke their world view. It made them fearful.

That is In their fear and gaze - a miracle appeared.

Endless thunder suddenly appeared.

Above the sky, the wind and clouds changed suddenly. Storm and thunder appeared in an instant. This is the power of storm and thunder.

The next moment, in the west of Chiba City In the center of the block, endless thunderlights rushed from the ground to the sky. Then those terrifying thunderlights fell from the sky one after another.

It was so gorgeous that it was like a meteor shower falling on the world.

"what happened?!"

"What on earth is going on... is this a real god coming to the world?"

"'s really too incredible. What exactly happened... Is there a god saving the world?"

No matter how calm the policeman was, his expression changed when he saw this scene. He was horrified to the extreme.

The screams of the zombies were heard one after another.

Not only in the center of Chiba Nishi District, but also in The zombies who had arrived at the outskirts of the Nishi District of Chiba City and were attacking the safety belts and protective belts were also hit by the thunder from the sky at this moment.

Once hit, they were directly wiped out.

Even if they were far away from the zombies The nearest policeman was less than 50 meters away.

Even though there was a conductive barbed wire between them.

However, when the zombie was wiped out, the policeman was still unscathed.

It was like lightning that violated his own Characteristics, like having a will of its own.

Raiden knew who his enemy was. He knew who to deal with! Who not to deal with.

Chief Inspector Fujiki, who was presiding over the scene, was already in despair.

But when he saw At this scene, his lips trembled slightly, and emotions such as shock, admiration, admiration, and disbelief flashed through his eyes.

In the end, his legs weakened and he almost knelt on the ground. His lips trembled, regardless of himself As the police chief, he clenched his fists and his voice choked up.

"Great...great! There is no complete loss of control, and Chiba City can still be saved... This is really great……"

【PS: Recommend I am the Son of God, very good-looking]

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