Kudo Shinichi and Hattori Heiji promised Hattori Heizang that they would never do dangerous things in the future.

Well, the agreement between the two of them was probably just words. If something really happened, they would probably have forgotten it.

"By the way, you must never tell your mother about me." Hattori Heizang said to Hattori Heiji.

Hattori Heiji nodded. This was not the first time Hattori Heizang gave him instructions. In fact, Hattori Heizang wanted to persuade Hattori Heizang to be nagging. But he didn't have the courage, maybe because he had always I am in awe of Hattori Heizo.

After all, when he was at home, Hattori Heizo was very majestic. Hattori Heiji was always honest in front of him and did not dare to say much at all.

Then they left, and Kudo Yusaku stayed Here, I don’t know what I was talking to Hattori Heizo.

Originally, Kudo"817" Shinichi and the others wanted to stay and listen, but they were driven away, which made Kudo Shinichi and Hattori Heiji feel very sad. Curious.

After returning, they found that Dr. Ali had taken care of all the things that needed to be dealt with. They were now doing research, including the research equipment prepared by Dr. Ali.

Of course, these things were moved by Dr. Ali Here it comes.

Seeing Dr. Agasa packing these things, Kudo Shinichi’s eyes lit up slightly, and then he immediately asked Dr. Agasa:"Dr. Agasa, how is the blood that was studied before?"

The blood is of course Kudo Shinichi's. He asked Dr. Agasa to conduct research, mainly to analyze the ingredients of the medicine he took.

"I couldn't research it myself, so I asked a few friends. They haven't called me yet, so I don't know."

Dr. Agasa said helplessly to Kudo Shinichi.

As the saying goes, there are specialties in the field, but Dr. Agasa does not study this area, so in fact, Dr. Agasa doesn't know much about it now.

"Also, Shinichi, don’t worry, my friends are fairly reliable and won’t expose anything."

Dr. Ali talked to Shinichi.

"I'm not worried about this, I'm just worried that I can't analyze the results. Kudo Shinichi said with some sadness.

He was really a little sad in his heart, but even if Kudo Shinichi was sad, it would be of no use.


Kudo Shinichi, who was about to continue talking to Dr. Agasa, suddenly half-knelt on the ground. The pain from his body made Kudo Shinichi break into cold sweat.

Is this pain going to go back?

"Shinichi, how are you?"When Dr. Agasa saw Shinichi like this, he hurriedly asked Shinichi.

Kudo Shinichi, at this time, could no longer answer Dr. Agasa's words. The pain had already overwhelmed Kudo Shinichi's consciousness.

"Dr. Ali, nothing will happen. Don't worry." Hattori Heiji said to Dr. Agasa.

After all, he had an experience before and nothing happened, so it should be fine this time.

The pain came and went quickly. Not long after, Kudo Shinichi Became Conan again

"This drug is really a miracle. Dr. Ali couldn't help but say.

It's hard to imagine the power of this drug to turn a high school student into an elementary school student. If he keeps taking this medicine, can he achieve immortality in disguise?

Dr. Ali thought about it and felt a little shuddering. Forget it, stop thinking about it.

"Conan, what do you think?" Dr. A Li asked Conan who looked like he had taken a bath. Now that he has changed back, Dr. A Li should still call him Conan. This is to prevent his identity from being exposed.

Otherwise, if it is smooth talk, call him"Xin" outside. One, that would be bad.

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst. Dr. Agasa is still very cautious, and so is Hattori Heiji.

In the past, Hattori Heiji always called Conan Kudo, but now he also calls him conan

"It feels like dying once."Conan said, that kind of pain, Conan really doesn't want to experience it again. It's really like dying once.

"By the way, what time is it now?"Conan thought of something and immediately asked Dr. Ali.

Write down the time, and then tell Ri Xiangchen. This was what Ri Xiangchen had ordered before, and Conan didn't intend to be stubborn and not tell Ri Xiangchen.

After all, although not He knows Ri Xiangchen's purpose, but it is certain that Ri Xiangchen is also researching the antidote. If he can research it, it will be a good thing for him.

Hattori Heiji heard Conan's inquiry and probably knew what Conan wanted to ask.......,丶

"It has been three days since you took that medicine, and it seems to have had three days of effect."

"Okay, let’s talk to Ri Xiangchen."Conan looked at Hattori Heiji.

Looking at Conan's gaze, Hattori Heiji's expression was slightly confused, and then he asked Conan:"Did you want me to talk to Ri Xiangchen?"

"Yes, please, Hattori."Conan nodded.

"Why?"Hattori Heiji was a little reluctant. He really didn't want to communicate with that guy Ri Xiangchen.

"I'm not in a good state right now."Conan told the truth and told Hattori Heiji that his current condition was not good.

Hattori Heiji glanced at Conan. Indeed, Conan did not look good now. His whole body looked like it had been washed with water.

"Okay, I'll tell Ri Xiangchen."

Hattori Heiji took out the phone, but just as he took out the phone, his expression froze.

"I don’t have Ri Xiangchen’s phone number, so I can’t contact him. Do you have one?" Hattori Heiji asked Conan.

Conan's expression was also slightly stunned. He didn't have Ri Xiangchen's phone number. His relationship with Ri Xiangchen was so bad. How could he have Ri Xiangchen's phone number?

"Well, if you call Yuan Shan and Ye's phone number, I believe Yuan Shan and Ye definitely have Ri Xiangchen's phone number."

After Conan thought for a while, he said to Hattori Heiji.

Hattori Heiji's eyes lit up slightly, yes, maybe he can take the opportunity to say a few words to Kazuha.


This time Hattori Heiji acted very quickly and immediately dialed Kazuha's phone number. However, after a while, Hattori Heiji's face turned as dark as the bottom of a pot.

No, his face was already dark. In fact, he couldn't see how big it was. Variety

"What's wrong?"Conan looked at Hattori Heiji's appearance and asked Hattori Heiji.

"I was blocked."Hattori Heiji was very uncomfortable. He didn't expect that he would be blocked by Kazuha.

When Conan heard this, his expression became weird. Hattori Heiji was blocked? Conan also wanted to say something else. Don't talk anymore, it's better not to irritate Hattori Heiji.

I believe that if he irritates Hattori Heiji now, I'm afraid Hattori Heiji will fight him to death. At this time, Conan can only sympathize with Hattori Heiji in his heart._Please read the ununderlined version of the novel Down

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