Tony is not the richest man:"Welcome new people to join the company...wait! Morgan Stark? This time there is a member named Stark?"

Tony's brows raised, and surprise suddenly appeared on his face. Not that I thought of anything! It's just a coincidence.

Su Xiaoxiao:"……"

Su Han's expression became strange. He glanced at Avengers 4 subconsciously...emmm, it couldn't be such a coincidence, right?

I am the superhero Shazam:"Hey! Friends? What's going on with this interface that suddenly appeared in my mind?!"

Fallen Angel Twelve Wings Black Cat:"Are you a superhero?"

I am a superhero Shazam:"Yes! It seems that you should be my loyal admirer, right? There is no need to use such high-tech props to communicate with me! If you want my autograph, come directly to me Just say it."


Kousaka Kyosuke:"……After all, it should be said that the new members have expanded! Or should I say that the new member's world is always like this?"

Batman:"……Whose world do you think is like this?"

Batman's face was cold and calm. In addition to maintaining the security of Gotham City, he usually collects intelligence on heroes around the world. So... when he saw Shazam! He instantly thought of a hero who had just appeared.

"……DC world! Has a new member been added?"Rubbing his chin, Batman's eyes flickered,"Maybe we can focus on cultivating him."

Joining the guild and having the help of the guild means that there are infinite possibilities! If you are not too useless, or you have no enterprising spirit at all. It is very easy to become strong!

Kosaka Kyosuke:"????"

After all, Kousaka Kyosuke was not stupid. Hearing Batman say this, he reacted instantly.

Kyousuke Kosaka:"Holy this guy from the DC world?"

I am the superhero Shazam:"……Batman, Batman! It's actually Batman. I saw Batman alive! I'm so excited."


Morgan Stark:"……that! Excuse me, where is this?"

Morgan Stark:"@Tony is not the richest man. that! are you a dad?"

Tony is not the richest man:"????"

I am a Marquis:"!!!!"

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat:"Pfft...laugh out loud! Mr. Tony likes to be a father."

Kasumi Shizi:"It's okay to be a father."

Tony is not the richest man:"Listen! Kid. Although your last name is Stark! But now Mr. Tony is a bachelor. He has no children yet! Don’t go around recognizing your father."

Morgan Stark:"……Is it like this?"

Tony is not the richest man:"That's right! I'm not an old man with a white beard."

White-bearded dad:" Gu la la la. Tony is not the richest man:"

So kid, who is your father?""

Morgan Stark:"My father! It's the superhero, Iron Man! Tony Stark."

As soon as these words came out, the guild suddenly fell into a brief silence.

Fallen Angel Twelve Winged Black Cat Clan:"????"

Symbol of peace:"????"



Horaiyama Kaguya:"What the hell? Did I miss something?"

Nakiri Erina:"I'm confused right now! What about you?"

Thor Odinson:"You outsiders are so confused. I'm confused, but actually... I, an insider, am also confused."

Tony is not the richest man:"……What's happening here? what happened?"

Tony's heart was completely confused.

If we say! The same last name may be a coincidence. Then after Morgan Sack said these words of Iron Man Tony Stark... the truth seems to have been determined.

But , what Tony couldn't understand at all was. When did he have an extra child?

Gritting his teeth, Tony gave the order,"Jarvis! Search it. Do I have a child left behind? Even the artificial intelligence Jarvis paused for a moment, and then Jarvis said in a normal tone,"I understand!" gentlemen. I will now start an intelligence search on the women who have had a relationship with you!"

Collapsed on the sofa, Tony's brain was in chaos. But he is a highly intelligent person after all. He quickly thought of another way to understand the truth.

Tony is not the richest man:"@苏小小. President, do you know what is going on? Tony is not the richest man:"

This must be a prank, right?" He should be the person in our world who knows my information! Did you come here on purpose to trick me?"

Tony forcibly calmed down his mood. Having a child? It's impossible no matter how you think about it.

Su Xiaoxiao:"……Very sorry! From what I'm thinking...Morgan Stark, maybe really is your daughter."

Tony is not the richest man:"????"

I am a Marquis:"@ Tony is not the richest man. Congratulations!"

I am a Marquis:"@Morgan Stark. Little Morgan! If you have time, you can come and play in the world of Grandpa Marquis."

Morgan Stark:"……Dad and Mom told me! Don't talk to strangers."

I am a Marquis:"?!!!"

I am a Marquis:"How come I have become a stranger? Tony! Tell your daughter loudly, who am I?"

Tony is not the richest man:"You are a bad old man."

I am a Marquis:"????"

Tony is not the richest man:"MMP, I, what the hell... what the hell is going on?!"

Tony Stark felt like his head was going to explode.


Compared to Tony Stark, who was completely confused, Batman remained calm at the moment. After pondering for a moment, he asked the question in the guild.

Batman:"@苏小小. Who is Morgan's mother?"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Little Pepper."

Tony is not the richest man:"???"

The more Su Han talked, the more confused Tony became. When did he and Pepper have a baby?

Su Xiaoxiao:"I roughly understand what's going on...Morgan Stark! She shouldn't be from your world. She should be from the world of Avengers 4! Tony Stark's daughter."

Tony is not the richest man. :"So it's like this... a ghost!"

Tony is not the richest man:"Can such an operation be possible?!"

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