Yuuki Rito has not forgotten that he was knocked down from heaven to the present world by Gael. Although he was accidentally teleported to heaven and saw Gael bathing, he could not see Gael at all at that time. Yuki Rito felt that this was not a good deal, but he was attacked by Gael.

He decided to get his money back with interest.

At this moment, Yuki Rito, who was overflowing with pride, had forgotten that Gaelu helped eliminate the aftermath of Xiao An's powerful planet-shattering attack, or he deliberately ignored it.

However, these are things that will not happen until after Christmas.

After eating the barbecue, Yuki Rito originally wanted to send Gabriel back, but Gabriel, who had eaten and drank enough, didn't want to take another step and left directly using the angel's magic. Before leaving, he told Yuki Rito Dou reassured him and waited for the news, as if he was determined to get the one million yen.

Then, Yuuki Rito did not go home, but walked in a specific direction.

In less than five minutes, a slim female figure appeared in Yuki Rito's field of vision. The figure stood leaning against a lamppost on the side of the street. Such a posture made her slender legs wearing black stockings extremely conspicuous. Coupled with the beautiful face that is both mature and youthful, it is still full of charm even if it shows a bored expression, attracting the attention of many passers-by.

However, when they saw another man approaching the goddess they thought was superior without any hindrance, their hearts that were beating faster and faster were broken.

Damn, this is a date, right? Another meal of dog food

"Did I keep you waiting for a long time?"

Yuki Rito looked down at the time. Although he invited Gabriel to have a barbecue, he did not forget that Akane Kurisaka, whom he had agreed to meet yesterday, was now a little earlier than the originally agreed time.

"It took a while, but you're my boss now, so it's totally okay."

Benisaka Akane, does this mean that it would matter if Yuuki Rito was not her boss?

Yuuki Rito doesn't want to delve into the deeper meaning of Akane Akane's words. Although the woman in front of him is very beautiful, Yuuki Rito wanted to talk to her about business now.

Yuuki Rito, who was thinking this way, was about to speak in a businesslike manner when he suddenly found that his toes seemed to have touched a protrusion on the ground and he was about to fall.

Something was wrong, as a Bengei For a super strong person, nothing can hinder Rito Yuuki's pace or make him lose control of his body.

When Rito Yuuki calculated the direction he was about to fall in the short moment when his body was tilted, , and finally determined a fact - even if he became a collapse-level strongman, the divine fall physique still affects him, and it seems that because it has not appeared for a long time, the activation of the divine fall this time is unprecedentedly violent, even with Yuki Rito's current body control is still unable to forcibly interrupt his movements.

However, he can at least change his position slightly.

Yuki Rito, who was originally going to hit Akane Benisaka's head on the chest and enjoy a"facial cleanser", was halfway Forcibly changing the direction.

So the scene evolved into Yuki Rito holding the lamppost with one hand and knocking Akane Benisaka against the wall. Rito

Yuuki could clearly feel the body temperature of Akane Benisaka, as well as her surprised and ashamed eyes.

"what you up to? Indecent assault on me?!"

Her voice was a bit loud.

This is a bustling neighborhood, and the cleanliness and flatness of the roads are among the best in Chiba City. Akane Benisaka didn't think that Rito Yuki would fall on the ground unintentionally. He did this stupid move on purpose.

Even if she knew that Rito Yuki held huge power, Akane Benisaka would not give in in such a place. She deliberately turned up the volume in an attempt to attract the attention of passers-by. It would be best if she could attract the attention of passers-by. Caught in the situation, even a beating would be fine.

But who is Rito Yuki? He is a strong player at the Bengyu level. Soon, if everything goes well, he will even be able to defeat a top-ranked player in the Bengyu level. Angel Gael lowered his head. He was originally a little embarrassed because of the activation of the magic throw, but now he saw that Benisaka Akane seemed to want to let passers-by teach him a lesson, but his temper grew.

There was no need to chant, a magic wand, or do anything special. With gestures or the use of magic scrolls, in an instant, the enhanced version of the idler dispersing barrier was set up by Rito Yuki. Seeing that the goddess in his heart seemed to be molested in the street, he was ready to become a flower protector. The eyes of passers-by were dazed for a moment, and then they dispersed as if nothing happened.

The streets that were originally crowded with people became empty in just a few seconds, leaving only Akane Kurisaka and Yui. The two of them, Jori Tou, were even quieter than at home in the middle of the night.

This incomprehensible scene made Akane Kurisaka's eyes widen, although if a well-known playboy did such a thing in the street, there would indeed be people who were afraid of causing trouble. Maybe they turned a blind eye and left in a hurry, but it would be too exaggerated to leave collectively like this. With the superb acting skills they are showing now, they are all actors!

What on earth is going on?!

Watching this mature and beautiful beauty With the surprise and panic in front of him, Yuuki Rito put on an uneasy and cold expression, leaned close to the other party's delicate ears that were stained red either from anger or shyness, and spoke in a low voice Open your mouth

"Sorry, I accidentally tripped."

While speaking, Yuuki Rito could see Akane Benisaka twisting her head slightly because her ears felt the temperature of her breath.


Should we really say this to create such an atmosphere? Shouldn't we say,"You scream, it's useless even if you scream and break your throat"?

Yuuki Rito took a step back and returned to his usual sunny and cheerful appearance, showing a smile with white teeth visible.

"Let’s get down to business next."


At the last moment, Akane Benisaka really thought that she was going to be"executed on the spot" by Rito Yuki.

Although it seemed that he had escaped and kept his virginity, Akane Benisaka's heart had already infinitely increased the terrifying level of Rito Yuki, and he became submissive.

"Oh, yes...please say……"

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