Chapter 885: He is a ruthless person

"The yard has been searched, but there is no trace of Conan. We have even looked inside the castle, but no Conan is found."The noble young master said

"Did he really run into that tower?"Dr. A Li looked at the tower worriedly.

Although he didn't believe in ghosts and gods, after what Mr. Aman said before, Dr. A Li felt a little uneasy.

"No, I just went to the door of the tower to check. It was locked very well and there was no trace of tampering."

"Then, the only possibility is to go to the woods."The security guard looked towards the gloomy woods in the distance.

"Ah, what should I do? Will Conan be trapped inside and starve to death?"Guang Yan said

"Mitsuhiko, can't you say something nice? Do you have to curse Conan to death?" Gentai punched Mitsuhiko on the head.

"It hurts so much, Yuanta, you violent guy."Mitsuhiko covered his head and stared at Genta unhappily.

"Now the rain is getting heavier and heavier. It must be very dangerous in the forest. Now we are in trouble."

"I think it's better to wait until tomorrow and ask the police to come."

"That's all."Dr. A Li nodded helplessly. No news should be the best news. With Shinichi's ability, he can solve any danger he encounters.

Back in the room, Dr. A Li comforted himself:"Conan will definitely not Something happened. I probably found a clue to this castle, so I went to look for it."

"That's why it's dangerous. Isn't there a treasure in searching for this castle? They should all want to get the treasure, maybe he has been killed. Chen said lightly.

"What? This is impossible."Dr. Ali had a sudden thought.

"After being missing for such a long time, even if he couldn't come back, he still wanted to contact her to report that he was safe, but he didn't do it at all."Chen said again.

"So, what to do?"Dr. Ali already feels that Conan is in danger now.

"Call the police. It's best to do it secretly and not be discovered by anyone here, because you don't know who the murderer is."

Dr. Ali nodded and began to look for the phone. Finally, he saw a phone in the corner of the corridor.

"Let's go and rest."Chen took Xiao Ai and left.

After Chen and the others left, a black figure walked out of the corridor with a very ugly face.

Dr. A Li walked over and wanted to make a call when he suddenly saw something in front of him. Throw it out

"what is that?"Dr. Ali walked over curiously and picked up a white hat with blood stains on it.

"Ah, this is Conan's hat."Dr. A Li was startled, then looked at the open secret door next to him and walked in.

Just after Dr. A Li walked in, a black figure from behind swung a stick towards him and hit Dr. A Li on the back of the head. Go up and almost beat him to death.

Dr. A Li didn’t struggle at all and fainted directly.

Poor Dr. A Li was also knocked unconscious.

"Ayumi, Haihara classmate, what’s bad, Dr. Agasa is missing."When it was already very late, Genta and Mitsuhiko shouted loudly

"Dr. A Li is missing? Could it be that it was also settled by someone?"Chen sat up and said

"Why is it missing? Are you looking for Conan?"Ayumi looked at the two of them doubtfully.

"I don’t know, the doctor didn’t go back to the room at all"

"In this case, then I will take you to find him."Chen said to them

"Ah, brother Chen, do you know where Dr. A Li is?"

"Of course I know, just follow me."Chen smiled faintly, and then led them to the room they had visited in the afternoon, which was also the room where Conan disappeared.

"There is actually a secret door here. As long as you pass through it, you can enter the secret passage."

"So how do we get in?"Ayumi asked

"Very simple, just need……"


The secret door was kicked to pieces by Chen. Xiao Ai's words came to an abrupt end. She obviously already knew how to enter the secret door. When she wanted to tell her, Chen violently kicked it open.

"You are too violent."Xiao Ai said speechlessly.

"Violence is the simplest way to solve problems."Chen smiled faintly and then walked inside.

"Aren't you afraid of disturbing the people in this castle?"

"It doesn't matter if you are alarmed, just follow me, otherwise you will be attacked, but don't blame me for not warning you."Chen turned around and said to Ayumi and the others.

"There is blood here."Xiao Ai shined the light on the ground

"It should have been left by Conan."Chen looked at the blood stain and said, this blood stain is too fresh, it must have been left not long ago.

As we continue to move forward in this secret passage, we don't know why this castle built such a complicated secret passage. Could it be that the owner of this castle used to be Criminals?

"It's so spooky in here"

"There are engraved writings here."Xiao Ai squatted down and looked at the writings carved on the stairs.

"Left over from a long time ago."Chen took a look and then moved on.

"I always feel like something is following us."Xiao Ai said in a low voice.

I have to say that Xiao Ai feels good. There are indeed people following Chen and the others, but just follow them. As long as they don't do anything, they can say anything.

"There is a pair of broken eyes here, which are the doctor's glasses."

"Could it be that something unexpected happened to the doctor?"

"The door here is open, it seems I can go out."Ayumi pointed to a secret door not far away.

Behind Chen, a black figure was slowly approaching, holding a stick in his hand and coming down towards Chen Lun.

Yes, she chose to attack Chen, Because Chen is the only adult here, as long as Chen is dealt with, the rest will be easy.

The others are all children, and it is not easy to deal with them. Only Chen is the most threatening object to her, so She wants to get rid of the most threatening ones

"You really dare to do it."Chen kicked her sideways and kicked her away before the other party could hit her.


It hit the wall and spurted out a mouthful of blood. Xiao Ai immediately shined the light over and saw clearly the other party's face. face

"It's her. Isn't this old lady's legs and feet inconvenient? Why attack us?"Bumi said in surprise.

"The real eldest lady should have been dead long ago, and she looked like this because of plastic surgery! She must have been responsible for the fire in the tower, which burned more than a dozen people to death."Chen looked at this woman indifferently.

She was really ruthless. She killed more than a dozen people and also had plastic surgery to look like this. It seems that she would do anything to get the treasure. This is a ruthless person!

And that woman, After hearing Chen's words, she was very shocked. He probably didn't see the body inside, right? Why would he know that he was fake? This should be impossible!

However, she didn't know that the aura on her body was not that of Old Lao at all. She's such an old woman, not to mention how could she deceive Chen with her plastic surgery.

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