Raising his eyebrows, Su Han looked at the rewards for this mission. I found that in addition to points, there is also a reward for skill extraction.

"Can you choose any one of the three skills?"Su Han's eyes flickered slightly, and he directly used the task selection this time.

"Ding! Congratulations on successfully drawing the King's Horn Cannon!"

"……This skill."The corner of Su Han's mouth twitched. What use is this skill to him?

The King's Cannon is mainly the source code of countless treasures that Gilgamesh collected in his collection, all of which are shot out as bullet holes of bows and arrows. As a one-time A sure kill! The destructive power is naturally extremely terrifying. But...Su Han himself can do similar things through the Reality Gem Law.

"All right! It's better than nothing."Sighing, Su Han raised his eyelids and looked at the other people present. He found that their expressions were different at the moment.

After thinking about it, Su Han asked,"What did you get?"

"I drew Hades' Law of Death!"Edogawa Conan shrugged,"It will also help me a lot, right?"

"……You are really going to become a Death God elementary school student!"Su Han's eyes suddenly became weird when he looked at Edogawa Conan.

Don't say it was Su Han! Others looked at Edogawa Conan with different expressions as well. A Shinigami primary school student matching the Shinigami's Law of Death? It's really cool. That’s right.

He stretched out his hand and pushed his eyes. Edogawa Conan remained silent.

"I drew the Star-Made Holy Sword!"Niang Shining's expression was indifferent, and the Sword of Victory appeared in her palm, and she waved it casually. Then, Niang Shining threw the Sword of Victory into the golden waves behind her.

"It's really boring!"Niang Xingxian's voice was calm,"I already possess the original code of the Sword of Victory... Drawing this sword means nothing to me."

"……Pull it down! Fortunately you didn't draw the King's Horn Cannon."Su Han sneered.

My mother flashed her eyelids and found that she couldn't refute.

"But then again! You don’t lose money either."Su Han thought about the setting of the male version of King Arthur and said softly,"The male version of King Arthur! Obtained the Sword of Vowed Victory. Not the female version!"

"Subject to conditions being met. That sword is the true sword of salvation! Possessing immeasurable terrifying power"

"……Is it like this?"My mother thought for a moment and nodded slightly,"Then I'll pay more attention to that sword."

Niang Shining's attitude towards the Sword of Pledge of Victory has changed. She still trusts Su Han very much.

"The president said so! Then I feel relieved."Lelouch laughed, and in his hand appeared a sword of victory that was exactly the same as the one obtained by Niang Shining.

Su Han:"?????"


"……you!"My mother's face changed several times. After a long time, she asked in a low voice,"What on earth is going on?"

"I can probably guess what's going on."Edogawa Conan said softly,"The rewards we received were issued by the guild! Rather than the loot captured from the enemy's corpse……"

"I had a doubt before! There are obviously 5 people present, but there are only three trophies on the opposite side... If the mission prizes can be released overlappingly, you can also explain my confusion."

"Yes! CC nodded frankly,"I gained the power of death.""

"Two powers of death, two swords sworn to victory! Plus the King's Cannon obtained from the president."Edogawa Conan nodded thoughtfully, and then looked at Su Han,"Speaking of which, what is the specific effect of the King's Horn Cannon you obtained? ?"

"……There are a lot more treasures! If I wanted to, I could shoot them out like cannonballs."Golden ripples appeared behind Su Han. He spread his palms helplessly,"But you also understand! This doesn't do much good for me."

Niang Shining:"????"

The corners of Niang Shanshan's mouth twitched, feeling that she had been humiliated.

"……turn out to be! The rewards received by the president are the most terrifying."Edogawa Conan choked, with a wonderful expression.

This is more than just a skill! Su Han simply obtained the King's Treasure directly. Although Conan felt that Su Han was a bit advantageous and behaved. But after thinking about it, Conan also I have to admit that what Su Han said makes sense.

Although the reward of the King's Horn Cannon is terrifying, who makes Su Han himself more terrifying?

"Now that the mission is completed... let's go back to our respective homes."Su Han nodded to Lelouch and CC, signaling goodbye.

"I really can’t bear to leave you! Lelouch sighed softly, and then he casually waved the Sword of Victory in his hand, his eyes flashing and said,"But having said that... I think this sword suits me quite well.""

Lelouch is the emperor of the Holy Empire of Great Britain. And King Arthur is the legendary king of Great Britain. The Sword of Victory is the symbol of King Arthur. From this perspective, Lelouch and the Sword of Victory really match well.

Su Han didn't speak and clicked to submit the task.

The next moment, a brilliant light surrounded his body. Then, Su Han and all the personnel disappeared directly from where they were.


Between opening and closing his eyes, Su Han returned to his room. He looked around the room and was immediately surprised.

"……No one? After thinking about it

, Su Han nodded clearly,"Wugeng Liuli and the others should be reading the memory copy in another room, right?" It's also normal."

Lying on the bed casually, Su Han closed his eyes and entered the guild chat room.

Judging from the time, those who used the immersion mode had obviously completed the two memory copies at an extremely fast speed. So, at this moment The discussion in the guild has become very intense.

I am a Marquis:"Hahahaha! I laughed to death. Really...it has been a long, long time since I laughed out loud with such joy."

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"It's too scary! This time Avengers 4. There are so many highlights... I don't even know where to start."

Tony is not the richest man:"……"

Xia Shizi:"Let us welcome Mr. Tony, who is now our father, to speak!"

Xia Shizi:"Excuse me, Mr. Tony, do you have any special feelings at this moment? Tell us quickly and let us have fun."

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