Chapter 1,200 Chen, you can actually get a massage.

On the cruise ship, Ayako personally took Chen and the others to visit the cruise ship.

Compared to the large cruise ship they went to last morning, this one is of course smaller, but it is private.

There were only Chen and the others on the boat, as well as the crew responsible for driving the boat, so it seemed very big.

Moreover, this cruise ship is much more luxurious, and He Ye and the others are already dazzled by it.

Chen didn't care about this. After all, when he was in the pirate world, he had never seen such a luxurious ship.

"Hey, where did Chen go?"

After walking around, Xiaolan found that Chen was missing. Could it be that she could have been lost here?

"Chen was called over by her mother, as if she had something to discuss with Chen."Ayako said to Xiaolan who wanted to find Chen.

"Strange, why did mother call Chen over?"Yuanzi asked curiously to her sister Ayako of"583". She was really curious. Does her mother want to discuss with Chen about her life-long events? Thinking of this, the expression on Yuanzi's face Suddenly a silly smile appeared.

Looking at the silly smile on her sister's face, Ayako didn't know what to say. In front of her two classmates, she still showed such a silly smile. Ayako couldn't help but remind Sonoko.

"Garden, remember to pay attention to your own image."Ayako said to Sonoko

"ah? oh."After being reminded by Ayako, Sonoko immediately put away her silly smile.

She glanced at Heye and Xiaolan, and thought that Chen was not here, so Sonoko didn't care.

Anyway, she was already familiar with Xiaolan and the others. They couldn't be more familiar, they all knew what kind of person she was.

So there was no need to hide anything in front of them, but if Chen was here, Yuanzi would still try to maintain the appearance of a lady.

More than an hour later , Chen finally came back. After seeing Chen, Yuanzi immediately jumped to Chen's side.

"Chen, I heard from my sister that my mother went to communicate with you?"Yuanzi looked at Chen with big eyes and asked.

"Well, you did communicate with me."Chen's expression was slightly strange. If Sonoko knew what he and Tomoko Suzuki had communicated, Sonoko would probably kill Chen.

"So what did you say? Did you mention me?"

Yuanzi's expression became even more expectant, and she asked Chen very urgently.

Even Xiaolan, Kazuye and Ayako all looked at this side, and they also wanted to know.

It was as if Yuanzi liked gossip very much, In fact, as long as they are girls, they prefer to hear gossip, and they also want to know.

Chen smiled faintly, and then said to Yuanzi:"Your mother said she wanted to marry you to me"

"Really?"After Yuanzi heard this, the expression on his face became happy, and then he asked Chen eagerly:"Then have you agreed?"

Yuanzi wanted to hear Chen say he agreed at this time, but Yuanzi felt it was a bit impossible and felt very anxious and entangled in his heart.

"Of course... I'm kidding you."

After Chen finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards Xiaolan and the others.

Yuanzi blinked his eyes and didn't come back to his senses for a long time. Are you kidding? In other words, Chen has always been joking with himself.

Thinking of this, Yuanzi His mouth couldn't help but pout, and he chased after Chen.

"Chen, stop, you dare to tease me, I will never let you go, Xiaolan, help me catch him. Yuanzi shouted to Xiaolan loudly.

"I didn't run away, you can catch me yourself. Chen smiled softly and said to Yuanzi

"Hum, look at me making you look good."

Yuanzi rushed towards Chen. When he saw Yuanzi rushing towards him, Chen originally wanted to avoid it, but when he saw Yuanzi rushing towards him.

If Chen really avoided it, then Yuanzi would probably have thrown himself to the ground. If If Yuanzi fell to the ground, he would definitely be injured.

So Chen couldn't help but take action, and immediately hugged Yuanzi to prevent Yuanzi from falling to the ground.

"Yuanzi, be careful, if you fall to the ground, your appearance will be disfigured. Chen said to Yuanzi

"Huh, isn't it because I have you to follow me? Anyway, I believe you will never ignore it, Chen."When Yuanzi was hugged by Chen, she felt very happy.

Chen pinched Yuanzi's cheeks and smiled helplessly, but Yuanzi was indeed right. Chen really would not let Yuanzi get hurt.

"What are you talking about?"

At this time, Tomoko Suzuki's voice came, and then she saw Tomoko Suzuki walking towards her.

"Hey, mom, you have changed so much.,.."Ayako looked at her mother in surprise, feeling that she had not seen her for more than an hour, but she had changed so much, her face was glowing red.


Suzuki Tomoko looks very calm on the surface, but in fact she is still a little nervous in her heart. Maybe Ayako noticed something.

But Tomoko can definitely keep calm. Even though she is nervous in her heart, she doesn't show anything on her face. Something's wrong

"I asked Chen to massage me and relax my muscles, so I feel better now."Tomoko said.

Although she was lying, Suzuki Tomoko lied, and her two daughters couldn't see the slightest flaw. After all, Suzuki Tomoko is a strong woman who controls the behemoth Suzuki Consortium.

"is that so? Chen, you actually know how to massage."Sonoko looked at Chen in surprise, wondering if Chen knew how to massage.

At this time, Suzuki Tomoko quickly winked at Chen, but Xiaolan and the others were focused on Chen at this time, so they did not see Suzuki. Tomoko winks or something

"Of course, there is nothing in this world that I can’t do."

Chen nodded calmly.

"Then Chen, can you give me a massage too?"

Yuanzi asked Chen expectantly.

"Yuanzi, don't mess around, Chen is already very tired."Tomoko said sternly, telling Sonoko to shut up.

Hearing Suzuki Tomoko's words, Sonoko pouted slightly, but she still didn't dare to resist her mother-in-law's words.

1.4"It's okay, I'm not tired. If Sonoko, you really If you want to experience it, I can help you."There was a calm smile on Chen's face.

After listening to Chen's words, Tomoko looked at Chen in surprise. Could it be that Chen really knows how to massage? This is a coincidence.

In fact, Chen has never learned massage, but Chen's understanding of the body is very important. But I understand 100%.

So it is really a very simple thing for Chen to help Yuanzi relax.

"Great, of course I want to try it, come on."Yuanzi immediately took Chen's hand and walked towards her room.

"Chen was actually taken away by Yuanzi. Let's go and have a look."After Xiaolan saw Chen being taken away by Yuanzi, she immediately said to Heye and followed him to take a look._Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading - 凵

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