"Mr. Rito, good morning."

When Yuuki Rito was full of thoughts, a soft voice rang in her ears. Mengmeng, who was originally sleeping on the bed, was wearing a thin shirt and whispered greetings in Yuuki Rito's ear.

Yuuki Rito briefly Her heavy face was quickly replaced by a smile. She turned her head and looked at this lovely sister-in-law, as if to relieve the pressure in her heart, and as if she knew Mengmeng's character and was deliberately joking.

"Did my absence at night disappoint you, Miss Mengmeng?"

Mengmeng covered her face and pretended to be shy, then nodded angrily.

"Mr. Rito is so straightforward, disappointing, I am very disappointed!"

"Um, has Rito come back?"

The voices of Yuuki Rito and Mengmeng finally woke up Lala who was also in the room. She rubbed her sleepy eyes and looked at Yuuki Rito. She was also concerned about Yuuki Rito who was standing very close to Yuuki Rito at this moment. Not paying much attention, I yawned

"I'll feel relieved when I come back. I'll go back to my room and continue sleeping. Rito and Mikan don't wake me up. I have to sleep for most of the morning."

Speaking of which, Yuuki Rito would have a conflict with Gaailu because there was a problem with Lala's positioning transmission device. However, seeing that Lala seemed to be waiting for him to go to bed very late, Yuuki Rito finally said no. He sighed, sorted out Lala's long and messy hair, and smoothed the curly hair.

"Why go back to your room? I'll go to school later. You can sleep here and no one will disturb you."

"Rito even used the word"should", but he wasn't sure."

Seeing Lala acting coquettishly towards him, Yuuki Rito flicked her forehead lightly.

"Stay awake in the hallway and don't hit the wall"

"Got it."

La La walked out of the room with half-closed eyes as if she was walking on the clouds. Yuuki Rito watched La La leave and turned to Meng Meng.

"Normally, Mikan prepares Lala's lunch or Lala buys a lunch in advance, but since you sisters are all here, I would like to ask you to take charge of Lala's lunch when I'm not at home. Although Lala is the eldest sister, your cooking skills are perfect. Is it okay to crush Lala?"

Lala and Nana seem to be naturally bad at cooking, but Mengmeng is not like that. She is the one who has all the characteristics of a girl among the three sisters.

"Don't worry, Mr. Rito, we can all take care of ourselves."

After the words fell, Mengmeng paused for a moment, and her tone became a little erratic.

"Are you worried about something? Although Mengmeng and I can feel Mr. Rito's tenderness towards us, there seems to be something hidden under this tenderness. Can you tell Mengmeng?"

Yuki Rito did feel a little melancholy because he took Gael's blow but had no power to fight back. However, he didn't want to tell Mengmeng about his unpleasant experience, which would only increase the annoyance. Just as he was about to change the subject, he remembered What is it? After a moment of silence, he said

"How did Mengmeng's father, Chido, the King of Debi Luke, reach the level he is today? Am I talking about combat strength, systematic training, training with special equipment, or tempering oneself in some difficult environment? Of course, if it’s a very important secret, it doesn’t matter if you don’t answer."

"Mr. Rito is obviously very strong.……"

"not enough"


"Being able to unify the entire galaxy with power and suppress all kinds of opposing voices, how strong is King Chido? To be honest, I don’t know very well, but I know, I can be sure that someone who has reached the level of King Chido, He is not alone, there are many strong people, and I want to be one of them."

Yuuki Rito's words made Mengmeng frown slightly. She originally wanted to get closer to Yuuki Rito while the imperial sister was away, but at this time she changed her role and became a listener.

"Dad's level? Dad does not rely on normal training. He is also a special existence among the members of the Debi Luke royal family who have been born with certain fighting talents in the past generations. If he only relies on training……"

"Indeed, such a level should not be achieved through normal practice, ha, that should be the case."

Although Yuki Rito seemed to understand and relaxed, Mengmeng was still full of worries.

"If Mr. Rito has any worries or troubles that cannot be solved, he can tell his father that his current state as a child is just to speed up the recovery of energy. Once he is really needed, his father can still use his full strength. If his father is not willing to help, I , the imperial sister, and Nana will help you convince dad. They will definitely convince dad. No matter the enemies on earth, the enemies in the universe, angels or demons, dad is the one who unified the galaxy. It can definitely be dealt with."

Mengmeng's tone was very gentle, with a motherly nature that was inconsistent with her cute appearance, the kind of motherly nature that makes helpless people have the urge to rely on her.

But Yuuki Rito shook his head.

"trouble? Not really, it’s just annoyance, or greed, I don’t need King Chido’s help, and probably no one can help me. I want to become stronger, I want to take that step, I want to see what that level is like... For the Bengyu level, everyone under the Collapse realm is probably an ant."

Like murmuring in a dream, Yuuki Rito took a deep breath, calmed down the confusion on his face, and showed a plain smile.

"In the end, I still regarded you as the person to confide in, and said some strange nouns. Sorry, just think that I am crazy. Okay, are Mengmeng hungry? Although you have to take care of lunch by yourself, leave it to me for breakfast, um, and leave it to Mikan for dinner. This way the division of labor is quite clear."

Yuuki Rito's rapid change of topic and tone made Mengmeng startled. She had silently remembered what Yuuki Rito said in her heart, and she was also speaking briskly at this moment.

"Well, compared to lunch and dinner, breakfast should be considered less time consuming. Mr. Rito is very cunning."

"Haha, I was discovered."

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