The Theocracy's intelligence network is stronger than the kingdom and the empire, and they know best how many true dragon kings are flying with Yuuki Rito at this moment. Before Yuuki Rito returns from El Enteyu, they urgently All Holy Scripture troops were recalled to prepare for the upcoming war.

The people in the Supreme Council also knew that even heroes were meaningless in front of the True Dragon King. They still summoned all the elites, and they could only do this, do their best, and obey fate.

"Have all Codex troops assist me? No, I alone am enough. If you want to be a witness, how about all the priests of the Theocracy come with me to Nazarick?"

Not only did he obtain world-class props and [Uninscribed Documents] from Airen Tiyu, but now he also learned that multiple dragon kings were going to attack him. Yuuki Rito was in a great mood. Those true dragon kings should have their trump cards. Come here, this way, you can save yourself the trouble of searching one by one.

Everyone in the Supreme Council agreed to Rito Yuuki’s proposal. Win, they will witness the birth of God. Lose, humans will become aliens just like they did hundreds of years ago. Slaves, even if they were hiding in the Theocracy, could not avoid anything. Except for some of the priests who were not good at fighting, the Supreme Council left some priests who were not good at fighting to temporarily maintain order in the Theocracy, and everyone else set out with Rito Yuuki. The

Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick Entering a state of preparation for war, after learning that Yuuki Rito was about to return and the True Dragon Kings were about to arrive, the full-level floor guardians and some full-level domain guardians were specially designed to resist foreign enemies. Although they were not There are people who have reached the full level but have special skills. They are all fully armed and guarding the entrance to Nazarick. In addition to bringing their direct subordinates who are up to level 85, the guardians do not let any lower-level subordinates accompany them. The True Dragon King The specific strength is unknown, but according to the description in human classics, it is extremely terrifying, and they face it with the most cautious attitude.

Rito Yuki brought Albedo, Shalltear, Zeus and most of the priests of the Supreme Council of the Theocracy The princess of the kingdom, Lana, came back under the escort of the Blue Rose Squadron, while Fluder, the guardian of the empire, came alone. Although the undead army with unknown intentions was now stationed on the border of the empire, it was only when the True Dragon King attacked that It was a bigger crisis. He couldn't handle that army anyway, so Fluder simply ran here.

But the True Dragon King, who should have been flying faster, followed the slowest Gazef much later. The 10,000 horses led by him arrived together.

The 10,000 horses looked collapsed. Two dragons that could easily destroy them followed them all the way. Even the elites trained by Gazef, who had good mental endurance, , their combat effectiveness was almost completely lost at this moment.

In fact, facing the True Dragon King, it was meaningless whether they still had combat effectiveness, so Gazef did not try to make any remedy, and he was even prepared to die.

Really The dragon kings are not slow, they are demonstrating, allowing humans to gather the maximum strength, and then completely defeat them. Since they have united as many surviving true dragon kings as possible to appear together, even the discordant Platinum Dragon King and Chang An Dragon King have united. When they started, the real dragon kings didn't intend to just intimidate.

They wanted to eradicate the uneasy factors among humans.

The queen of the dragon kingdom, the black scale dragon king, was not a dragon at the moment, but looked like a little human girl hidden in the body. Watching here from a distance, the True Dragon Kings don't care. The Black Scale Dragon King is just a young dragon. To use Origin Magic, you have to sacrifice living beings. Her great-grandfather, the Colorful Dragon King, is a strong man, but it is a pity that he did not accept it this time. Come here at the invitation of the Platinum Dragon King.

The other one, the Holy Heavenly Dragon King, is more like a life form floating on an island in the sky than a dragon. He is looming in the clouds high in the sky, with an unclear attitude, floating slowly, because it is unimaginable. It has been stagnant for a long time, and plants have grown on its body. There are five true dragon kings gathered here at this moment, and the true dragon kings who have clearly stated their hostile stance are the Platinum Dragon King, the Ever Dark Dragon King, and the Blue Sky Dragon King. Three heads.

Even the weakest and youngest Black Scale Dragon King, who sacrifices his life to activate Origin Magic, has the power to completely destroy the country on his own. The strongest human force present, except Yuuki Rito, is the only one with the absolute The Theocracy, which was guarded desperately, could resist one or two.

The True Dragon King had revealed their background. The Platinum Dragon King looked at the dense crowd on the ground without paying any attention.

"Yuki Rito, I know you have world-class items, hand them over, they are the power to pollute the world."

After handing it over, you can destroy it, God? Gods deserve to die.

Yuuki Rito, whose eyes flashed with golden-red light, looked at the Platinum Dragon King, and then looked at the Ever Dark Dragon King, who was slightly more terrifying than the Platinum Dragon King. , raised the corner of his mouth

"That's it, it's all together"


Hearing Yuki Rito's whisper, the Platinum Dragon King was startled, and then he saw more than two hands of light rising up around Yuuki Rito, and then floating in the air. Although the power was restrained, he still It caused the energy in the air to vibrate faintly - they were all world-class props, and the worst of them, the staff-like thing, was also a guild-level weapon.

This amount... If Rito Yuuki could use them all, even if he had to repel three of them It is possible for the Great Dragon King to join forces and return mankind to the position of overlord of the continent. He underestimated the number of world-class items Yuuki Rito possesses. The

Platinum Dragon King's heart tightened, and he roared to the sky, preparing to activate his strongest Origin Magic to preemptively strike. , the Blue Sky Dragon King was also ready to take action.

The Chang An Dragon King was faster. He didn't want to activate the Origin Magic, but took out a prop.

"[Good God's Nimbus]!"

The world-class prop [Light Wheel of the Good God], the treasure obtained by the Ever Dark Dragon King when he killed the player hundreds of years ago, can cause great harm to evil creatures in a world.

Able to kill players with world-class items, the Dragon King of Chang'an is the real strongest one. He has always been hiding, hiding underground. When the Eight Desire Kings conquered the world, he avoided his sharp edge and did not appear. The Platinum Dragon King was revered as the world When the strongest existence existed, he didn't take it seriously and didn't show up. Now Yuki Rito wants to become the seventh god of mankind. The Changan Dragon King appears. The opponent has so many world-class items beyond his expectation, but with the activation of The [Good God's Light Wheel] is fast enough to strike everyone on the ground indiscriminately, and then while Rito Yuki is protecting his men, he activates his own offensive and defensive Origin Magic, and cooperates with the Platinum Dragon King and Blue Sky Dragon King to strike them. Must kill


The roar of the dragon shook thousands of miles, and then - a piercing sound.

The Chang An Dragon King was beheaded, and a sword curtain composed of countless golden swords surged down. It should be able to withstand all kinds of terrifying attacks. The powerful dragon body was chopped into pieces, dragon blood spurted out, and the huge dragon head separated from the dragon body. After staying in the air for a moment, they both fell to the ground with a dull sound, leaving only the half-activated [Light Wheel of the Good God]. ] shimmering in the air.

The situation that was on the verge of breaking out suddenly changed, becoming quiet and dead.

Rito Yuuki looked at the man who wanted to activate the origin magic, but was trembling and stopped because of the terrifying sight. The Platinum Dragon King directly ignored the Blue Sky Dragon King who was much weaker than him.

"If he moves, he will die. If you move, you will die too. If you don't want the True Dragon King clan to be expelled today, hand over your guild-level weapons to the Platinum Dragon King."

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