Honda Cup,

Last day, Grand Final!

Asian media gathered together, and everyone is looking forward to this pinnacle battle!

Chen Yang VS Fujita Hoyuki!

At the Tokyo Dome Arena, the audience had already entered an hour earlier.

In this boxing match, the number of guards tripled,

Ever since the fan riot in South Korea, Hijima has been vigilant about the security of the fight!

You know, the fan riot in South Korea has become a laughing stock in Asia!

Hijima is a martial arts powerhouse, and in order to prevent similar things from happening, not only did they increase the number of security guards, but also set up a cordon between the audience and the ring!

Moreover, the referee of the game is a native of the United States and has rich experience in refereeing!

To make the game even more exciting, there is no time limit for this game!

Off the field, medical staff are on standby at any time, and the ambulance is in the passage of the Dome Stadium.

As long as any serious accident occurs, it can be rescued at the first time!

The handicap of the underground bank in this boxing match has reached its peak!

The Honda Cup is different from the Samsung Cup, it faces the whole world!

So, the attention has risen to a new level!

Honda Cup Champion!

This title is not only a very important honor, but also related to the comprehensive strength ranking of martial arts among Asian countries!

China is the most populous country in the world, so the number of followers of this game can be imagined.

Before the start of the game, almost all the domestic spectators were waiting in front of the TV.

"It's almost starting, isn't it?Why didn't you see Chen Yang play?"

"Not yet, what's the hurry? It's still half an hour to start!"

"Everyone said, can Chen Yang win the championship this time? Fujita is the strongest master in Asia!"

"It's hard to say, Chen Yang's strength is indeed very strong, but Fujita He is a pervert, it's a bit difficult to beat!"

"I heard that this guy is fighting with bison, and he can overturn the bison, and his power is very terrifying!"

"Damn, really, so awesome?"

"It's true, I have a friend who studied in Hijima, and I've read Fujita Hoyuki's brochure, and his strength is extremely perverted!"

"The five kings of fighting on Hijima, Fujita Hoyuki is the strongest one, if we can defeat him, our Huaxia martial arts can raise our eyebrows!"

"Zhen Nima has no knowledge, Hishima is a martial arts powerhouse, do you think there is only one Fujita?"

"Is there anyone else? Fujita is not recognized as the number one in Asia?"

"That's just on the surface, at the beginning, South Korea's Lee Seung-chan was also called South Korea's No. 1 master, and his strength can be compared to Park Heung-tae?"

"I'll go, brother upstairs, you know a lot, when will you tell your brothers about the strongest masters in Asian countries......?"


Chen Yang walked to the ring with a calm face.

The more it came to the big battle, the calmer Chen Yang became!

After so many competitions, Chen Yang found that his experience is getting richer and richer!

Boxing has to be practiced, and it is even more important to fight!

Especially against top masters, you can make your martial arts skills and burst out with more powerful strength!

This battle must not be lost!

Chen Yang kept cheering for himself.

At this point,

Fujita Hoichi walked to the ring with a calm face, his gaze was very flat, without any murderous aura!

To be honest, he looks like the old king of the neighborhood, not like the king of martial arts at all!

The game hasn't started yet,

However, the atmosphere in the ring was very eerie.

There is no smell of gunpowder, it looks monotonous, and both of them behave calmly, as if facing friends.


After Fujita He Zhi walked into the ring, he actually nodded to Chen Yang very politely, which can be regarded as a greeting!

The surrounding audience, shouting and cheering,

In Hijima, Fujita Hoyuki is a national idol, a true hero!

At this point,

Chen Yang narrowed his eyes, took a deep breath, and became solemn.

Biting dogs, generally do not bark!

He Fujita behaved calmly and without any mood swings!

This...... It's scary!

According to the state of mind of Guoshu, the realm of Fujita Hoyuki should have reached the realm of the late stage of the grandmaster!

Such opponents have few weaknesses!

"Extreme Vacuum Jarate Grandmaster's late master! Nima's, I want to see how strong you can be!"

"In this battle, even if you are injured, Lao Tzu will get the championship!"

Chen Yang said silently in his heart and came to the referee.

Next, the referee began to explain the rules!

In fact

Chen Yang couldn't understand what the referee was saying at all, and his foreign language level was really limited!

However, after so many boxing matches, how can you not know the rules of the ring?

At this point,

Everyone at the scene began to shout and cheer for Fujita Hoyuki!

No, it shouldn't be all!


In order to support Chen Yang on the spot, more than 3,000 people came from China!

You must know the ticket price of this boxing match, even if the ordinary ticket is fried to 50,000 US dollars, the ticket price close to the boxing ring is as high as 100,000 US dollars!

With the development of the economy, the rich people in China are definitely no less than those on the island!

It's just that tickets are hard to find, and you can't buy them with money.

Next, the referee stretched out his hand!


Honda Cup, Grand Final!

Chen Yang VS Fujita Hoyuki, the competition officially starts!

Fujita He Zhi glanced at Chen Yang indifferently, he didn't make a move, but said very calmly:

"Huaxia Chen Yang, I watched all your first few games!"

"To be honest, I admire you!"

"Originally, I thought that this Honda Cup, there would be no obstacle for me to win the championship!"

"But you've made me feel stressed! I've rarely been stressed in the past three years, you know what I mean?"

Fujita spoke Chinese, which was a bit stiff but easy to understand.

Chen Yang's eyes twisted, and he said indifferently:

"Sorry, I don't understand!"

Fujita shook his head and said with a smile:

"Chinese kung fu, inherited for thousands of years, broad and profound!"

"I've always liked to study Chinese culture, and if I'm not mistaken, your boxing has reached the realm of a grandmaster in Chinese kung fu!"

"However, if you want to defeat me, it won't be that easy!"

"Before that, let me remind you that I have rarely made a move in the past year, but I never leave a hand after making a move!"

Chen Yang sneered:

"What do you mean by saying this before the game, do you want me to throw in the towel, or do you want to break my confidence?"

After speaking, Chen Yang smiled disdainfully.

In his memory, it seems that before the Hijima people compete with others, they like to talk nonsense and talk a lot of nonsense!

Moreover, it seems to be a tradition of Hijima Martial Arts!

The purpose is simple, it is to distract the opponent's attention and break the opponent's fighting spirit!

At the same time, it can also affect the momentum of the other party, to put it simply, it is psychological tactics!

Thinking of this, Chen Yang's eyes showed a hint of warlike intent!

Your sister is going to war, do you think a few words can affect Lao Tzu's momentum......?

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