Chapter 1174 Aren’t you just throwing yourself into a trap?

The next day, Chen walked out of his room quite refreshed. Although he couldn't accompany Xiaolan, it would be nice to have Yukiko with him.

Just after walking out of the room, the door next door was opened. Xiao Ai yawned and then glanced at Chen lightly.

Looking at Xiao Ai, a smile appeared on Chen's lips

"Xiao Ai, you didn't sleep last night, okay?"

"Huh, what does it have to do with you?"Xiao Ai glanced at Chen angrily, with a cold and indifferent expression.

"oh? Does it really have nothing to do with me? Xiao Ai, can you really confirm?"Chen walked over and picked up Xiao Ai, and asked Xiao Ai

"No."Xiao Ai's face was cold, and the two dark circles on her eyes looked just like pandas.

"In this case, I would like to ask, who came to the door and eavesdropped yesterday night? Is it you?"Chen asked Xiao Ai jokingly~.

Xiao Ai couldn't keep calm at this time. She raised her head and looked at Chen, with a touch of shame and anger on her face.

"Have you discovered it?"

"Nonsense, do you think you have the ability to hide it from my eyes? If you really have this ability, I have to tell you - I admire you."

Chen nodded and said, Xiaoai eavesdropped yesterday, how could Chen not notice it?

"In fact, you shouldn't admit it. If you don't admit it, then I can't say anything. Now you admit it yourself. Chen said with a smile on his face.

"Huh, I won't deny it."Xiao Ai broke away from Chen, and then went downstairs with heavy steps.

Chen smiled faintly, and then walked downstairs as well. As soon as he came downstairs, he met Fei Yingli's eyes.

"Is there anything Yingli wants to ask me?" Chen looked at Fei Yingli and could see that Fei Yingli had something to ask. Fei Yingli hesitated slightly, then nodded,"Where is Yukiko, how is she now?"

"Well, Yukiko is very resentful towards you. If you want to know, you can go and have a look in my room."

When Chen heard Fei Yingli mention Yukiko, she couldn't help laughing.

"Then I'll go over and have a look."Fei Yingli nodded and walked upstairs.

"Aren't you throwing yourself into a trap?" Chen couldn't help but said,"Fei Yingli is going to find Yukiko now. Isn't this like throwing herself into a trap? Yukiko is very angry because Fei Yingli didn't rescue her yesterday.

When she came upstairs, Feiying Eri hesitated for a moment, then opened the door, opened Chen's door and walked in.

When Yukiko heard the noise, she thought it was Chen who had come back. She looked up tiredly, and then realized that it was not Chen who came in, but her. My best friend, Concubine Yingli

"How did you come?"Yukiko asked Fei Yingli in displeasure.

"Of course I came to see you. Aren’t you dissatisfied that I came here specially? Fei Yingli asked Yukiko with a smile.

"No, after I saw you, I felt..." Yukiko said

"Why didn't you save me yesterday and just watched me being taken away by this guy Chen? Yukiko pouted angrily and said to the concubine.

"Aren't you happy? I don't see any reluctance on your part. If I disturb you, maybe you will be really angry then. Fei Yingli spread her hands and said

"How was yesterday? Fei Yingli asked Yukiko

"Do you still need to ask this? Look at my current state, don’t you know?"

Yukiko wanted to teach her best friend a lesson, but now she found that it was difficult for her to even raise her hand.


Fei Yingli couldn't help laughing. Seeing Yukiko couldn't even lift her hands, she couldn't help but want to laugh, a feeling of gloating.

"What are you laughing at?"

Yukiko looked at Fei Yingli fiercely, then covered her head, and ignored Fei Yingli from now on.

No, this won't work. When she recovers, she must come back with revenge, and then make Fei Yingli look good.

"I guess you are thinking about taking revenge on me after you recover? Fei Yingli asked Yukiko.

Why Fei Yingli knew about it? The reason was very simple. I understand. Fei Yingli knew her good best friend quite well.

"I don't."Yukiko opened her mouth to deny it, and her face changed slightly.

"You said you didn't, but unfortunately, I don't believe you."Fei Yingli spread her hands and really didn't believe Yukiko's words.

····Seeking freshness······

"So now I can only act first."Fei Yingli looked at the shocked Yukiko with a smile on her face.

"No, we have something to discuss." Yukiko said quickly.

However, no matter what she says today, Fei Yingli will not let Yukiko go and kill you while you are sick.

Otherwise, when Yukiko recovers, she will not be Yukiko's opponent.

"Yingli, you are finished. When I recover, you will be finished."When Yukiko saw that Fei Yingri had taken action, she couldn't help but say harsh words.

Chen originally thought that Fei Yingri would throw herself into a trap after going up, but she didn't expect that the ending would be reversed, and Fei Yingri took the opportunity to bully Yukiko. However

, This is only temporary. After Yukiko recovers, with Yukiko's character, she will definitely not let Fei Yingli go easily..................

Fei Yingli probably knew about it, so she took advantage if she could. When she went to Chen for help later, Fei Yingli had already thought of a way out.

Chen didn't know about the fight between Fei Yingli and Yukiko at this time. No, it was Fei Yingli who bullied Yukiko unilaterally.

At this moment, I was receiving Xiaolan’s thoughtful gaze.

"I didn’t expect that you and Aunt Yukiko have developed to this extent."Xiaolan said quietly

"Ahem."Chen coughed lightly, how should I put this?

Could it be that Yukiko and I will develop earlier than you?

"Xiaolan, you can see through it, this guy is a scumbag."He Ye said to Xiaolan

"He Ye, I didn’t hear clearly what you just said. Could you please tell me again?"Chen blocked He Ye's neck with his arm and pulled He Ye over.

He Ye's face turned red, and then he looked at Xiaolan asking for help.

"You actually bullied me in front of Xiaolan. Xiaolan will never let you go. Just wait to be beaten."He Ye said to Chen

"Oh, see if Xiaolan can help you."Chen had a faint smile on his face, and he actually dared to threaten me. Haha, do you think I will be afraid of you? You still want Xiaolan to help you, but you are thinking too much.

He Ye looked at Xiaolan Looking at it, I saw Xiaolan hesitated for a moment, and then she had no intention of helping He Ye. The reason is very simple. Chen is more important in Xiaolan's heart.

_Fei Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, push

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