Rito Yuki originally thought that the future mentioned by Kurumi Tokisaki was next Monday, or at least tomorrow.

Unexpectedly, not long after Yuuki Rito arrived at Raizen High School, when the first class in the afternoon began, Okamine Tamae led Tokisaki Kurumi into the classroom.

"I am an elf."

After hearing the self-introduction of the girl standing in front of the classroom, everyone in the class showed different expressions.

Most of them were confused, and their faces were full of"Is this girl a chuunibyou who loves fantasy?"Looks like that.

There were also students who were attracted by Tokisaki Kurumi's beautiful appearance and ignored the second grader's speech, looking like they were in a daze. Among them were not only boys, but also many girls.

Tokisaki Kurumi The beauty is really exaggerated.

Only Yuki Rito, Itsuka Shiori, Yatogami Tohka and Tobiichi Origami, who knew the meaning of the word elf, showed other expressions.

Tokisaki Kurumi was there He wrote his name on the blackboard, and then looked at Yuuki Rito without hiding his eyes, his eyes and lips curved into a smile.

"I hope I can get along well with all my classmates in the future."

After she finished speaking, she bowed lightly.

There was a round of applause in the classroom.

Although Kurumi Tokisaki's words seemed to be addressed to everyone, but she had just met him by chance before, and when the other party specifically looked at When it comes to oneself, it should be easy for people to feel happy that"she cares about me".

Yuki Rito smiled at Tokisaki Kurumi three times in a timely manner.

"Then, Tokisaki-san’s seat……"

Takee Okamine's eyes swept around the classroom, and then she found helplessly that there were no empty seats at the moment.

In fact, when Yatogami Tohka transferred here before, it was Okamine Tamae who had received the relevant notice and prepared tables and chairs in advance. But this time, Tokisaki Kurumi's arrival was a bit sudden, and Okamine Tamae did not. There is time to make corresponding arrangements.

It's class time now. As a teacher, I naturally can't leave my students to move tables and chairs. Looking at Kurumi Tokisaki's slender figure, it would be too difficult for her to move alone.

"Can someone please go to the empty classroom at the end of the corridor and move tables and chairs for Tokisaki-san?"

"Me me me!"

For a time, many people in the classroom raised their hands enthusiastically.

Rather than simply being eager to help, many of them probably wanted to make their presence felt in front of the new beautiful girls.

Most of them turned out to be women. Children.

Although girls are generally less strong than boys, it is totally fine for two people to move.

"Then, Itsuka, you and Tokisaki-san go and move together."

Tamae Okamine quickly selected the candidate among those who raised their hands.

Itsuka Shiori is not a top class in terms of academic performance, but his personality in dealing with people is very good. Since the new students have just entered the class, they naturally need There was one person who helped her integrate quickly, and Shue chose Itsuka Shiori. As for those boys who had other intentions and wanted to be attentive--As a homeroom teacher, Shue Okamine had no intention of opening the door for them. Even if it was convenient for them.

The school does not explicitly prohibit love between men and women, and Okamine Tsume also hopes that everyone can focus more on studying.

Look at Rito Yuki, he is an extremely outstanding student in both cultural classes and physical education classes. He can be called a talented person with both morals, intelligence, and physical beauty, but he didn’t raise his hand just now?

No matter how you think about it, it’s not right to assign a member of the opposite sex to a new student to help move tables and chairs together, right?

There is no doubt that Yuki-san is the right person After considering this, he is really a good student who makes the teacher worry-free.

At this moment, Okamine Shue looked at Yuuki Rito with eyes full of approval, completely forgetting who had a relationship with more than one girl in the class before. It was unclear.

Kurumi Tokisaki didn't expect that Rito Yuuki didn't raise her hand.

She originally planned to tell Sumie Okamine that the two of them had known each other before, and then it was natural. Let Yuuki Rito become his assistant and shorten the distance between the two parties.

What was the reason why he didn't take the initiative to raise his hand?

In any case, the unexpected development is not too bad.

Except Yuuki Rito In addition, Kurumi Tokisaki is also extremely interested in Shiori Itsuka, a human being who can seal the spiritual power of elves.

"Is Tokisaki-san really an elf?"

The two of them walked out of the classroom and came to the corridor, which was deserted during class. Wuhe Shizhi couldn't bear the curiosity in his heart and took the initiative to ask questions.


Tokisaki Kurumi answered in the affirmative simply.

Because the answer was too direct and the tone was too casual, it was difficult for Itsuka Shiori to believe it.


Kurumi Tokisaki naturally saw what the other party was thinking, but she did not continue to explain or provide evidence to prove it at the moment.

He has given his name and has not concealed his appearance. Soon, Wuhe Shizhi and others who have relevant organizations behind him should be able to determine his identity.

When the time comes, what kind of treatment will you receive?

Full of vigilance, even shouting to fight and kill?

Really looking forward to it.

While talking, the two of them arrived at their destination—the empty classroom at the end of the corridor.

Because she had always been responsible for housework such as cooking at home, Itsuka Shiori thought she had some strength. Just when she was about to move the table alone and let Tokisaki Kurumi take the much lighter chair, the other party was already there. He walked to the desk first and lifted it up effortlessly.

"What's wrong?"

Feeling Hisuka Shiori's gaze, Tokisaki showed an innocent expression three times

"It's just surprising that from the moment she introduced herself to the class, Tokisaki-san gave off the impression of a young lady. I didn't expect that she was so good at doing such a labor-intensive thing."

"Miss... There are many things in this world that cannot be avoided just because you have a certain status."

Tokisaki Kurumi suddenly said something that seemed to have a profound meaning.

"Eh? oh……"

Of course Wuhe Shizhi didn't understand the deeper meaning, so he could only respond with basic etiquette.

When the two of them returned to the classroom with their desks and chairs, Okamine Takee looked at the unused space in a corner of the classroom.

That was the corner of the last row, Cha Cha and Yuki Rito were on opposite sides of the classroom.

Takee Okamine originally thought that Kurumi Tokisaki would move the table there.

Wuhe Shizhi thought so too.

As a result, Kurumi Tokisaki came all the way behind Yuuki Rito, and just then put down the desk, making the original last row become the penultimate row. He sat at the back of the classroom and had a panoramic view of the whole situation.

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