
Lee Seungzan's reflexes are very strong, but this kick almost knocked him down.

Integrating the power of Tai Chi, the speed is fast to the limit, and the lethality is extremely terrifying!


Li Chengzan retreated and unloaded part of his strength, otherwise this Tan leg slash could hit him hard!

"It's this leg slashing method again! How can the speed be so fast? It's faster and more ruthless than before, almost completely beyond the limits of human beings!"

A trace of blood spilled from the corner of Li Chengzan's mouth, and a trace of shock appeared in his eyes.

Taekwondo is known for its legs, but at this time,

He found that Chen Yang's leg technique was not lower than his own at all.

"It's impossible, it's impossible for him to reach the Grandmaster realm! Maybe it's just that his speed is too fast, and his lethality is not far from the leg skill of the Grandmaster realm!"

Li Chengzan took a deep breath and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

At this point,

He became more cautious, and just now Chen Yang kicked him into a slight injury with a split leg that fused Tai Chi Jin.

"Hmph, what if your legs are fast? I'm a taekwondo grandmaster, and I'm the number one master in South Korea!"

"Even if it's the king of the Japanese island fight, he may not be able to defeat me, I don't believe it today, my grandmaster-level leg method will not be able to beat you!"

Taking a deep breath, Li Chengzan cheered himself on.

At this point,

He didn't dare to be careless, from Chen Yang's leg technique, he felt a deadly threat!

At the same time, Lee Seung-zan completely exploded his strength, showing the power of a taekwondo grandmaster!


Li Chengzan completely released the idea in his subconscious!

Cruel, bloodthirsty, furious......

All the negative emotions made his face hideous and terrifying.

Li Chengzan has always suppressed the thoughts in his heart, and he knows very well that these negative emotions are a kind of perverted psychology!

If you release it on a regular basis, it will have a great impact on your own mind.

He is the number one master in South Korea, and he doesn't want to be the number one perverted madman in South Korea!

But at this time,

He no longer suppressed the bloodthirsty fury in his heart, and his ferocity exploded completely.


That's right, it's torture and killing!

He has an urge to torture and kill, and only by cruelly abusing people can he feel excited and happy!

In the face of Chen Yang's Tan leg attack, Li Chengzan's eyes became sharp, and his face was hideous, like a beast!

"I want you to die ......!"

Lee Seung-zan roared angrily, like a thunderbolt from the sky, and the entire South Korean stadium seemed to shake.

The South Korean crowd who were close to each other were staring at the ring with their eyes wide open, not daring to blink for fear that the bout would end in an instant and miss the best moment.

However, Li Chengzan's sudden roar startled them!

"Master Li Chengzan, why are you so loud......? Surprise me!"

"It's horrible! It almost scared my pee out!"

"Huaxia boy, you will definitely be scared to admit defeat......!"

The audience, who was frightened by Li Chengzan's roar, turned pale, wanted to scold!

However, when they found out that it was Li Chengzan's roar, they immediately took their anger out on Chen Yang.

At this point,

Li Chengzan went crazy, the whole person attacked wildly, his eyes became red, and he rushed towards Chen Yang bloodthirsty.

His two legs, kicking up and down, swept left and right, cruel and domineering, like two battle axes, slashing at Chen Yang.


The ring seemed to shake for a moment, and a loud bang came out.

Chen Yang's Tan leg and Li Chengzan's kick collided hard.


The two retreated at the same time, evenly matched!

Two minutes had passed since the game, and Chen Yang didn't want to waste time.

Li Chengzan's strength, to be honest, Chen Yang already has some understanding, and with his own strength, he can defeat him!

Even if he didn't use the secret technique to crit, Chen Yang was sure to kill him!

The top-level Tan leg that integrates the power of Tai Chi and the top-level Xingyi Boxing, as long as you seize the opportunity, it is difficult to resist with Li Chengzan's grandmaster-level taekwondo!

Chen Yang took a deep breath, his eyes shining sharply,


He allowed himself to relax completely.

Then, he adjusted his form and prepared himself for the next outburst.

Li Chengzan's legs leaned back, trembling, and he continued to relax his tense muscles to relieve the pain in his legs.

Chen Yang's Tan leg just now exerted force, kicking him a little unbearable.

Obviously, the power of the top Tan leg is not weaker than the power of the grandmaster-level taekwondo.

"Bastard, Huaxia Chen Yang's leg skills, why are you so domineering?"

"Impossible, how can he surpass me in speed and strength?"

"This kind of leg skill is not much better than the king of Hijima fighting, is his strength already so strong?"

Cold sweat broke out on Li Chengzan's forehead, and he glanced at Chen Yang in a little shock.

Just now, the two of them fought their legs, and he felt that Chen Yang's legs were not only extremely hard, but also had a strong penetrating force in his kicks.

To be able to have such excellent leg power, in the Asian martial arts world, only the king of martial arts can have this ability!

Li Chengzan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth again,

Just now, the two of them fought against each other, and he felt that his internal abdominal injury was a little aggravated.

It's dangerous to fight like this!

Li Chengzan took two steps back and took a deep breath,

At this point,

His mental concentration was high, his muscles began to tense, he adjusted his best condition, and began to want to burst out with the most powerful killing moves!

If you want to do a killer move, you need a chance!

Lee Seung-zan's killing moves are so strong that even he can't control his strength and speed!

He is confident that as long as he performs a killer move, he will definitely be able to knock Huaxia Chen Yang out with one leg.

It's just that

Will Chen Yang give him a chance to show his performance?


Li Chengzan suddenly exerted his strength, like a bullet out of the chamber, and the speed was terrifying.

The duel of leg methods is to see who is faster, more fierce, and more ruthless!

Of course

The most important thing is to see who can kick the opponent first!

Chen Yang didn't flinch, and kicked out the same way.

Twelve ways of mandarin ducks are skillfully linked!

Tan Leg's Twelfth Way Leg Method - Swing Legs!

Tai Chi is fused in Tan's legs, fierce and domineering, rigid and soft!

At this point,

Chen Yang erupted with all his strength, without the slightest force, and kicked Li Chengzan's volley kick to kill!

The speed of the two of them is at the limit at this time, and they can hardly see the shadow of their legs!

"Hmph, compared to the essence of Huaxia Tan Leg, Taekwondo, it is far behind, today Lao Tzu will let you South Koreans see what is Huaxia Leg Gong!"

Chen Yang's Tan leg has been specially trained under the waterfall, and his speed exceeds the limit of human beings.

"Not good, dangerous ......!"

Li Chengzan was shocked,

All along, he thought that his volleys were so fast that they couldn't resist.

This is the capital that he is proud of after becoming a taekwondo grandmaster!


At this moment, he found that his leg method, compared to Huaxia Chen Yang's kicks, seemed to be not on the same level in terms of speed and lethality!


The kicks of the two slammed into each other and erupted with a loud bang......

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