Whitebeard dad:"!!!!"

I am a Marquis:"……Have any new members joined the guild?"

Xia Shizi:"Welcome new members to join!!"

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat:"Welcome... emmm, wait! There seems to be something wrong with this name."

Looking at it, Wu Geng Liuli suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Tony is not the richest man:"……Something is indeed wrong."

Although he was banned by Su Han before, he was not banned for long after all. Now Tony has come out. At this time, Tony Stark rubbed his chin, thought for a moment and then spoke in the guild.

Tony is not the richest man:" If I remember correctly...the name Jiang Liu'er! It seems to be the nickname of Tang Monk from Journey to the West, right?"

Because the old Marquis also joined the guild, Tony Stark began to understand the mythology a long time ago.

Although it was something he did in his early years... but in terms of his terrifying IQ, he still remembers what he studied at that time..Kosaka


Sakata Gintoki:"……"

Taoist real person Zhang Sanfeng:"……indeed so!

Tushan Honghong:"Is this another member of the Oriental series joining?" A warm welcome."

Su Xiaoxiao:"……"

Su Han's expression became strange. He was lost in thought.

Anime related to Journey to the West? Jiang Liu'er...who is this? Is it the orthodox Journey to the West...the early Journey to the West feature-length animation? Or is it the movie"The Return of the Great Sage" that was just released in recent years?

Jiang Liuer:"……who are you?

Jiang Liu'er:" No!" This strange existence suddenly appeared in my mind. Are you some kind of gods and ghosts?"

Jiang Liuer's body stiffened, and then he shrank into the corner. He lowered his head and did not dare to say anything.

He was originally a little beggar. If what happened to him was known to others, he would be thought to be possessed by an evil spirit.! We want to burn him... What should we do?

Although he is young and optimistic, Jiang Liuer is not purely short-sighted. He also knows what to avoid.

Horaishan Kaguya:"Look at what he said! Yaoxie... tsk tsk, I think the chance that he is Tang Monk has increased to 80%.

Jiang Liu'er:"Who is Tang Monk?"!"

Su Xiaoxiao:"First of all, let me ask... The era you are in now is probably the Tang Dynasty, right? Jiang Liu'er:"

Yes, that's right?" I'm not sure either.

Jiang Liu'er:"Wow...the monsters have begun to attack the city!" Attacked the city. Jiang Liu'er:"

Help." You are indeed related to monsters, right? Why are you looking for me?"

Jiang Liu'er panicked, constantly avoiding the monsters chasing after him.

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"????"

Xia Shizi:"????"

Xiaozhi:"……Now! Got approached by a monster? Wait, does that mean Jiang Liuer's life is in danger now? Why didn't the guild issue a warning?"

Ash is a little confused. The lives of guild members are threatened. Shouldn't there be a red alert?

Edogawa Conan:"Although I am a little doubtful about myself."

Edogawa Conan:"But to make a rough guess...it may be that Jiang Liu'er is being chased by a monster. But his life is not in danger? So no red alert?"

Aizen Sosuke:"……"

Nakiri Erina:"How can such an operation be possible?"

Ainz Ooal Gown:"@江流儿. Take two photos to show us your current situation. Maybe we can give you some help.!"

Jiang Liu'er:"Photo, do you mean this? (Photo)"

Jiang Liu'er:"Help!!!"

Su Xiaoxiao:"……"

Su Han looked at the photo, his eyes sparkling with inexplicable brilliance,"Is it really Jiang Liu'er from The Return of the Great Sage?"

"And this photo... is this the monster attacking the city in the early stage of the Return of the Great Sage? Su Han tapped his fingers lightly on the table, lost in thought,"So, then, it's time for Sun Wukong to break free from the seal?""

White Beard Dad:"@江流儿. Boy! I'll give you a red envelope."

Whitebeard Dad:"Wait a minute and take the sealing technique in the red envelope! Just throw it directly at the enemy"

"Ding! The white-bearded father sent a private red envelope to Jiang Liuer."

After a short silence, Jiang Liu'er's disbelieving voice suddenly sounded in the guild.

Jiang Liu'er:"Wow! Old man, what happened to that sealing technique just now? I push someone else! The void was shattered."

Jiang Liu'er:"Then a lot of monsters were all involved in the cracks in the void."

Whitebeard Dad:"It's good if I can help you."

Taoist real person Zhang Sanfeng:"……etc! When did Whitebeard learn the art of making seals?"

The Fourth Hokage:"Of course I taught him."

Whitebeard Dad:"It's really boring after all... So I'll learn the power of other systems."

Akasaka Ryunosuke:"Actually, I'm just curious now! Does the president know the true identity of this newcomer?

Natsume:"Didn't I tell you that the newcomer this time is most likely to be Tang Seng?""

Akasaka Ryunosuke:"But there are too many Tang Monks in various literary works. And although they bear the same name, it can also be called Journey to the West, but the plots of these various works! But it's different."

Akasaka Ryunosuke:"If the president gets the plot of Journey to the West wrong. Then sending it out... misleads Jiang Liu'er and the guild members... and may cause a lot of trouble."

Doctor Luo Man:"That's right... the Tang Sanzang of our world! Still a girl."

Izumi Sagiri:"True."

Lihua played:"……"

Kaoru Chino:"……that! Let me put it mildly... It is a very common situation that famous people in FGO are women, right? This should come as no surprise. (Quietly.jpg)"

Su Xiaoxiao:"I have a rough idea of ​​who Jiang Liu'er is from traveling to the west."

Su Xiaoxiao:"The images of the monsters he took before are very similar to a certain work in my mind... I'll send you a copy of the memory!

Su Xiaoxiao:"If Jiang Liu'er thinks it's not true after reading it, just tell me directly.""

"Ding! Guild president Su Xiaoxiao uploaded a medium memory copy of"The Return of the Great Sage"》"

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