Oda Nobuna:"There is no hegemony...I don't value it now. After all, I have successfully climbed to Luo! My life goal has been accomplished." Going to

Luo during the Warring States Period in Japan also meant entering Kyoto. This can be used as a symbol of the rule of one prince for an era.

And this is precisely Oda Nobuna's original wish.

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat:"But, you are still very young. After you have accomplished your goal... what are you going to do next? Eat and wait for death?"

Sakata Gintoki:"Actually, I think... just wait for death. Death is not bad. If someone is willing to raise me... I also want to eat and wait until death. Of course... if I can choose, I hope that the person who raises me is a beautiful girl. (Quietly.jpg)"

Kosaka Kyosuke:"Are you thinking about Fucha?"

Sakata Gintoki:"……"

Oda Nobuna:"@ Fallen Angel Twelve Wings Black Cat Clan. If I have to say, maybe I will learn some future technologies with Miss Shino Nobushi and Mr. Tony next? After all, I am very familiar with Western culture. I'm very curious about those things."

After joining the guild, Oda Nobuna's strength increased horribly. I accomplished my goal very easily... but that's precisely because it was too easy! That's why Oda Nobuna felt a little confused.

However, Oda Nobuna thought about it. I feel that since my life goal has been accomplished, I might as well stay true to my hobbies.

Lelouch:"I envy... the winner who has completed his life goal and can wait to die." I am the Marquis:"Huh?! Didn't you complete your life goal? I remember that you have become a saint He is the emperor of the British Empire. In terms of status alone... he is much higher than Oda Nobuna, right?"

Whitebeard dad:"Gla la la la! That's true. Now Lelouch has power over the world! It's definitely not too much."

Lelouch:"Although I became the emperor...but being emperor is not my dream."

Tony is not the richest man:"……"


Let the world feel the pain:"……Listen! Is this human language?"

Sakata Gintoki:"I have to pick up the money every day to eat desserts! Tears were shed silently. Why are the differences between people so great?"

Kosaka Kyosuke:"Sakata Gintoki has joined the union and has so many opportunities! You still don't even have money for dessert... I can only say that you are really born poor. Kasumi Shiko:"

Maybe... Sakata Gintoki is poor!" Just like Nobi Nobita's zero-point test paper. This is destiny...even if it goes against the power of heaven, it cannot be changed."

Sakata Gintoki:"……"

Accelerator:"(Thanos: I am the warning of destiny.jpg)"

Su Xiaoxiao:"@鲁鲁素. So what is your goal in life?"

Lelouch:"Does this need to be said? Of course it is world peace.."

Whitebeard Dad:"……"

Kuroko Shirai:"……"

Fallen Angel Twelve Winged Black Cat Clan:"……"

Kurosaki Ichigo:"……I personally really want to believe this! But I remembered Lelouch’s sinister nature, emmm."

Edogawa Conan:"……I’m not surprised! After all, it is at the very end of the original work. Lelouch was willing to be killed by Suzaku just for his wish to eliminate the world. Although part of it is for my sister's sake. But it can also explain a lot of things!"

Loki:"Sister control saves the world."

Kosaka Kirino:"So the more I watch it, the more complicated my mood becomes."

Tony is not the richest man:" @高坂 Kyosuke. Do you feel that your brother-in-law has no ability to save the world, so you feel disappointed? (Manual funny.jpg)"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"!!!!"

What does this have to do with him? Why is he inexplicably lying on the gun again?

Kirishima Touka:"It's normal...can the girl-controllers in the daily series and the hot-blooded series be the same? Besides! Kousaka Kyousuke has been expelled from the sister-controllers a long time ago, right?"

Kasumi Shiko:"There is no way to do this Things! After all, Kousaka Kyousuke is afraid of being broken by his majestic father."

Lelouch:"Ahem... no more talk! @苏小小.President! I have something to ask for."

Su Xiao Xiao:"Just tell me."

Lelouch:"I hope that my world can be integrated with Mr. Sawada Tsunayoshi's world." The original Lelouch was busy dealing with various matters of the Holy British Empire. After all, every head of state is never too busy. Not to mention, it is the top empire in the rebellious Lelouch world like the British Empire.

But after experiencing the attack of the reincarnations in the abyss, Lelouch fully realized the terror of the reincarnations... Not to mention, there may be time travelers in the future. If you want to properly develop your own world, you must eradicate this crisis.

The best way to eradicate it is to find a world to integrate with.

The Fourth Hokage:"!!!!"

Busujima Yako:"……The world of tutors and the world of Lelouch merge? Hiss... I imagined that style of painting for a moment! Suddenly my scalp feels numb."

Haibara Ai:"……Indeed, these two worlds are of different eras?"

Ainz Ooal Gown:"I am the only one who is more confused... Sawada Tsunayoshi is currently in Japan, and there is no Japan in Lelouch's world, only District 11... What if the two worlds merged! So what would the worldview look like? (Curious.jpg)"

Sakata Gintoki:"……"

Fujiwara Sae:"……"

Krulru:"Think about it for a moment. Hahaha... ok. I'm interested."

Sawada Tsunayoshi:"……These things! Lelouch has already told me. But I thought about it and agreed."

Sawada Tsunayoshi:"Lelouch was seriously injured before because of the Abyss Reincarnation incident... and if what happened to Lelouch happened to me, I might die."

Sawada Tsunayoshi:"Not to mention... my friends! A guy who even regards him as a family member. You may die at the hands of these unscrupulous abyss reincarnations... but you must prevent this! World integration is a must."

Sawada Tsunayoshi feels that prevention in advance is necessary, and wait until everything happens before trying to make up for it. That is a decision only a fool would make.

Kayaba Akihiko:"……Impressive! It's really amazing. Sawada Tsunayoshi, who has the same brain as Nobita Nobita, can actually think of this?"

Kokichi Sawada:"????" wipe! Sawada Tsunayoshi felt that this sentence was the greatest humiliation to him. No matter what...he never got 0 points in the exam! Why are you comparing him to Nobita Nobita?

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