Bang, bang, bang......

From the live broadcast screen, you can feel the fierceness of the close attack between the two.

Both of them seemed to be angry, fighting each other like deaths.

"Wonderful! so wonderful!".

"Soul, it's not wise, the bull is notoriously strong, just like a cow, how can you choose to fight him hand-to-hand?"

"It's over, my nephew is going to lose! If you fight like this, you won't be able to take advantage of it at all!"

", don't you think it's strange?

"Hey, what the hell, the cow looks so painful!".

"I'm not mistaken, right? Soul, you are so hanging, you are so hard to resist Kong Wu's heavy punch?".

"You know a hair, don't you see that the body of the soul is contracting and shaking all the time? Tai Chi unloading, understand?".

"I understand your sister, it seems that you know very well, pretending to be an expert, and you don't know a single ball!".

"It's very strange, his unloading skills are very clever!".

The audience began to discuss fiercely on the barrage, and the duel on the field became more and more intense.

Kong Wu's combat effectiveness is well known to everyone.

In the ring, Kong Wu's favorite method is hand-to-hand combat.


He's physically strong and very resistant to blows.

You must know that in the real ring, Kong Wu's body can resist the opponent's fierce leg sweeping attack.


He fights people in the ring, often using the simplest of styles and close quarters!

And his strength is very fierce, in the Chinese martial arts arena, there are not many people who can block his head-on impact!


To everyone's surprise,

Chen Yang's size looks weaker than his opponent, but he can resist Kong Wu's heavy punches.


His counter-attacking fists seemed to be faster and more powerful.

In addition, the frequency of Chen Yang's punches is much higher than that of Kong Wu.

Kong Wu's face became extremely ugly

As you can imagine,

The strength of Chen Yang's fist is definitely very strong

Otherwise, Kong Wu would not have looked so painful.

How so?

There's no reason for that?

The two fought hand-to-hand combat, Kong Wu was actually not Chen Yang's opponent!

His uncle, what the hell is going on?

Just when everyone was surprised, Chen Yang suddenly took half a step back and got out of the range of the close combat

And then,

He suddenly exerted his strength, sprinted forward under his feet, and slammed a ferocious punch into Kong Wu's abdomen.


Kong Wu took five or six steps back, stumbled and almost fell.


I saw that he gritted his teeth and shook his body, but he did not fall.

"Damn, this is not falling?".

"This guy is too resistant to beating, isn't he? a little perverted!".

Chen Yang sighed in his heart.


Excellent fighters are very strong in fighting and have been specially trained.

Without excellent striking resistance, it's hard to go long in the ring.

"Hell, this kid's strength is actually stronger than me?".

"And his unloading skills are so weird, hitting him is like hitting cotton!".

"Fuck, how do you fight this?".

To be honest, the ferocious attack just now, and Chen Yang's sudden punch at the end,

Kong Wu hurt and was scared!

The ribs and abdomen on both sides of his body hurt terribly!

"Nima, Lao Tzu is the chief of Taisheng Boxing Gym, how can he be afraid of an ordinary fighter?".

"I'm not going to lose!".

Kong Wu felt that fear seemed to arise in his heart


He constantly motivates himself to reach the top of his form.


Kong Wu became more cautious and his punches were no longer as fast.

When Chen Yang erupted into a Tai Chi chain momentum, he no longer attacked in close quarters, but retreated.

Chen Yang pressed forward step by step, forcing Kong Wu into a corner where there was no way to retreat.

You must know that the virtual combat training ground is a virtual boxing ring.


With a quick turn and a smash, Chen Yang smashed Kong Wu's chest with a punch.

This punch,

The force was fierce, and Kong Wu was beaten to the point that he almost fell.


Kong Wu's combat experience is much richer than Chen Yang's.

I saw him sweep with one foot, and then kick the ground with one kick, and his body rose in the air.


With continuous leg sweeps, he instantly broke away from Chen Yang's attack range and distanced himself.

This is the use of offense to defend, to be honest, his fighting spirit has been beaten a little decadent by Chen Yang.

He also wants to fight back!


Under Chen Yang's fierce attack, where did he have a chance?


Mustang Mane!

Chen Yang smashed it with a punch and knocked Kong Wu back again!

At this time,

Kong Wu's feet are a little messy, and his rhythm is out of order!

"Nima, here's your chance!".

Chen Yang's eyes lit up, he took a deep breath, and took a small step forward.


A sudden punch slammed into Kong Wu's abdomen.

Fierce, domineering, fast!

A loud bang came out, Kong Wu's face changed drastically, and his entire body was knocked two meters away by this punch.

Poof, fall to the ground!

Xingyi, half-step collapse fist!

At this time,

Chen Yang finally seized the opportunity and burst out with the most violent half-step collapse punch!

The fist is like an arrow, like a landslide!

Half-step collapse fist!

It is the most powerful fist method in the middle ** technique!

Chen Yang's Xingyi Fist has been upgraded to the intermediate level, and the power of the Collapse Fist has just been comprehended.

At this time,

For the essence of Xingyi Fist, to be honest, he doesn't have a deep grasp of it, and he can't reach the realm of supernatural powers!

"Fuck, what kind of boxing is this, the dick is exploding!".

"Nima, it's impossible, isn't it? Kong Wu was defeated? It's incredible!".

"Awesome! It is worthy of being the leader of the virtual combat training ground, even Kong Wu has fallen down, I really want to see his actual combat in the ring!".

"Do any of you know what this is like and it doesn't seem to be the same as his previous Tai Chi technique?"

"Who just said that the live broadcast chopping and hanging?".

"I guess I went to the vegetable market, chopped the cow and hanged, and broadcast a hair!".


For a while, the entire live broadcast room was completely boiling!

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