Chapter 907: Made of Gin

"Conan, you have been here, are you sure that no one destroyed the crime scene?"Officer Megure asked Conan

"Um."Conan was very sure that after everyone left, he was the only one left in the entire screening room.

"Very good, Maori brother, let's go in."Officer Megure shouted to Mouri Kogoro.

Although he felt that Moori Kogoro was very unreliable, but what if Moori Kogoro solved the case again in a daze.

After entering the screening room, Officer Megure and Moori Kogoro I couldn't help but tremble, it was so scary here.

The staff in this cinema also walked in, and the people who were watching the movie in this screening room were also called over.

After all, those who only want to stay here Anyone can be a murderer

"You don’t suspect that we are the murderers, do you?"

"Yes, what's going on with you? I think it's a supernatural murder. If it doesn't work, I have to leave this dangerous place."

Most people think this incident was a supernatural murder, because the atmosphere here is indeed a bit weird.

"Not many people come here to watch movies."Officer Memu counted the moviegoers, and even if Chen and the others were included, there were only fifteen people.

There were four staff in this screening room. Adding them all together, there were only twenty people with the deceased.

Officer Memu is not superstitious about demons and ghosts. He believes that the incident is man-made. After all, in his crime-solving career, he has encountered incidents of people deliberately pretending to be ghosts and killing people.

"Officer Takagi, first investigate the identity of the deceased and collect surrounding clues."Officer Megure said to Takagi Wataru


Takagi Wataru immediately took action to investigate the identity of the deceased. At the same time, he was also collecting clues to investigate the real cause of death of the deceased.

"Officer, are we waiting here as long as it's not over? We don't have that much time to waste."

Some people have begun to get emotional.

They can't always cooperate with the investigation. Officer Mumu is also very worried. What if there are any clues on these people?

If the murderer is among these people, give important evidence to What should I do if they are taken out and then destroyed?

But if they are kept here to cooperate with the investigation, these people will definitely be dissatisfied. Not everyone has time to spend with them.

Conan also frowned, although he stayed here I have been searching for a long time, but I have not found any evidence.

The murderer was clean and tidy and did not leave any useful clues.

However, Conan believes that there is absolutely no perfect crime and there must be important clues and evidence.

Chen took Xiao Lan and Sonoko sat down. Miwako stopped investigating the case and sat next to Chen.

"Really, how could we encounter such a thing? We finally came out to have fun, but the result was too bad. Yuanzi said depressedly.

"Don't be depressed, just think of it as a seasoning for fun."Chen said to Yuanzi.

With Conan here, how could something not happen?

"Brother Maori, do you have any clues?"After Officer Megure was depressed for a long time, he asked Mouri Kogoro.

Moori Kogoro scratched his hair in distress, and he didn't know what clues he had.

"No, I didn't get any clues."

Even Conan frowned with worry. Of course Mouri Kogoro had no clues.

"Officer Megure, won't you investigate the surveillance? There is surveillance here."Chen reminded them silently.

The surveillance camera is there, didn't they notice it?

"yes."Officer Memu patted his head and suddenly thought of the existence of surveillance cameras.

"Immediately investigate the surveillance cameras."Officer Memu pointed at one of them and said

"Officer Megure, I found out the identity of this person. His name is Akira Kimura, and he is the leader of an underground force."

Takagi Wataru ran out of breath.

"What did you say? Is he Akira Kimura?"Officer Megure was surprised.

Officer Kimura Akira knew it, and the reason he knew it was related to Gin. Gin was tricked by Akira Kimura last time.

Although Gin was caught in the end, he had a lot to do with Chen. , but the relationship with Akira Kimura cannot be escaped.

"Officer Megure, this is surveillance video."

Soon a policeman brought the video over, and Officer Megure watched it. There may be clues to Kimura Akira's death.

In fact, there is indeed it. The murderer had no intention of hiding his identity.

Kill Kimura Akira. The person who killed him was Gin, probably for revenge. Gin had a strong desire for revenge.

In the surveillance video, after Gin killed Kimura Akira cleanly, he showed a stern smile to the camera.

This seemed to be a provocation, making Officer Memu feel a little angry.

"The damn criminal still dares to provoke after escaping. I must catch him and bring him to justice."Officer Megure said angrily.

But he also understood that Gin seemed to be a member of a huge organization, and his level in that organization was not low. It was definitely not that easy to catch.

Last time I caught Gin , it was Sato Miwako who took action to solve the problem, but Gin was rescued in the end.

Of course, Gin's rescue had nothing to do with the Metropolitan Police Department. That time was no longer under the control of the Metropolitan Police Department, so they also There is no need to take responsibility.

Conan's face was solemn. He never thought that Gin had come here and killed people in this screening room. He didn't find out. He was really upset.

"Okay, we have found the murderer. Please cooperate with us this time. Don't worry, this is not a supernatural incident."

Officer Mu Mu comforted them. These people all thought it was a supernatural incident, but Officer Mu Mu had to explain.

We can't spread superstition now. It's better to explain things clearly that can arouse public fear.

"That police officer, if someone dies here, it won't have an impact on us, right?"

The person in charge of the Horror Paradise arrived here at this time and asked Officer Megure anxiously.

If it affects this place and seals it, it will be bad for them. They are still counting on making money from this.

"Don't worry, this matter has nothing to do with your paradise. We will not do anything casually."Officer Memu patted the man on the shoulder and said

"Thank you very much."The person in charge said with great surprise.

"I still don't know who the prisoner is."Yuanzi is a little depressed.

"There is no benefit in knowing so much about what to do."Chen said softly.

In fact, Chen knew that Gin was the murderer. Chen had already keenly sensed Gin's breath.

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