Croni led her people back to the wide square in the cave. After taking a brief look at the beautiful stalactites of various colors in the cave, she wanted to lead everyone to solemnly pay homage to Yuuki Rito. Thank you to the benefactor who saved everyone, but Yuki Rito has already returned to the cabin.

Although Yuki Rito did not directly show any power in front of everyone, both the light curtain and the radiant bridge seemed to be the product of prayer, but humans still respect Yuki Rito very much, let alone breaking into the wooden house. , even he hesitated to knock on the door.

Everyone lined up in a neat line, enduring the desire to fall asleep, and stood in the open space in front of the wooden house with Croni, waiting for instructions that Yuki Rito might give.

Everyone knows that this cave was not so much discovered by human beings through their own efforts as it was Yuuki Rito who guided humans step by step to discover the cave. Naturally, no one would lie down on the ground to rest on their own. Or start building a house.

Compared with 09, instead of discovering a new home to be developed, the current humans are more like visiting Yuki Rito's territory, waiting cautiously and nervously to get the other party's permission to live there.

Xinke Nirbalian watched the anxious expressions of everyone with great interest for a while, and then he spoke.

"What are you doing standing here? You must still have a lot to do, right?"

"Excuse me, sir……"

Croni carefully asked this elf girl who undoubtedly had strong combat power about Yuki Rito, and Xinke Nirvalen did not show off and answered simply.

"Mr. Yuki is resting. Do you think you really haven’t encountered any enemies along the way? I can tell you clearly that if it weren't for Mr. Yuki's secret protection, you would have been slaughtered dozens of times by monsters and beastmen. Now, go solve your problems quietly and don't make too much noise."

Xinke Nirvalen still remembers that Yuki Rito once said on the outskirts of the elf capital that he likes to be quiet. As for resting tiredly because of protecting humans, naturally it was Xinke Nirvalen who wanted to Exaggerated remarks to build up Rito Yuki’s image

"I see."

Cloni nodded and let the people who had gathered outside the wooden house disperse. The exhausted people replenished their diet and then lay down on the ground and fell asleep. The remaining part went to the underground sewer to collect drinking water, and the other part went to the underground sewer to collect drinking water. They began to explore the cave, looking for plants that could be used or wood to build houses. All activities took place dozens of meters away from the wooden house. It seemed that they listened to Xinke Nirbalian's words, or in other words, very Awe of Yuki Rito

"You, come with me."

Sink Nilbarian watched Croni collect the underground river water, and then motioned to Croni to go with him. It was a little abrupt, but Croni did not hesitate. She left the square of the cave and moved in the corridor. Shortly, Croni was taken to a very remote place by Xinke Nirba. Looking back, she could only vaguely see the silhouettes of people on the other side of the square. As for the sounds, whether they were the busy sounds over there, There may be sounds here, but they can't be communicated to each other.

To be honest, Croni is a little hesitant now.

There is no doubt that Cinque Nirvalen is a beautiful girl who can make people fall in love with her alone. But, In this era, no one would pay too much attention to appearance. Cloni knew that the other party was an elf species. She also knew that elf species have always had poor senses of humans. She deliberately brought herself to such a remote place. Cloni was a little worried. After all, she is only a girl of about twelve years old.

Xinke Nirvalian looked at Croni up and down, showing a playful smile

"Are you afraid?"


"Quite honest."

Originally, Xinke Nirvalian had already planned. If Croni lied and forced herself to stand up, he would use proof magic to give her a blow. Now seeing how honest the other party is, Xinke Nirvalian stopped nagging. Say it straight to the point

"I am Sink Nirvalen, the head of the Elf Nirvalen family and the leader of the Elf family. So Croni, do you think you are the leader of mankind now?"

Seeing that Xinke Nirvalian wanted to say something important, Croni thought about it and nodded seriously.

"I am"

"Then Croni, the forest elf side that I represent, will unlock the magic seal attached to the crop seeds you once stole, completely solve your food problem, and follow God's will to teach biblical magic. Will you? Can you give me corresponding commitments? Ensure that there will be no war between elves and humans in the future"

"War breaks out between elves and humans……"

Seeing that Croni seemed confused, Xinke Nirvalen rolled his eyes in displeasure.

"Naturally, humans are not qualified to start a war with the forest elves now. It will only be a one-sided massacre. But in the future, humans may be able to have enough qualifications because of their belief in God and the magic of the Bible. I know you are still There are many other questions to ask, but for now, just give me a yes or no answer. Croni scratched her head at a loss. One moment, a human being was struggling on the edge of life and death. The next second, he suddenly faced the leader of the elf species and negotiated with such an almost equal attitude. It was difficult for people to accept. ah

"Well, if the elves provoke a war against humans, can humans escape?"

Before this, human beings had been living a humble existence. How could they imagine a future in which human beings were qualified to fight head-on war with the elves as described by Xinke Nirvalian? Croni's question was full of the weak. Taste.

Faced with such a weakling, Xinke Nirvalen could have relied on skillful negotiation methods to fight for more benefits for the elf species, but she did not do so.

"As long as I am here, the elves will not start a war unless humans take the initiative to attack."

"Eh? It is impossible for humans to take the initiative to attack the elves."

As if she felt that what she said was too absolute, Croni pursed her lips and added

"We... just want to live……"_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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