Falling, falling, falling.

The energy contained in the arrow of light has not yet exploded, but because of the power of that energy, Yuuki Rito is in the awkward position of being unable to escape and not being touched by the tip of the arrow of light. The golden sword, the indestructible King Kong In order to save his life and prevent the earth from being destroyed, Yuuki Rito has no time to think carefully about why he has not been damaged by this terrifying energy at such a close distance and why he should live in symbiosis with the earth. In heaven, there is no doubt that Archangel Gael, who belongs to the leader level, would want to destroy the earth so casually.

Now Yuuki Rito can only try his best to offset this power.

He hurriedly constructed a golden sword aimed at the angel and slashed it down with all his strength. He turned a blind eye to the fact that the golden sword was annihilated in the energy. Yuki Rito kept adjusting his position. At the same time, thunder and lightning struck Yuuki Rito. Under control, he kept hitting the tip of the arrow of light.

For a time, the celestial phenomena were constantly changing because of Yuuki Rito, the golden light of the golden sword and the indestructible body of the Vajra, the dark oppression of the power of death brought by the King of the Underworld, the gray wind, and the blue and white thunder.

Gael, who has cultivated the clairvoyance mastered by angels in the heavens to an unprecedented level, is standing in the sky with her feet in the void, watching the distance below getting further and further away. Rito Yuki uses various means to resist his arrow of light, revealing a little Accident

"I didn’t expect that there are so many abilities hidden in the young Son of God? The ungrown Demon King? The golden light bursting out of his body is the Buddha in human mythology? When I saw the coexistence of relative energies before, I thought it was an illusion or something else, but it turned out to be true."

How did Yuki Rito know that the culprit who made him so embarrassed at this moment was overlooking him from a high place like watching a show. In a short period of time, he had exhausted all his energy, but the arrow of light was still terrifyingly powerful. , even if he uses the energy stored in the system, it will not help. Yuuki Rito wants to get rid of this arrow of light by returning to the world of Godslayer, but he remembers that his disappearance does not mean that the arrow of light disappears, and the earth is completely gone. Doubts will be pierced and destroyed by this arrow of light.

Gael should not destroy the earth so casually. As long as the arrow of light achieves its goal, it should dissipate.

Yuuki Rito does not know what Gael wants To what extent, she may really want to eliminate herself, but she shouldn't be able to count that she can go to other worlds.

Should she die in exchange for the possible life of others, or should she exchange the death of others in exchange for her own life?

It has been a long time since he felt the same struggle as his first god-killing. Just when Yuki Rito was about to make a decision, his chest emitted a light that was indistinguishable from the arrow of light. It was the angel feather.

The arrow of light was originally invincible. and angel feathers began to collide, the same source of power did not make them merge into one, but canceled each other out.

The barrier between heaven and earth, something like a barrier, was knocked open, and the arrows of light and angel feathers were all destroyed. Dissipated, and Yuuki Rito appeared in mid-air on the earth, falling continuously, with a confused look on his face.

Gael's attack on herself was offset by the angel feather she gave herself before?

It is impossible for such a powerful existence to exist What kind of memory problem? So, she did it on purpose. She put on such a big show just to make the angel feathers scrapped?

No, she wanted to let herself experience the fear of death.

The energy was almost exhausted, the whole body was exhausted, and the spirit was also short. Yuki Rito, who was experiencing huge ups and downs in a short period of time, could barely see what was happening on the ground, and had no time to replenish energy from the system. He tried his best to adjust the landing point, trying not to hit any buildings, and moved to an open place.


The human cannonball fell. A deep hole was made in the ground. He relied on the last bit of energy to barely ensure that his clothes were not completely damaged, but they were also stained red with blood. The ragged Rito Yuki stood up unsteadily, and the oncoming flashlight light Yuki Rito blocked it subconsciously, then remembered that his own eyes didn't have to be afraid of this light, and retracted his hand.

Now when I see the white light, I think of Gael, it really gives me a headache.

"Who are you? Why here? This miserable look...should I call the police or an ambulance?"

There was a loud noise in the yard in the middle of the night. Ying Lili, who was staying up late drawing illustrations, came over with a flashlight to see what was going on. To be honest, she was startled when she saw a stranger in her yard, and the thought of home invasion flashed through her mind. , horrific plots such as murder and theft, but seeing clearly the other party’s dingy face, which was about the same age as her, and the ragged clothes stained with blood, plus being unarmed, Yinglili didn’t think the bad guy would be dressed like this. She I thought maybe it was a murder or something, and the guy in front of me was the victim, and he escaped by pretending to be dead.

I am Kayaba Akihiko, the author of the light novel you provided illustrations for, Sword Art Online. His real name is Rito Yuki. It was so miserable because he was accidentally tricked by an alien princess's invention. He happened to see an angel taking a bath, and was knocked down from heaven by her.

Rito Yuki felt that if he told the truth, the other party might send him to a mental hospital, and Eiriri's identity also determines that she can't just walk away now. After a long silence, Yuuki Rito put on a weak look.

"Ahem, I encountered a very powerful bully who robbed me. He took away my precious pendant and attacked me with a weapon. I escaped here. Sorry, I'm leaving now."

Although a lie requires more lies to make up for it, Yuuki Rito did not completely fabricate the truth. He just called Gael a bully and referred to the angel feathers as a pendant, while ignoring that he accidentally saw It was just about her taking a bath.

Silently applauding his witty response in his heart, Yuki Rito took the messy steps he should have when he was injured and prepared to leave the yard of the mansion where Eiriri lived.

However, he misjudged a person. How a good-natured girl should react when she sees this kind of scene

"Eh? Leaving now? Want to bleed to death?! I was injured. Even if I escaped the pursuit of the bad guys, I still have to deal with it first. Let me see the situation, ahhh, but I am a little afraid of blood!"

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