Whitebeard dad:"……"

Tony is not the richest man:"Is the old Marquis this wave of ridicule?"

Tony is not the richest man:"……Old man with white beard, if I were you, I wouldn't be able to tolerate this kind of thing! At the very least, the old Marquis must be hung up and beaten."

The Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan of the Fallen Angel:"Could this be the legendary... sowing dissension?"

Xia Shizi:"You have even learned how to sow discord... Black Cat, you have studied Chinese culture very deeply recently!"

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"Isn't that a matter of course? And it’s not a recent study! I've been studying it. Leader Luo Hao:"

Actually... for us now!" The age issue is not important at all, right?

Leader Luo Hao:"After all, as long as everyone in the guild wants to do it!" You can easily extend your life, right?"

Luo Cuilian questioned. If you want, you can upgrade your combat power to that of a general through Momonga's upgrade.

Then, go to the world of God Killers and kill a person with the help of local guild members. God... In this way, you can basically extend your life indefinitely.

Anyway, for the current old Marquis, killing God or not will not be of much help to his own strength. More can only be said Do it as a hobby.

Monster Sage:"I also agree with the leader’s idea!"

Sakata Gintoki:"Some women who are very concerned about their age have issued secret threats to the union.jpg"

Youkai Sage:"Huh?!"

Yakumo Purple narrowed her eyes, feeling what Sakata Gintoki was hinting at?

Sakata Gintoki:"What are you talking about?" Are you threatening me? (Pick your nose.jpg)"

Sakata Gintoki:"It's hard to tell the leader...but, Zima! Who of you doesn’t know who? Why do you need to hide and tuck in when you are older? Be more generous and show yourself to others!"

Tony is not the richest man:"!!!"

Kasumi Shiko:"It's so terrifying."

Tsuchima:"Another warrior appears!"

Tsuchima's face was full of shock. Although there were people called Zima in the past, none were as naked as Sakata Gintoki. In the past, only Su Han dared to let himself go so freely in front of Yakumo Purple.

However, in response, Sakata Gintoki curled his lips and silently said that ShiroYasha is never afraid of threats! Why did he just call you Zima? Can you still fight him across the world?

Leader Luo Hao:"……"

In the Lost House, the smile on Yakumo Purple's face froze for a moment, but after a brief pause, the smile on her face became more gentle.

Yokai Sage:"Ah! Join the mission next time! Maybe you can meet Mr. Sakata Gintoki by chance? Should I help him silently behind the scenes?"

Yokai Sage:"After all, I am Purple Mom, if you live long, you will naturally see many incredible things happen... Maybe, when someone is fighting an enemy! A foot will appear behind him and kick him hard?"

Monster Xian Author:"Mr. Sakata Gintoki...be careful! If something goes wrong accidentally when participating in a mission in the future! It will lead to defeat in the battle! Or even death, that would be bad."

Sakata Gintoki:"……"

Sakata Gintoki froze while picking his nose. He was lost in thought. The possibility of him and Yakumo Purple participating in a mission together...should be very small, right?

Kosaka Kyosuke:"I was wrong. I always thought that Sakata Gintoki was good for nothing except for liking sugar. But now it seems... his talent in committing suicide is also very outstanding."

Kosaka Kyosuke:"Pfft hahaha. Please Forgive me for being unkind and laughing out loud!"

Whitebeard Dad:"By the way... Yesterday, I fused the Chaos Crystal! Now I barely have an extra path to chaos. Now I am relying on this path to chaos! Touch it! -Find out the way of shock that belongs to me."

Whitebeard dad:"Gu la la la! From this point of view, even if there is no union reward for the opportunity to self-examine the path! Relying on your own slowly integrating... the same Is it also possible to summarize the path?"

Xia Shizi:"……Is it normal to be able to integrate on your own? If you can't integrate it on your own! That's not normal."

Nakiri Erina:"This sentence...everyone else in the union is qualified to say it! But you, the only people who have the opportunity to self-examine the path through systematic rewards, are not qualified to say this, right?"

Aizen Sosuke:"……actually! Even if the old man with white beard begins to explore his own path, isn't it because of the chaos crystal given by him?"

Aizen Sosuke:"If you just rely on yourself! If I want to summarize the path...it is absolutely impossible without talking about it! But the difficulty must be so great that it makes people despair!"

The Fourth Hokage:"@MonkeydDorag. Mr. Dorag! What do you think about that thing we discussed before?"

Monkey D Dorag:"……I personally don't have much of an opinion. But, again, we need to consider the opinion of the old man with white beard.

Kirishima Touka:"Huh?"!"

Ainz Ooal Gown:"Why do I smell the familiar smell of PY trading?"

Daddy White Beard:"……Dorag! What do you want to ask me?"

Monkey D. Dolag:"Actually, it's about the integration of the world."

Whitebeard dad:"? ? ? etc! Hasn’t the power system of our world been roughly upgraded?"

Whitebeard Dad:"I feel like if I talk to the president, we can start thinking about upgrading the world? As for integrating with the Naruto world?"

Whitebeard was confused, and he couldn't understand the logic of Dolag doing this.

Monkey D Dolag:"Although the power system of our world has probably been upgraded! But the power system of Naruto's world has not been upgraded. After all, compared with our world...the Naruto world, where the basic power is chakra, has a locked limit."

The Fourth Hokage:"……"

Namikaze Minato sighed softly, with a complicated expression. In the world of Naruto, without the blood inheritance limit of the Otongmu clan, it would be too difficult to climb to the top.

This and the One Piece world are two completely different concepts.

Monkey D Dorag:"……Minato Namikaze and I discussed it for a long time! In the end, I felt that the fusion of the two worlds also faced an attack! Single world upgrade. Also facing an attack... let's just merge the two worlds."

Monkey D Dorag:"Turning two things into one! Everyone is relaxed."

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