Is it easier rather than more appropriate? One of the reasons why Hestia wanted to work part-time was because she didn't want to deal with the trouble of establishing a family.

Yuki Rito smiled slightly, and then asked

"You seem to like reading books?"

"Well, currently it is my biggest hobby"

"In this case, you also know that I just bought most of the land on this street not long ago. Some of the buildings are already in good style, so there is no need to knock them down and rebuild them. So, Hestia, are you willing to help me look after this street? A bookstore? It was originally a bookstore, but I plan to use it as an internal library for the family members, and it will not be open to people outside the family members. This job should be easy."

Actually, when Hestia asked Yuki Rito if he could help her find a job, she was still a little embarrassed. After all, the two of them didn't have much interaction, and Hestia had even done it. I was prepared to be flatly rejected by the other party.

However, Yuki Rito agreed, and it seemed that he had specially prepared a perfect job for himself. Taking care of the library, this was the best job Hestia could imagine.

"In terms of remuneration, how about 100,000 Fali per month?"

One hundred thousand mana per month is the money that experienced LV1 adventurers can earn by forming a team to adventure in dungeons. They sacrifice their lives to fight, and part of this money must be used to buy potions and equipment. Really The income is less.

And Hestia can get it just by staying in a safe library. There is no doubt that she earns it with blood, and she herself is aware of this.

"Is it too much?"

"Not much. After all, Hestia, you are a goddess. You put down your dignity to work for me. Naturally, I have to take more care of you. Now, are we friends?"


Hestia nodded, took one last look at the exquisite small room where she would live for a long time in the future, then looked at Yuki Rito, and continued.

"Then - I'll get to work right away. Where will my work be?"

"Oh, you are quite diligent, right? You shouldn't be like this with Hephaestus, right?"

Yuki Rito's teasing made Hestia a little embarrassed.

Of course it wasn't like this when she was with Hephaestus, otherwise she wouldn't have kicked her out.

Hephaestus is very popular with Hestia. Good friends. In front of her best friends, Hestia never thought of restraining herself. She almost showed her lazy side to the maximum extent.

In front of Yuuki Rito, who was not familiar with her but was of the opposite sex, she naturally considered more. More than that, apart from the fact that the relationship between the two is not that familiar, Hestia is somewhat worried that the other party will take advantage of her kindness.

Anyway, there are no books to read in this room, so why not take the initiative to work and read a book by the way?

"I'll take you."

Yuki Rito saw that Hestia didn't seem to be joking, so he turned around and led the way. Hestia immediately followed him, looking at Yuki Rito's figure halfway, and couldn't help but ask.

"You have established a dependent clan now, but you still seem to have a lot of free time. Is it true that managing a dependent clan is not too busy?"

"Because there is only one member in my family now, she went to the dungeon for adventure very obediently. In terms of funds, I also made some money by selling my works, so there is no need to worry about this. If there is enough money in the early stage of the family, it will be no problem. It’s considered busy, but in the later stages, you and Hephaestus have a good relationship. Do you think she is relaxed?"

"……No, she's busy."

One of the important reasons why Hestia didn't want to establish a Familia is that Hephaestus seemed too tired. The

Familia of the gods can be called a country, and there are indeed many gods who use Familia as their foundation in places other than Orario. This is almost a complete collective that relies on the establishment of the country. As the core of the dependent clan, in addition to personally renewing God's gifts from time to time, or completing it indirectly through divine blood, the Lord God also formulates policies for the future development of the dependent clan and allocates them. The existing resources in the dependent clan must also take into account whether anyone will have negative emotions.

Although there are many gods who act as hands-off treasurers and hand over a series of affairs to the dependent clan members, that person must have good qualities and sufficient abilities, otherwise Either it will gradually become crazy and depraved like the Soma Familia, or it will fall apart directly due to a wrong decision.

Just imagining these things makes Hestia feel very headache.

She also has no savings. , let alone the later stages, even the early stages were difficult. Rito Yuki had money to buy an entire street, but there was still only one child in the family. You can imagine the difficulty.


When Hestia further made up her mind and would never establish a family, Rito Yuki had already brought her to the destination.

An antique-looking building, made of marble and carved wooden boards, was This street, which is not too prosperous, and certainly not abject, reveals a different style, full of elegance.

Even before walking in, Hestia was already sure, and she said casually Asked, and Yuuki Rito quickly gave him this job, which was perfect beyond imagination.


Hestia thanked her with a mix of embarrassment and seriousness. If the other party was a goddess, Hestia would have become very good friends with her based on this alone, but the other party was a man.

Such kindness made Hestia Ya faintly felt uneasy. Just when she couldn't help but think wildly, Rito Yuki took out a bunch of keys from his pocket, took one of them off and handed it to Hestia.

"This is the key to the library. Your job is to stay here, clean it a little, and repair it to a certain extent if any books are found to be damaged. Is that okay?"

"Of course, leave it to me!"

Although he can't make guarantees in other aspects, Hestia is still somewhat confident when it comes to book-related protection and simple cleaning.

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