Yuigahama Yui is very good at catering to others, understands the complexity of interpersonal relationships, and often does things based on people's faces.

She has always played the role of a good person in the class. As long as she can do anything and help, Yuigahama Yui will help.

When class is over, Yuigahama Yui will be very attentive when being called out by classmates, facing each other's requests for help, or just chatting in general. She is so attentive that she actually wants to go to the toilet and endures it, even if she is blocked the whole time after class. Even if she spends it, Yuigahama Yui will not complain. She tries hard to endure it until the end of this class and solve it in the next break. However, she always realizes that her endurance is limited at this time and has to raise her hands. It is common to ask the teacher to go to the toilet, which will cause the whole class to laugh, and the people who laugh often include those who asked Yuigahama Yui for help before.

Whenever this happens, as if catering to her, Yuigahama Yui's face will show a smile, and then she will quickly run out of the classroom with this smile.

Sometimes Yuigahama Yui feels a little bit lost. However, next time, if the previous helper, the one she helped, was not grateful, but instead laughed with others and laughed at her helper, she was in trouble again. Yuigahama Yui will still lend a helping hand.

She has become accustomed to helping others, even if she gradually feels tired, even if she gradually discovers that those who are helped by her, those who she thinks are friends, do not regard her as a friend secretly, and even say bad things about herself. , Yuigahama Yui is still playing a selfless role in helping others.

It's good to be able to help others, but if you always do it, the other person will take advantage of you, take the help you receive for granted, and be less grateful.

If after the countless times of helping, the good old man finally rejects the other party's request due to some unavoidable reasons, the anger and disappointment aroused by the other party at this time will be greater than the previous ones, and all the good old people have done for the other party before. Things seem to become meaningless from the moment they reject each other.

Now Yuigahama Yui has reached an impasse, unable to get out of it, nor does she try to get out of it.

She has encountered all kinds of situations, venting her temper on herself, mocking herself openly and subtly, and has become accustomed to accepting help from herself, taking it as a matter of course, taking it too far, and even in various other situations. Hama Yui has faced it all.

But this was the first time she faced such a rejection. She refused her help because she discovered her embarrassing situation.

Yuigahama Yui was stunned by this feeling that she had never experienced before. After a while, she came back to her senses. Thinking of Rito Yuuki's last proposal to exchange emails, she nodded quickly.


"Next week I may go to Sobu High School to be a student for a few days, as a transfer student or an exchange student? Please bear with me, Yuigahama-san, until then."

While exchanging mailboxes, Yuki Rito said this. Yuigahama Yui was a little surprised, and then nodded her head repeatedly.

"No problem, I will definitely help Yuki-kun integrate into the class."

Integrate into the class?

This sentence made Yuki Rito chuckle and shake his head. He was just a student for a few days. According to Hiratsuka Shizuka's expectations, he was to educate those guys who didn't study hard in terms of academic ability and sports. , if you insist on saying so, you are playing an antagonistic role. It is impossible and unnecessary to integrate into the class.

"If I hadn't seen you put your handbag on the ground while you were talking, I wouldn't have talked to you for so long. Otherwise, if your finger was broken, I would probably be fully responsible. So, Yuigahama-san, see you later, right?"

Don't think of me as an idiot.

Yuigahama Yui felt warm in her heart and picked up the bag she had put on the ground.

"Goodbye, Yuuki-kun"


When Yuuki Rito returned home, only Mikan was at home, and Lala, Mengmeng and Nana were all missing.

"Meikan, where are they?"

Of course Mikan knows who Yuki Rito refers to by"them"

"Sister Lala went to play with Teacher Yumen... Well, these were Sister Lala's original words, Mengmeng and Nana's words. They went out together before and didn't say what they were going to do."

Mikado Ryoko herself is a space doctor, and she also knows the identity of Princess Lala Debbie Luke. In addition, Mikado Ryoko took care of Xiao An before, so Lala became friends with her. Yuuki Rito understands it very well, but Mengmeng And Nana... sisters-in-law will not do anything that is detrimental to themselves.

Yuki Rito, who was convinced of this, no longer thought about it, reached into his pocket, took out a ten thousand banknote, and handed it to Beautiful mandarin orange

"When you go to Gensokyo and visit Hakurei Shrine, throw this into the money box."


Mikan looked at Yuki Rito hesitantly and said

"But isn’t there some tradition in putting coins into the money box at a shrine? Five yuan represents auspiciousness, fifteen yuan represents great luck, and even the highest number, ninety-five yuan, represents infinite fate, because nine yuan represents infinite meaning. Invest 10,000 yen at once...Rito, although I know you You are rich, but when it comes to visiting a shrine, the more money you invest, the better, right?"

"The money stuffed in the money box is the only income of that shrine. If you put in five yen or ninety-five yen as you think, the shrine maiden living in the shrine will starve or even starve to death. Gensokyo is It is a paradise for monsters. How can humans dare to travel such a long distance to visit a shrine on a mountain? And it is impossible for monsters to visit the shrine, right?"

Yuki Rito wouldn't say that Hakurei Reimu is a bit greedy for money. He gave Mikan 10,000 yen to put in the money box to gain Hakurei Reimu's favor. As for starving to death or something, Yakumo Purple couldn't possibly watch. My best friend starved to death

"That's it……"

Mikan nodded and took the banknote from Rito Yuuki. She felt full of sympathy for the miko in Hakurei Shrine. As a human being, she lived in a fantasy land full of monsters. She lived alone in a shrine. There are no people visiting the shrine. Not only am I lonely, but my life seems to be in trouble. It’s so pitiful.

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