Pure white elf:"……Say it this way! I suddenly became worried. Is there really no problem?"

The pure white elf envoy:"An opponent of this level! There aren't many people in the guild who can handle it, right?"

Su Xiaoxiao:"……I should be on the same level as the other party! But it’s hard to say. My personal suggestion is! In this wave, all of them were mobilized into top-notch combat teams."

Xia Shizi:"……Did you miss a very crucial message? This time the task is to randomly select! rather than optional."

Xia Shizi:"So! Even if you want to transfer them all into a top-level combat team. It's not a simple thing either."

Su Xiaoxiao:"……you are right!"

Su Han sighed and rubbed his eyebrows. This was too real.

After a short silence, Su Han clicked to officially start the task. Immediately, a message popped up instantly

"Ding! Guild presidents Su Xiaoxiao, Nobita Nobi, Sosuke Aizen, Clark Kent, and Batman have been successfully elected."

The guild fell into a brief silence, and then an uproar broke out.

The fallen angel twelve-winged black cat clan:"Fuck...fuck!"

Wugeng Ruri said two shits in a row. From this, you can imagine how big her mood changes. In fact, she is not the only one who has such big mood changes.

Kosaka Kyosuke:"????"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"!!!!"

Kosaka Kyosuke:"President, there is no problem! Aizen is a newly promoted first-class boss. It is also very good! Clark and Batman don't have much problem...but! What the hell is Nobi Nobita?"

Horaishan Kaguya:"Yes! Isn't Nobi Nobita an ordinary person? He is participating in the mission this time! Will there really be no problems?"

Ainz Ooal Gown:"I always feel that this wave is the rhythm of an explosion on the spot......I feel sorry for the president!"

Su Xiaoxiao:"……well enough! Be a little more cautious. There shouldn’t be much of a problem!"

Although Su Han had a headache and surprise, he didn't show it in the guild.

Tony is not the richest man:"I suddenly remembered when Nobi Nobita first joined the guild! The series of words spoken by the president are a super boss that spans time and space! The witness and terminator of civilization. Damn high!"

Sakata Gintoki:"Then I learned the true situation of Nobita Nobita through the memory copy. I laughed out loud like a pig."


Nobita Nobita:"Eh? Did I participate in this mission?!"

Nobita Nobita reacted belatedly, and then his face was full of panic. He quickly spoke in the guild.

Nobita Nobita:"Wait! Can someone be replaced? I feel like I can't do it! After all, I will fall off the chain at critical moments. And I'm still a loser! There are too many people in the guild who are stronger and more reliable than me. Right?!"

Su Xiaoxiao:"……"

I am a Marquis:"……There is absolutely no confidence at all."

The Twelve-Winged Black Cat Family of the Fallen Angel:"Nobi Nobita... This is impossible."

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"If people can be replaced...then the so-called random personnel mode of the guild...wouldn't it have no charm at all?"


Edogawa Conan:"……Although the mood is very complicated! I can tell you good news. You don’t need to worry too much about your life safety! Because the president is a very reliable person."

Edogawa Conan:"No one can harm the members of the guild under the leadership of the president! I have always believed in this."

Su Xiaoxiao:"……Although I feel proud of it... But why do I always feel like you are digging a hole for me, little Conan!"

Edogawa Conan:"……Where's the matter?"

Aizen Sosuke:"It's a rare opportunity to participate in a mission, and I feel that the blood in my body is boiling. The enemy this time may not be weaker than the demon in the Forbidden City! Thinking of this, I became even more excited. Kasumi Shiko:"

Hey... I was only paying attention to Nobi Nobita just now!" I suddenly want to ask, Clark and Batman should have no problem, right?"

Tony is not the richest man:"No.……"

Clark Kent:"……I think should not be?"

At first, everyone in the guild was very confident in Clark, but when Clark opened his mouth, he spoke in a very weak tone, which immediately made many people in the guild freeze their smiles.


Tony is not the richest man:"Don't be misled by Clark! I have spent a lot of time in the DC world. I don't know much about Clark!"

Tony is not the richest man:"Under constant sun exposure. Now Clark! Already possesses unimaginable power."

Tony is not the richest man:"Including but not limited to... moving a planet the size of a star with one hand! Flying at the speed of light, if necessary, can perform teleportation similar to Super light speed. It has the ultimate recovery ability! As long as there is the sun! Physical strength will not be exhausted...such cheating abilities."

Whitebeard Dad:"……"

I am a Marquis:"It's so scary! It's so scary."

Aizen Sosuke:"……This is really surprising."

Nakiri Erina:"Fuck...although I'm not sure! But Clark's level is at least the pinnacle of the second level!"

Su Xiaoxiao:"……It should be quasi-first level!"

Su Han corrected.

Su Xiaoxiao:"The top whitebeard among the second class, Luo Cuilian! He can shatter stars by himself. However, they absolutely cannot do it. With just one arm, they can move a star-sized body to its trajectory."

Su Han is very sure of this.

Su Xiaoxiao:"Not to mention... flying in the starry sky at super-light speed! The ultimate recovery ability, these extremely terrifying powers.

Batman:"It feels like...the president is not surprised at all?""

Su Xiaoxiao:"……Maybe you forgot! In fact, when Superman first joined the union. I have made it very clear... Superman's potential is terrifyingly powerful!"

Fallen Angel Twelve Winged Black Cat Clan:"……Is it like this?"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Yes...if we have to say, there are two people in the guild who are destined to be in the first class. Then, I would think that these two people are Superman and Sun Wukong respectively. Their potential! It's just so huge."

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