This is a luxurious and beautiful, endless palace hall.

The main hall was filled with hundreds of civil and military generals. They were solemn and respectful, lowering their heads to the First Emperor who was sitting high above the main hall.

Ying Zheng's gaze calmly swept over the entire audience, except for the hundreds of civil and military generals of the Qin Dynasty. Also present were the Yin-Yang family forces headed by Donghuang Taiyi and Yueshen, the Taoist forces headed by Xiaoyaozi, and the seemingly undisciplined top powerhouse Guiguzi.

This is the top powerhouse currently controlled by Da Qin.

After joining the guild, Ying Zheng not only rapidly improved his own strength through the public skills in the guild, but also reached a level that is unimaginable in the eyes of the top players in the current Qin Shi Mingyue world. It also cultivated a group of top experts who were controlled by Da Qin.

Under the terrifying power of Da Qin that dominates the world, and the attraction of high-end martial arts. Like Guiguzi and Xiaoyaozi, scattered people who traveled around the world, were tied to their own chariot by Da Qin for various reasons.

Suddenly, Donghuang Taiyi, Xiaoyaozi, and Guiguzi all looked shocked. When they noticed something, their expressions changed slightly, and then they looked at Qin Shihuang above the main hall. The voice is either solemn or solemn

"……His Majesty the First Emperor! careful"

"There are enemies!"

"Wait...what method is this?!"

Under the shocked and disbelieving eyes of the audience, the void beside Ying Zheng was distorted, and then, a slender figure with white hair and beard slowly walked out of the void. It was Zhang Sanfeng.

"Mr. Zhang’s talent in space is truly beyond imagination."After a slight pause, Ying Zheng turned his head and stared at Zhang Sanfeng, with a hint of emotion in his words,"The skills are as close as the Tao!"

"A piece of cake! Zhang Sanfeng said with a wry smile on his face,"My martial arts cultivation has reached the realm of Broken Void!" In addition, Kama Taj's magic circle shared in the union... and the flying thunder god's technique! I absorbed the core concepts and combined them with some special concepts of Taoism! Only then did I evolve my unique spatial movement."

After a slight pause, Zhang Sanfeng continued,"If it weren't for Kama Taj's magic circle and the flying thunder god's technique! There is no way I can develop a space spell that allows me to move freely."

Ying Zheng didn't speak, but shook his head noncommittally. Being able to realize his own space spell from the magic circle and the flying thunder god's technique? Isn't this a manifestation of his extraordinary talent?

Dong, who had already been in a state of preparation for war before, The bodies of Huang Taiyi, Xiaoyaozi, and Guiguzi all froze. The three looked at each other, and finally lowered their heads, not daring to say anything.

"……Who is this guy?"Xiaoyaozi couldn't calm down, and there were thousands of thoughts in his mind,"That kind of method that appears in an instant! It is simply like the great supernatural power in Taoist mythology. It is so close to the end of the world, one step forward, and it appears directly across thousands of miles!"

Even with Xiaoyaozi's current cultivation level, he was sincerely shocked by the power displayed by Zhang Sanfeng. Just when Xiaoyaozi was thinking, he suddenly noticed that something was wrong with the atmosphere. He immediately turned around and scanned the crowd. Suddenly my heart was shocked.

Because the civil and military officials in the city stared at Zhang Sanfeng with different expressions. There were even a few military generals discussing in a low voice.

It was not that they did not understand the rules, but it was like this in the early dynasties of Qin Dynasty. The rules are not strict.

You can discuss them during the morning court. As long as you don’t deliberately disrupt the order of the morning court, there will be no problem.

"that one! It should be a myth of the Yuan Dynasty! Is it Mr. Zhang Sanfeng, the great master who is famous all over the world? Meng Tian stared at Zhang Sanfeng, with a hint of admiration and awe in his eyes,"Looking at this... Could it be that Grandmaster Zhang is willing to join me in the Qin Dynasty?""

"……If so! That would be perfect."Li Si, who had never dealt with Meng Tian, ​​very rarely agreed with Meng Tian's idea and said softly,"Grandmaster Zhang's status in the Yuan Dynasty! It’s beyond imagination… quite literally! He can trigger a civil uprising with just a wave of his arms."

"If he joins me, Da Qin! In addition, the people of the Yuan Dynasty were in trouble... We, the Great Qin Dynasty, wanted to take over the Yuan Dynasty... easily."

"Not bad! The reason why our Qin Dynasty is worried about the Yuan Dynasty! It's not just because of the strength of the Yuan Dynasty. It’s even more because there was a living martial arts myth in the Yuan Dynasty! And now, this martial arts myth belongs to our Qin Dynasty."

"……I have heard the myth about Zhang Sanfeng before! I thought those intelligence officers were exaggerating, but now I see Zhang Sanfeng suddenly appearing! Only then did I vaguely feel...perhaps those people really weren't exaggerating! Zhang Sanfeng...maybe he is really a land immortal god."

Donghuang Taiyi:"???"



The civil and military officials of the Qin Dynasty were excited and excited, but Donghuang Taiyi, Xiaoyaozi, and Guiguzi all looked confused after hearing this. what happened? Why do others act like they know the man with white hair and beard standing side by side with Qin Shihuang, but they don't? Also, where was the Yuan Dynasty? Is there a place called the Yuan Dynasty on the territory of Da Qin?

Qin Shihuang wiped out Liuhe, didn't he already dominate the Yanhuang land! Where does the Yuan Dynasty come from? The Huns beyond the Great Wall? I always feel like something is wrong.

The more I think about it, the more confused the three become. Especially when Donghuang Taiyi discovered that people from the Yin and Yang family seemed to know Zhang Sanfeng. This was especially true when Xiaoyaozi discovered that the Taoist people behind him also knew Zhang Sanfeng.

Ying Zheng looked down, especially when he saw the confused faces of Donghuang Taiyi and the others, without any change in their expressions.

He wasn't surprised. After all, world fusion, although ordinary people will have memories of another world, the top powerhouse in a world will retain their original world view and will not be affected by world fusion.

Just when Donghuang Taiyi and the others wondered if there was an error in their memory. Another faint wave rose up beside Qin Shihuang and Zhang Sanfeng.


The expressions of the three people changed drastically. They were even more shocked than before when they discovered that Zhang Sanfeng came across space.

Zhang Sanfeng came across the world, and they were still able to sense the space fluctuations. However, the time and space waves that appeared at this time, if it weren't for them Witnessing it with their own eyes... it was impossible to detect it.

There were clearly ripples in the void, but in their spiritual senses, the void was the same as before. This feeling of contradiction almost made them vomit blood.

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