Honda Cup Race 4,

Liu Shihu VS Gao Hangang!

Originally, everyone thought that Liu Shihu would be killed by Gao Hangang in seconds.


The results shocked everyone.

Liu Shihu was extremely tenacious and fought fiercely with Gao Hangang for more than three minutes.

In this match, Liu Shihu integrated Tan Leg into Muay Thai, and his explosive power was amazing.

The two fought fiercely and unusually, which made people shout exciting!

At last

Liu Shihu fell to the ground and admitted defeat when Takasaka just broke out the most fierce attack!

Although he did not enter the quarterfinals, he made everyone feel the improvement of Liu Shihu's strength.

You must know that before he didn't apprentice Chen Yang, he definitely didn't have such strength.

The next game was very exciting.

The top 16 fighters can be regarded as top masters.

When the fifth and sixth games are over,


Honda Cup Round 3 Race 7,

Chen Yang VS Ruddock!


North American karate champion, Honda Cup sixteen-seeded boxer, ranked fourth!

According to Li Shengtao's description, Ruddock once received an invitation to the underground boxing world.

Of course, there is a description that is inaccurate, although he is the North American karate champion, his strength has not yet reached the qualification of the S-level underground boxing arena in the United States!

Ruddock did receive an invitation, but it was an invitation to the A-level underground boxing world, not an S-rank!

"Gentlemen and ladies, this next boxing match is the pinnacle of the battle between the seeded fighters!"

"Huaxia Chen Yang, who ranked thirteenth in the Honda Cup, played against Ruddock, the karate champion from the United States. "

"Ruddock is ranked fourth......

At this point,

The surrounding audience shouted and cheered!

"Haha, it's finally time for Raddock to come on the field to teach the Chinese people, this boxing match, let the Chinese people get out of Tokyo!"

"Ruddock is the North American karate champion, and his strength has absolutely no problem beating Huaxia Chen Yang. "

"Huaxia Chen Yang, I really hope that Raddock can beat him to a cripple!"

In Ridao, Chen Yang is very famous, and almost all people on Ridao know Chen Yang's name.

It's just that

The people of Ridao don't like Chen Yang very much, perhaps because Chen Yang makes all the people of Ridao feel a pressure.

However, it is a different scene in China.

Before the game started, all the audience started talking, and the Internet exploded all at once.

There are those who cheer for Chen Yang, and there are those who are worried about Chen Yang's safety,

In China,

Chen Yang is now the banner of the Chinese martial arts arena, and he must not fall!

Otherwise, Huaxia Martial Arts will be suppressed again, and there will never be a day to turn over.

"Your sister, this nigger is so strong, just like a black King Kong, damn, it's a little hard to fight!"

"I'm afraid of his ball, is it because he hangs big, are you afraid?"

"I believe in Chen Yang, he will definitely be able to take this down!"

"Can you face the reality, this is really hanging, I have watched the video of his game in the United States, it is quite awesome!"

"The black people's resistance and explosiveness are indeed much stronger than ours!"

"The Honda Cup Organizing Committee doesn't know how to statistically analyze, but it actually ranks Chen Yang to thirteenth, isn't this looking down on people?"


Although all the domestic audiences hope that Chen Yang can win,


When he saw Ruddock's tower-like dark body, he immediately became worried about Chen Yang.

After Chen Yang walked into the ring, he glanced at Ruddock on the opposite side.

This guy is black and shiny, and his face is cold, like a humanoid weapon,

His muscles, in particular, are explosive and give people a strong visual impact.

It can be said that even if Ruddock goes to bodybuilding, he is very likely to get a place.

Not only is his figure majestic, but the key is that his muscles are particularly perfect.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the game will start soon, let us shout and cheer......"

Under the atmosphere driven by the host, Chen Yang and Ruddock came to the referee.

The old rules,

The referee began to talk nonsense, explaining the rules.

Chen Yang VS Ruddock!


As the bell rings, the race begins!


All the spectators sat down, and instead of continuing to make noise, everyone stared at the ring.

The audience in front of the domestic TV set is also nervously looking at the TV screen at this time.

Ruddock looked at Chen Yang and laughed, revealing a mouthful of white teeth!


He twisted his neck to relax.


Suddenly, he was like a lion, and his body rushed forward with a shocking speed.

Ruddock, nicknamed "Black Stone" in the United States boxing world!

Because his temper is stinky and hard, and in addition, his ability to resist blows is like a stone!

At this point,

I saw his body bowed, his muscles tensed, and a shocking momentum emanated from him.


With a kick, his leg is like an iron rod, sweeping his leg fiercely and domineeringly, sweeping invincible!

He looks like a lion,

No, it should be said that it is a black male lion, which makes people shudder!


This is the kicking method of extreme vacuum karate, and at the same time, the essence of the force is somewhat similar to the power of the Huaxia Tan leg!

With a kick out, the wind exploded like thunder, and roared,

It seemed that even the air could not withstand the strength of his legs so fiercely.

"Grass...... This black guy's leg technique has actually reached the realm of a grandmaster!"

Chen Yang took a step back, taken aback.

Ruddock's leg skills are very strong, although in the eyes of the Mi people, there is no grandmaster realm.


If you look at the realm of national arts, Raddock's leg power has indeed reached the realm of a grandmaster!

Only the leg skills of the Grandmaster realm can form such a fierce and fast strength!

Especially the chain kicks, the momentum is strong and heavy, sweeping thousands of troops, making people unguardable!

Chen Yang's eyes froze,

His Tan leg is at the top level, and if he fights hard with Ruddock, he won't fall into disadvantage.

However, it is not easy to defeat him!


Chen Yang's observation is far beyond ordinary people,

At this point,

He quickly saw that although Ruddock's leg skills were extremely domineering, his fist skills were very weak.


His fists are just used as defense and to keep his body balanced, not even his fists are clenched!

This kind of opponent must not compete with him in leg skills!

"Damn, how can this black guy get the power inheritance of extreme vacuum karate?"

"Could it be that this guy is a species left by the people of Ridao in the United States?"

"There's no reason, it's strange to see that he doesn't look like he has any Ridao blood!"

"I'm going, so ruthless, do you want to kill Lao Tzu at the beginning ......of the game?

Chen Yang unfolded the seven-star flower walking under his feet, just like walking leisurely among the flowers.


Although he accelerated abruptly, he was out of Raddock's range of attack in an instant.

Although Chen Yang had already broken through to the Grandmaster realm, he didn't dare to underestimate the other party.

You must know that in the war of aggression in the last century, the Japanese people plundered many martial arts inheritances in China.

Chen Yang definitely didn't dare to take this lightly......

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