Previously, Yatogami Tohka would cause space earthquakes every time she came to the human world. She was restrained and monitored by the AST troops, so she naturally knew very little about some details of human society.

She had no idea what so-called normal clothing looked like.

Originally, this was a big problem.

Although Yuki Rito is wearing a very normal Raizen High School uniform, this kind of men's uniform cannot be used as a reference for Yatogami Tohka.

Yatogami Tohka herself is an elf with extremely powerful combat power. Not only would she not look out of place in a boy's school uniform, she should also look very heroic.

A dashing figure that is sure to attract attention.

As a result, Itsuka Shiori, who had not been able to show much presence in Yuki Rito's contact with the spirits, finally had a chance to play a role.——

"You can refer to this outfit made by Shi Zhi"

"OK, got it."

Yatogami Tohka nodded, eager to get closer to Wuhe Shiori.

The unkind aura of the visitor made Wuhe Shiori shrink his head and take a few steps back.

"Well...what do you want to do?"

"Knock you out and get your clothes."

Yatogami Tohka is very honest.

So honest that Itukawa Shiori almost fainted.

"If you want my high school uniform, wait a moment and I'll go home and get you the spare set."

While speaking, Itsuka Shiori glanced at Yuki Rito with aggrievedness.

She did not forget that it was Yuki Rito's words that made Yatogami Tohka decide on her own school uniform.

Although It is said to be a spare school uniform, but it is actually a change of clothes. If it is given to Tohka like this, Itsuka Shiori will be in trouble. He has to apply to the school to buy another school uniform, and before it arrives, he has to Wearing the same clothes for several days.

In that case, you will stink, right?

Is this the price for letting elves and humans live in harmony?

When Itsuka Shiori was about to cry without tears, Yatogami Tohka seemed to have thought of something , raised his head slightly

"It's a bit troublesome... I really can't help it, so I'll find a way to make a set of clothes myself."

After saying these words, she clicked her fingers.

Then, the clothes originally worn on her body looked like armor, and the clothes were entangled and exchanged with light particles, and finally formed another style of clothing. A few seconds later, wearing Lai Zen Ju Slim in high school uniform appeared in front of his eyes.

Itsuka Shiori was stunned.

"Ah...this...what's going on?"

"Remove the spiritual clothing and reconstruct new clothing. Because this is just an impression, the details may be slightly different. But it probably doesn't matter."

With a snort, Yatogami Tohka crossed his arms and said so.

But Itsuka Shiori didn't have the clarity that he should have after his question was answered, but his eyes widened.

"Wait a minute, since you can do it to this point, you should choose this method from the beginning!"

In this regard, Tohka waved his hands casually, as if saying"I know, I know."

In any case, Itsuka Shiori, who had always felt sorry for Tohka's powerful power, , I look more energetic now

"Those things don't matter. The important thing is, where are we going now?"

Yatogami Tohka can't wait to learn about all kinds of human society.

It's not just the so-called delicious things and fun things. For Yatogami Tohka, whose range of actions and things he can come into contact with have always been extremely limited. For me, even just walking around is very interesting.

Outside the classroom door, Tobiichi Origami, who had been silently listening to the conversation between Yuuki Rito and Yatogami Tohka, hesitated briefly. After a while, he quietly used the communication device to report to the captain, Ryouko Kusakabe.

"Captain, the two humans who came into contact with the elves were not in danger."

"That's good, that's good... No, Origami, I'm asking you to find a way to rescue the other party from the elf. It's not just to determine whether the other party is in danger. As long as you stay next to the elf, this risk is inevitable."

"……Captain, let’s close the team."

Tobiichi Origami thought about it and relied on some lies to hide the captain Ryouko Kusakabe, allowing Yuuki Rito to move freely with the elves. It sounds good, but it is not feasible in practice.

AST has the ability to detect the spiritual power to determine the elves. The equipment at the location, coupled with the principle of confidentiality that has always been adhered to, if there are humans who come into contact with the elves, they must sign a confidentiality agreement no matter what. There is no way to get over it with simple lies at this moment, Tobiichi Origami I could only give such an explanation.

Ryouko Kusakabe did not respond immediately. She was probably asking the person responsible for managing the monitoring equipment. After a while, her clear voice came.

"The elf fluctuations are no longer detectable. It turns out that the princess has returned to the neighborhood again. I told you earlier. Origami, I can understand why you asked me to stop the team right now. Those two humans are people you know, right? Or even your classmate or teacher? After all, this is Laizen High School where you studied, which is a coincidence."


After listening to the captain's words, he glanced through the classroom window at the elf girl who was still standing in front of Yuuki Rito and Itsuka Shiori, wearing the school uniform of Raizen High School. Tobiichi Origami was speechless for a moment.

And Ryouko Kusakabe’s speech continues.

"NDAs are indeed too restrictive and can easily make people feel uneasy. Since I am your friend, I will believe you for once. From now on, please don’t let me know that the topic of space earthquakes and elves is spreading in Zen High School?"

Ryouko Kusakabe has always been more like a gentle sister than a stern boss. At this moment, she is even willing to slightly violate some rules for Tobiichi Origami.


Tobiichi Origami thanked him simply.

"Okay, I'll lead the team back first, and you can explain it to your friends."

Kusakabe Ryouko finally asked the team members again. After confirming that the elf wave had really disappeared, she led the team back and left the space for Tobiichi Origami._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei

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